deatheaters& a boyfriend

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Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

Name: Chyou [Chee-yo]
Name meaning: Autumn
DOB: 14/Oct/2011
Birthplace: Beijing

A little about Chyou....

Was born in Beijing and moved to LA, California along with her parents back when she was a baby.
She hates her father who cheated on her mother who is no longer alive for a muggleborn
Chyou is going to be a deatheater one day.
She stays away from home for quite a while now because she wants to be away from her father.


I want deatheaters to influence her.

And a DE who she can always count on and she will look up to him as a father to her. Let's just say that she often stays in his place since she was young because she has no where to go beside the manor of hers and this man's house and she'd rather stick with him than her own father.

And a boyfriend...

Of course he has to be violent and hates muggleborns and muggles. He's going to make her bff who is going to be her final so jealous and ends up fighting.
I have a death eater i can offer to be an influence on her. Ryan Porter is already a dad so that can help him act a little more fatherly to her, although he is not exactly kind on any way shape or form but seeing as she is pure blood he will try and get on with her a bit better as Ryan thinks that he too is pure blood
I see Jin so i take it shes related to Colin? And seeing as their cousins, maybe Lykke can influence her when shes older? (She's gonna be death eater too). I also have Andrew Spinnet who is Durmstrang Head boy, who although is actually quite nice, i could always darken his personality -shrug- he's not that devleoped yet
Alternatly, im making Lykke's fathers sisters family, and their children (so lykkes other cousins..huge fam) and i can see if one of them could help her out (Not sure about bf though.. if shes related to Colin, whose cousin to fam im making..not sure how that would work as family stuff xD)
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