Death is the key

Kyouhei Watanuki

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
The only way to stay away from everyone else was death it's self. Kyouhei had been thinking about killing his own sister for several times, not because he hated her, but he wanted her to be free from all of those curse that was caused by the Koshiba. It was impossible for him to tell Hoshi chan about it since she lived too far and he wasn't going to owl her, not just because he didn't want to kill his own owl for being impatient but also because there was a chance of the letter to be read by someone else. So it was better for him to keep it all to himself than telling other people which could bring his family into a total embarrassment. The black haired boy had heard Sunako screaming in the bathroom all by herself, if only Kyouhei could do something he would. Killing was the only thing in his mind, there was nothing else.

One Thursday night, Kyouhei took his jacket and walk toward the dark corridors. It was obviously abandoned since it was in the middle of the night. He could hear the sound of the wolves or perhaps the werewolves from the castle. The boy walked to the darkest place in the castle, it was an abandoned, old classroom which was no longer used. People had been forgetting about the classroom, it was dusty, and sunlight couldn't even go into the room which made it super humid. He opened the door which made a loud sound and walk into the classroom. Kyouhei used to be there a lot of times but these past few months, he had been busy and he couldn't go there. The classroom was his training room, this explained why there were broken chairs and desks everywhere. Kyouhei threw his jacket to the table and walk toward the front of the classroom. He was a mess, he was angry and he was sad that was why he punched the pillar on the left side of the class until it was broken. "NO!" He shouted in Japanese as he punched the brick as hard as he could. The boy then sat on the ground as he rested his forehead against the wall. "No" He said softer he dropped a tear. Kyouhei had never cry before, he wouldn't cry for Yuki or even Emiko. He didn't even know why he loved his sister that much, even more than Ranmaru and Emiko even though he had to slam the girl to the wall or break her bones but deep inside, he loved her.
Sunako had been lurking in the shadows for a while now. She had been down this corredor before when she didn't want to use one of the potions rooms to make her beloved poisons. Sunako walked behind her brother like the shadow that had been detached from it's body. She watched him cry for her. She knew that her condition was getting worse with every inch that Hoshi-sama put between them but she didn't want to make Sunako her servent. Every day it seemed like the only way to stop the pain was to promise herself to the next Koshiba in the line. Sunako would rather die than to searve Eden.

"Why do you cry Onee-kun? We are slaveborn they are in their full right to do this to me." She said crossing her arms around her middle Sunako didn't like it either but it was what they where. Muggleborns and halfbloods where considered slaveborn until they asended somehow. Children could assend through marrage or through other means. Sunako planed to assend with Hoshi when she took Sunako as her servent. The pain would end and Hoshi would be a kind mistress she knew this.
Kyouhei was surprised, EXTREMELY SURPRISED when he heard his sister Sunako asked him why he cried. He didn't know what to say or do, this was the first time he cried, he was extremely embarrassed for being caught crying. "I wasn't crying" He quickly wiped his tear before standing up, what Sunako said was true. "I'll kill them" That was all he could say, he wasn't sure either he would kill them or not since the Koshiba were all powerful and Kyouhei knew that killing the family was a suicide not just because of his uncle but it would affect the Watanuki. "Sunako chan" He wanted to continue, but his eyes were filled with tears but quickly dried away. "What happen if you don't want to be their slave?" Honestly, he knew nothing about this awkward relationship between the Watanuki and Koshiba, Kyouhei was never around the family, he was always alone.

This explained why Kyouhei chose Emiko instead of crazy psychopaths, he wanted to have a normal family, he wanted to be normal not violent like this. And of course being considered as a slaveborn wasn't what Kyouhei wanted, this was why he was never around the family and that his bedroom was always empty. "I won't be coming home later on break, tell Otosama that I'm not coming home, just tell him I'm in a military school or something then he wont care" It was true that Kyouhei was planning to go to a muggle martial art school to learn from the master himself but the reason why he wanted to do that was that he didn't want to be around the family too much, what if Kyouhei was forced to stay in the Koshiba's for several days? Knowing that because of them his sister was like this, he could probably kill them in one day and ended up in Azkaban. So staying away from the family was the safest for him.
Sunako nodded. "As always Onee-kun." She said bowing her head a bit. She showed Kyouhei respect when she wanted to. He was never at home so he wouldn't know what happened there. Then again their mother didn't know what was going on either. Her other brothers and Sunako made very sure that Sumomo was out out of loop because bringing her in the loop would mean that she would be dead before they could do anything about it. Sumomo was a muggle and this made her fair game for the Four Families.

