Day and Night

Link Black

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Madderz MAIN
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Tallon
Link apparted to his suppose father home, were now lives Raziel and Jaqueline Black. Overcasting over the young man was a half moon and burning stars that faithfully follow Link were ever he goes. However dark clouds engulfs the night, preparing for a midnight shower, he'd be use to it by now since he's been staying in Ireland. Link had tried to get in contact with Caysi so that he could personally meet her alone, a response never came back. He figure she didn't want to be bother. What he was trying to do was take back his life. What he seems to fail is society alone. It hunt him when he was alone in his flat, it bother him so much that he couldn't even bare to sleep.

Why was he here than? To get back from the man he once consider a father. He had done wrong and knew he did so. He needed waking up to do, he came back for realization. Link sighed, it wasn't going to be easy. Knocking at the front doors, he felt his arms collapse a little. All he wanted to do was see Raziel again, if tonight was the wrong time he wouldn't be back.

Raziel had just put Gabriel to bed, since Jac was a professor and shopkeeper she had to work late tonight which was normal. Raziel was loving the time he was spending with his son and was getting use to normal life again.Raziel was a little worried about the weather and was about to cotact his wife when he heard a knock on the door. With the speed of years of training Raziel had his wand pulled and was down the stairs and at the door.

Raziel was still over protective of his family since his return from the triangle. He was ready to curse whoever was at the door if they were anyway close to dangerous. When Raziel pulled the door open , there on his doorstep was his lost son. Link stood on the door step looking like death. Raziel was speechless and did nto know what to say to his son.
Link waited not to long, the doors open as he reach to knock again. When someone did open, he stood back in shocked. Just showing emotions with his eyes, the rest of his face stood still. His eyes were widely parted before they dim down to ineffective stare. He look right back at the man, who had claim years back to be his only father. No warmth took over his torso but he could still feel somewhat of a connection with Raziel Black. He didn't hate him, he didn't have a reason to.

It was Link who had ran away many often. Link had been the one to leave the home because of the mayhem he had cause and never wanted to bring into Raziel home. However he sure it already came without him being here, that he could blame it on Jaqueline. "So your not dead?" were the first words he could speak after a minute or so in silence. Kirea didn't tell him this, even when he invited to the graduation they hardly spoke at all that day. What he wanted to ask, what she didn't want to say was standing right in front of him now. "Words to my ears were whispered that you were dead" he spoke again this time a little chilly.

Raziel found his words when he son began to speak, Link had thought that he was dead and for all the right reasons he had disappeared from the world after the death of the main Black family branch. Raziel had retunred only after many dreadful visions of the fall of one of his beloved family members but up until recently he did not know who exactly was in danger. Raziel finally found out who it was and that was his adopted son Link Black...

"I am not dead but can the same be said about you... you look like hell. Well come in out of the cold rain and dry up a little next to the fire." Raziel said as he moved out of the doorway to let link in, he pointed toward the den off of the grand foyer.
At first he didn't want to enter the home he once took his dwelling, he wanted to say no but no never came. Link stood there for a couple seconds till he finally made his way inside, well not completely were his father wanted him to be. "Still the same nothings changed here" he said disappointed turning around to gaze at Raziel. He didn't look the same, a lot older yet still familiar. "So what's the story? Can't use my excuse right?" he said with little less humor. Seems like yesterday Raziel was asking the same questions. Now the tables were turn slightly and Link was curious. "Why have I've been hearing that your dead? Than I get someone else telling me that your not and your looking for me? I'm come here to see that your alive, who's been taunting your name out there?" he question his suppose father of "many years", however Link never stayed more than a couple of months in house ever. He always left when it became to comfortable and soothing. Can't except that from someone of his background.

Raziel walked into the den and sat close to the fire and hoped that his son would follow suit, the young man looked called and wet and after Raziel explained everything he would allow his son time to change his clothes and hopefully stay in the safe and warm room that he had left a few years ago. Raziel aimed his wand at the fire and magicked some of the logs to reposition themselve before he snuggled in the high back chair for a rather long conversation. Raziel closed his eyes and began to retaell his tale.

"When Jac and I got married my family took a great offense to me marring a woman whose family where said to have a connection to the dark lord and the dark arts. My brothers and my foster nephew went home to visit my parents to discuss what they were going to do about my sudden marriage and discuss my claim to the family fortune. I was summoned by my fathers lawyer to be there to hear the decision of the family. However a few days before I arrived a muggle had managed to break in to my families home while they slept and murdered them all with a gun. My family had died and left me the sole heir to the Black family fortune.

The magical government and the muggles soon captured the man and tried to bring him to justice but since he was a muggle he had to be tried as such in muggle court. The man managed to some how got off the hook and I hunted him down. I killed him and the court turned a blind eye with the help of the magical government. I was so ashmed of the murder and so I went into hiding. I lived in the bermuda triangle for a year however I was plagued with visions of death and pain of one of my family members and so I came back." Raziel opened his eyes and tears where rolling down his cheecks, he was broken on the inside and was working hard to rebuild but he knew that he would never be the same.

