Open Dazed and confused

Zagreus Kohler

loner + finding his voice + german
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
9/2043 (16)
Learning about the existence of magic had been quite a huge surprise to not only Zagreus, but his mother and step-father as well. His mother had taken the news a lot better than his step-father had, but that was not really much of a surprise. Zag was well aware that his step-father didn't like him, this just gave the man one more thing to berate and shout at him about when his mother wasn't around to hear. Thankfully, his step-father wasn't around right now and instead his mother had decided to take him to Obsidian Harbour to have a look around and familiarize themselves with it all before they had to come back to buy all of Zag's new school supplies. But his mother had quickly abandoned him, telling him to stay right where he was while she went to see where they were supposed to get 'wizard money' from.

That had been about twenty minutes ago. Not that Zagreus was counting. And he had done as he was told, standing exactly where his mother had left him in silence the whole time, hazel eyes flickering from left to right down the alleyway. He was looking in the opposite direction when someone approached, and Zag could only assume that he was standing in the way and they wanted to pass. "Sorry," the eleven-year-old mumbled as he took a step back, leaving enough room for the person to get past if they wanted to. Though he was sure there had been enough room anyway.
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''It's okey, i think!'' She looked to stranger and he don't looked like someone who lived her. She was from Alaska but her mom was thinking transfer here becouse of shcool but she don't wanted live her and she don't wanted live without snow our so many husky there our amaizing nature. That won't happen and she was sure that she will be do that and talk again with her mom. Yvonne was not so hurt and she hoped that he will be next time looked where he is going. She hoped that her thought she was that rude.
"Right," he offered quietly when the girl seemed to say that it was okay. Even though he hadn't even bumped into her and had just been standing there. But the girl was still there even though he had stepped back to make plenty of room for her to pass by if she wanted to. Was he still in the way or something? With that question in mind, he glanced around but didn't appear to be standing in the way of a shop or something. So, he turned his eyes back to the other girl. "Aren't you going to...?" he trailed off, instead making a sweeping motion with her hand in a 'aren't you going to leave now' sort of way.
He don't seem a nice person our he was such a hurry. ''Piura'' She was saying goodbay in Alaska Language. She wanted say have a nice day but that seem no need. So, she met her mom and walked.
Cameron wasn't sure when it'd gotten in his head that hanging around places like the Harbour would make him more magical, but it was just a feeling he had. Cool magic stuff definitely happened around here all the time, so it was only logical that him being here meant it'd happen to him eventually. Of course weird, boring stuff also happened here plenty enough he'd noted, having spent the past half-hour outside of Ollivander's fussing with a stick he'd found and hoping something interesting would happen. It wasn't like he was pretending it was a wand or anything lame like that. It was just something to do with his hands.

At least he could take solace that he wasn't the only one having a weird, boring time today, watching the awkward altercation with the two kids nearby and snorting as the girl walked off. "That was freakin' awkward," he announced, loud enough so the boy could hear him and trying to twirl the stick nonchalantly in his hand. He mostly succeeded in dropping it, muttering a vague curse as he scrambled to keep a hold of it and glancing up to glare at the boy, daring him to say something.
Zag didn't quite know what to say to the girl, just offering a small and awkward-looking smile as she finally walked past and went off. What he hadn't been expecting was for anyone to actually be watching any of that, glancing over at the other boy who had spoken up. He had looked over just in time to see the boy drop the stick he had been trying to twirl around his fingers. Was Zagreus supposed to be impressed or something? But he didn't say anything about that, instead awkwardly shoving his hands into his pockets, "Yeah... I guess," it had been a pretty weird interaction, all things considered.
Cameron snorted at the boy's response, the other kid looked pretty lost and it made him feel a bit better about just sitting around all day too. And at least Cameron knew what he was doing. Even if it was just sitting around. "Why're you just standing there anyway? Are you waiting for someone?" He asked, trying to balance the stick on one of his fingers now, though with little success.
Zag honestly had no idea what the boy was trying to do with that stick, but he didn't seem to be having much success with whatever he was trying to accomplish. The dark-haired boy did consider saying something, but he again decided against it, deciding just to focus on the question he had just been asked. "I'm waiting for my mother. She asked me to wait here while she went to sort out magical money." And he had no intentions of disobeying that request and wandering off. Knowing him, he'd probably end up getting lost.
Pretend I didn't vanish for like 3+ weeks sorry

Cameron tried not to look too pleased to hear the other boy was just waiting around for him mum, doubly so with the way he'd mentioned 'magical money'. "Oh yeah? Are you a muggleborn then?" he asked, giving up on his stick twirling in favour of moving to slouch against a wall near the other boy instead. "Magical coins are kind of stupid, they're too big and they don't make sense, but they're kinda cool to carry around," he said with a shrug, enjoying being able to show off how much he knew about it. There were a lot of things Cameron didn't know about the magical world without his dad, but he liked to think he'd managed to pick up enough on his own.
lol it's okay

The boy said a word that Zagreus didn't recognize and he frowned for just a moment. "Muggle...born? Sorry, I do not understand." Maybe it was an English word he had never heard of before. Understandable given the fact he had grown up in Germany speaking German. His English was still pretty limited and he sometimes struggled to keep up with people. And it was always embarrassing when he had to admit he didn't know what someone was talking about. A lot of the time his bad English and prominent German accent just gave bullies more fuel to pick on him with. He didn't say anything about the magical coins, he hadn't seen them yet so he didn't have an opinion on how big and annoying they might be.
It seemed like the kid knew even less than Cameron had thought and straightened up, eager for the chance to fill him in. He did pause at the boy's stilted accent, trying to figure out where it was from. It sounded European, but Cameron couldn't really guess where. "Are you French or something? Swedish? Muggleborn. It means your parents are magical or whatever," Cameron said, waving a hand to vaguely encompass the street around them. "My dad was a wizard so I know all this stuff already," he added, putting his hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels, pleased with himself. "I bet you only just found out about magic and stuff huh?" Cameron said, aiming for sympathetic though landing somewhere a lot closer to smug.
This kid clearly had never spoken to a French person before if he thought that was what his accent was. Zagreus just frowned for a moment, unsure as to whether he should feel insulted by that or not. "German," he instead offered quietly, thinking it probably better just to correct the guy instead of getting insulted by it, "But ja I am this... muggleborn you speak of." He didn't really think he liked that word all too much. It made him sound different than everyone else. And then his newness to the whole thing was basically called out and Zag just nodded his head enough for his curls to bounce ever so slightly. He didn't really want to admit it, the other boy might laugh at him for not knowing anything.
"Oh, right. Yeah. I knew that," Cameron said with a huff, waving off the German thing like he'd been joking. No wonder the kid didn't know what was going on. "Muggleborn and from another country, no wonder you're confused," he said sagely. "I've known for ages, but I don't get to come here too often. It's pretty cool though if you know where to go. Like the ice cream place has flavours that change based on the weather sometimes," he said, pointing further down the street. "Are you going to go to school here or just visiting? Do they even have a big magic school in Germany?" Cameron supposed if the boy had just found out about he probably wouldn't know, but he'd only just finally gotten his own letter and was more eager to talk about it than worry about whether or not this kid knew the finer details.

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