Sunako shook her head. "You have to be chosen to be a servant to the Koshiba. Had you looked like one of them or had you caught the eye of one of the Koshiba clan then you would have been taken in just like me." Sunako said evenly. Did he not think that there where times when she wished the Koshiba had left her alone? That she didn't want to have to think of people as mistresses and masters but as people that she could kill with her poisoned hands?

"Are you going to be back at school though?" Sunako asked as she leaned her head to the side. She would never say this but Kyouhei being at school made things a lot easier for her. He made trouble while Sunako could be her creepy self and not get in too much trouble. That and she did kind of remember what it was like to care about someone when she was around her elder brother.
Perhaps the reason why Kyouhei wasn't chosen was because he was never around, he was always somewhere else. Kyouhei was planning to move out after he graduated, he wasn't going to spend his time with the family especially the Koshiba. "You shouldn't be around the family, it's your fault that you've been spending your time in the manor at all time, it's your fault then. You should never be around them and as much as I like Hoshi chan, I will never spend a day with her and her family" Kyouhei wasn't sure why he was chatting with her sister, he never really like talking to someone else, he was always quiet and had never be found smiling or happy. His life was miserable, he knew that he had was potential in being one of the death eater but he wasn't interested at all and if he had to be around his uncle he might be influenced and regretted what he did.

If it wasn't for the sake of Sunako, Kyouhei wouldn't be coming back to the school. He disliked the school as much as those little innocent girls that were stuck in the castle. "I'll be back, but I'm not sure if I'm going to go back after I graduated. I'm sure that Ranmaru chan can take care of you" Honestly, he wasn't sure about that, it seemed that Kyouhei was the closest to Sunako among all. "I decided to stay away from the family for a while" He said, he wasn't proud or happy about it, it was the the other way around. Kyouhei wanted to live like other people, having a happy family, etc but sadly his family wasn't like that, things were complicated and he'd rather sty away from them. "Sunako chan, your poison can kill anyone and I'm sure that you know that." He paused before continuing "Including the Koshiba" He stared at her in the eye trying to see her reaction.
Sunako looked down making her hair fall further down her not-so ugly face. "It's too late for that. Come summer time I will take my vows and become bound to Hoshi-sama forever." She said a bit of bitterness in her low, smooth voice. It was getting a bit higher though. As if the chill of living was starting to get to her. "The sun is my enemy, the world means nothing to me. All I know is my potions and poisons. This is what has kept me in the house Onii-kun" Sunako said rolling her eyes under her hair. Sunako found no joy in the outside world so there was no reason for Sunako to go out. She wasn't like Kyouhei who needed victems every few hours or Ranmaru who considered every second he wasn't seducing a girl a waist of time.

Sunako knew that Kyouhei cared for her. She knew that now of that where any help. Sunako sometimes wondered if she had anything to do with it or if it was just a family thing but then she let it go. There where much more important things to keep her mind busy other than these questions without answers. "That's your choice Onii-chan." She said her tone flat and smooth again. If Kyouhei was going to leave her than that was jut fine. She didn't need him around anyway. Sunako had hurt too much before to be hurt now by her brother leaving her. His other comment caught her though. "My poisons will belong to the Koshiba before too long." She said.
"What if you don't?" Kyouhei asked in his famous monotone referring to the vow that his sister had to take later on during Summer. Since the boy was never around the family, he didn't know what was going on in the family and somehow, he regretted it. Honestly, he didn't care if Sunako's potion was going to be in the hand of the Watanuki's or the Koshiba's even though it might mean so much for his sister, but again it wasn't his problem it was hers. But taking a vow was too much for him, she wont be around him for the rest of his life and he couldn't agree with it. Even though he had been throwing snow globes or knifes at her, he still didn't want her to be with the Koshibas especially not to be their slave.

This year wasn't going to be as great as last year not just because of preparing for N.E.W.T but also because of his sister who was going to be the slave of his own cousin. He knew that he couldn't do anything especially his to uncle, he was afraid of him more than his own father. "I'd kill my self if I were you, what's the point of living if you're going to be someone else's slave?" Gladly it was Hoshi not his step cousin, if it was his step cousin, he'd kill his sister right instance not caring if he would be turned into Azkaban or not. "Kill your self if you can or kill them" That was all he could say, nothing else. He gave up, he couldn't help her since he didn't know what to do. After all he was a child as well.

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