"So where have you been and what have you heard?" Raziel said after he wiped his tears as he turned to look at Link.
Link listen to his father's sad tales. He would've felt some sympathy but he didn't, he was just like him. A killer and now that he knew about Jaqueline secrets, he felt like laughing. Laughing because the hypocritical situation he was in and now he knew, his entire so called family were killers. Or was it just him who saw this way? Maybe, but he didn't laugh. A mad man laughs not Link. "They were saying that you were dead, nothing else" he shrugged, he kept to this words but he didn't live in New Zealand anymore. He lived in Ireland away from what made him feel dead inside. Everything he remembered about New Zealand made him feel sick. "I didn't even know though, about Jaqueline" he stood up once more. He stared into the fires and harshly whispered something angry. The fire licked the chimney and as if it were listening a harsh whisper spoke back. It was more like a crack and a spark. It shimmer down afterwards.
Should he tell Raziel? He turn and went back to were he was sitting. Tell him that he was a death eater? But why would he? Risking exposure? That would make it difficult for him to explain. Something he never wanted to do was kill someone he consider a father. "You have a lot more to worry about than someone tacking you down for a muggel" he said now after he compose himself well, his back against the leather material of the couch. "Lots to worry about.." he muttered shaking his head. "Are you rejoining the Auruor again?" he asked him. He wanted to know, it be a lot less of a bother if his father wasn't with the ministry anymore.
Raziel watched the cold figure that stood before him, the boy had traveled a long and sad road to get to where he was today and even as he stood here before the the fire Raziel could sense the darkness closing in and around Link. That was when it came to him; all the dreams he had been having all of the visions lead to this point. Anger surged through his vains as he pushed himself up and out of his and his eye gleamed in the light.

"What have you done!?", Raziel growled from the darkest pit of his stomache, Raziel had a dream of someone close to him being swallowed whole by a snake it was about Link he was connected to the Deatheaters. Raziel had learned the same dark secret about his wife before she married him but they had come to an understanding and that was why Raziel had said I do at the alter. However he was not going to let his son fall into that same group. It was odd Raziel had childern in law who fought so hard against the pressure of the darkness but the people he care most dear for could not resist it. "I am an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, I am also a Seer or have you forgotten that boy! I see it in your eyes and can read it in the way you present yourself! Your one of them aren't you? Answer me!?" Raziel said almost shouting.
Jacqueline Black could hear her husband roaring downstairs as she apperated to her home she shared with her husband. She frowned as she raced down the hallway and down the stairs. She held her wand out as she ran, hoping there wasn't anything seriously wrong. Jac frowned deeper as she walked the sitting room to find her husband and their foster child. Link had not been here in a very long time. Raziel was clearly angry as she flitted over to his side. She placed her hand on his arm. "What is going on?" she demanded.
"If you know the answers to those questions than why even asked them" Link stood up facing Raziel. "Come on you know the answers right? Why even asked?" he flare his nose slight amusement cross his face. He found it very hypocritical that his suppose father was questioning of his wrong doings when he had skeletons of his own. He shook his head when his wife decided to join them. "Well mother dearest" he replied a little cranking his head to the side. "How nice of you to join us to bad I won't be staying for long..." he saluted slightly towards Jaqueline than turn to face Raziel. "I will assure you have nothing to worry about. Your guardianship was up many years ago" he added more to the fire he now knew was burning. "Don't of me as the past and I will be on my way..." he stop right before he finish seeing what he had to say.

"I am your father! I fully adopted you my dearest son when you were younger that is why you carry my name if you were merely my foster son than you would still have your last name!" Raziel could feel the darkness slowly filling the room his anger was getting the best of him and the wild and untamed side was seeping out slowly. It was his untamed side that drove him to seek revenge and it was wild and tamed side who conquered the triangle. "My love, Link has joined the ranks of Deatheater or i would have to say a least one in training for he is not heartless to be consider a full fledge deatheater." Raziel said as he turned to his wife with such rage in his eyes that he had to turn away in fear it would lash out at her.

Raziel snapped his fingers and the house elf appeared "Please take young master Gabriel to his room please and put him to bed". The house elf obeyed and with a small pop was gone. Raziel turned his attention to Link and raised his wand while pushing Jac behind him and hunching over in a protective manner. "Come on boy! Where are you going? You want to be a deatheater then let use get this over with now! You will only get out of here if you kill me!" Raziel snarled his anger was dripping off of him in buckets.
"How can you be such a hypocrite foolish man! Your b!tch of a wife a death eater and you can't accept your own son who was here before she came?" Link withdrew his wand from the depths of his robes. "Your family must be laughing in their grave! You accept a wife but you can't accept your own son?" he manipulated those words over and over again till it got through his thick skull. "I carry the last name of a dead man, you are no father of mine" he spat with his wand still withdrawn on him. "If you want a duel, a duel you will get! I won't be the one dead by the end of the night" he conjure a spell strong enough to harm the man he once knew. "Confringo!" he shouted with all the strength in the world he can conjure with it. Link never thrown this spell before but he was told this one blast flames large enough to burst anyone to existing. He wanted both of them to die though, not just Raziel he would've love to kill Jaqueline too.

No ones gonna die just in case anyone reads this =/

Jacqueline stared cooly at Link. She glanced at Raziel, seeing his rage. "I knew he was in training." she said calmly. "Hello son." she greeted to his mocking words. Link would not break the control over her emotions as she had learned to control them many years before. She was thankfully when Gabriel was gone from the room. If there was to be a fight she did not want her baby near it. She scoffed at Raziel as he tried to shield her. Jacqueline was perfectly capible of taking care of herself, especially as a Death Eater trainee.

Jacqueline whipped out her wand and quickly put out the flames. She looked at Raziel with apologetic look, knowing he was going to be very upset with what she was about to do but it would make the most sense to take this approach. Jac threw a wordless blasting charm at Link. "Do you really want to do this?" she asked him, her eyebrows raised. "I am fully aware of what they teach the Death Eaters in training and I know much more Dark Magic than you do." she said, though he should already know that. "Even if you do not respect your father or our house you must respect me. I am an older Death Eater and surely they taught you we deserve your respect." she said with a smirk. Young Death Eaters had to pay their dues to the older ones if they wanted to have a proper place in the ranks. She shook her head, her dark curls flowing loosely around her face. "Don't push me. You cannot fight both Raziel and myself." she said.
Jacqueline was quicker to the draw and halted the attack of the flames coming at them, Raziel was in shock he would never in a hundred years believe that his adopted son would attack him. That was when his wife fired a spell back that snapped him out of his daze as he quickly cast a shielding spell around the boy just before the spell struck. He knew his wife was doing what he would have done if it was anyone else but link and so he was not upset with her but was more upset with fact that Link had cast the first spell. Raziel worrked quickly as he cast a complex spell non verbally that would contain the sound and the damage to strictly the den.

"Enough, I have heard enough and will not hear anymore. Jacqueline my love stay your wand I will not allow anyone to come to harm here in the home that our son is being raised in I do not want this place to be filled with death and darkness. Link, Jacqueline has a good point you can not take both of and hope to live so I would not cast another spell if I were you. i can protect you here but outside of that door I am a Deatheater hunter and Jac is a deatheater elder you would not last long with two such enemeies and we are only two individuals in or given sides and so if we fail others will not.

Why Link? Why have you done this to yourself ? I know who Jac is and what she has done but she has already confessed her sins and have plead her case and I have come to peace with what me and her have discussed. You are the one on trial in my home and I demand answers from you about your actions, I just can not figure out where it went all went wrong." Raziel said in an almost pleading way trying to bring his family back together after his long absence.
Link resist lowering his wand, his hand study at the bullet. In seconds he could blow the dwelling of this home to pieces, he could careless of those surrounding him. His soul had no meaning if set adrift, life will go on without them. "You speak with so much honor! When your nothing of nobility!" he bark harshly, his optics bleek and cold-blooded. Link felt his eyes pierce fill with so much anguish, the words Jaqueline spoke were muffle phasing into the background of the dancing shadows. "I have nothing to explain to you, if you are what you are than your questions have been answered a long time ago" he voice calmly seeing no use of shouting when they were steps away, close enough but hardly touching Link's form at all. "I will be leaving now, I won't ever come back to this filthy home" he sneered disappointed he won't be killing anyone tonight. Link did not set will, he's gonna report to Julian before anything. Jaqueline will not go on living any longer.
Jacqueline ignored her husband as he asked her to put away her wand. She would do no such thing in the presence of a reckless younger Death Eater. The older woman knew what the new trainees mind frames were like and she did not trust this 'son' of hers. Quickly but quietly, Jacqueline used her skill of Legimency against the boy. She saw what was in his mind and that he wanted her dead. Her blue eyes looked at his gray ones harshly. "You cannot kill me if I kill you first." she said a smirk on her face. A green light flashed through the air, though Jacqueline intentionally did not aim it at the boy. She knew that would infuriate Raziel if she killed the son he so loved. Jac just wanted to play with Link a bit. There was no harm in that right? She could read his thoughts before he choose to make any actions.
Raziel calculate taht the spell would not hit its target and so he relaxed a little but he was glued to the spot and could not move. He felt his heart break at his sons suddend desicion to continue down the path of evil. Raziel had been accepted back into his wife life with somewhat ease but it did not seem that Link was going to be that easy to persuade but he was not going to give up. Raziel aimed a spell at the door that would lock it and them in the room unless Link blew it off the hinges.
Link saw the casting of bright green line almost hit him nearly by the shoulder. You can hear me right? Dark clouds polluted his thoughts, as a sneer smeared across his still face. Hated blacken his heart before she said anything else, he blasted entire section of the house with expulsion! He summoned a broom from the depths of the house, a commotion upstairs happen immediately as he did so, a dark emberal streak came flying his way. Without another word he mounted the broom and took off towards the high moons night. Leaving his mark of destruction left behind and possibly his last encounter with his father, a man he once loved and respected left behind.

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