David Thrakos

David Thrakos

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Apple 13" Essence of Unicorn Hair

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
David Gaelan Thrakos
[First name:] David: 'Beloved
[Middle name:] Gaelan: Calm
[Surname:] Thrakos: Dragon
[Character's Birthdate:] June 27th 2017
[Hometown:] Corfu, Greece
[Current location:] Inglewood, New Zealand
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] 13" Apple Wand with an Essence of Unicorn Hair
[Hogwarts House:] HUfflepuff
[Occupation:] Trainee Dragonologist in the New Zealand Camp
[Martial Status:] Single

Shaggy medium length brown hair
[Eyes:] Brown
[Height:] 6'
[Style:] Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

[A Little Deeper
Friendly. Loves Dragons. Determined. Open. Not the smartest of the lot.

[History:] As a child David didn't really interact with any kids his age, or anyone for that matter. He had a large extended family but was only an own child himself due to his mother becoming unable to have anymore children after he was born. Both parents had come from a big family and while upset that they couldn't have anymore children, they spoiled David so much that it made up for having five children. The only time David would have to interact with people that were near his age was when he would go to one of his Aunt and Uncles party's, they were famous for them, but he would still be able to find a quiet corner somewhere and read one of his Dragon Books.

With his father being a Dragon Keeper in Greece, David would always go to work with him from a young age, and since as long as he could remember he loved Dragons, he could never remember being scared of them. From the first time he visited the Dragons, David wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps, and his fathers before that and so on - the Thrakos family had a long line of Dragon Keepers in the family.

When David started Hogwarts New Zealand he was immediately a target for the bullies and endured it for a number of years. The physical bullly was usually kept to a minimum but it was the pyscological bullying that would get to him the most. David was a bit of scrawny kid for most of his childhood years and was an easy target. Plus he was always on his own, finding corners in the castle to read his books but the bullies always found him.

Before the start of his OWL year, David knew that he had to start becoming more determined in his studies as his grades would now start to affect him getting his dream job after Graduation. This determination carried on to him deciding to make some life changes, try and make friends and during the holidays he started to work out a bit, gaining some muscle and being less scrawny - the late growth spurt helped a lot too. Soon the bullies stopped and David found himself happier in his schoolwork and social life, he still hadn't made many friends but he was finding it easier to give it a shot. This must of showed more than he thought as he was awarded the honour of being named a Hufflepuff Prefect in his NEWT year. He probably could of done without the extra responsibilities in his NEWT year but they did help make his application to the owners of the Dragonologist Camp in New Zealand to become an apprentice stand out more, landing him the position. After David's Graduation in 2034 he became a full time trainee Dragonologist at the New Zealand Camp and moved to Inglewood, New Zealand, permanently.

[Mother] Julian Thrakos
[DOB] May 17th 1977
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Retired Dragonologist
[Education] Beauxbaton

[Father] Marie Thrakos (Chambers)
[DOB] June 20th 1979
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Retired Member of the Magical Creatures Regulation Office in Greece Ministry of Magic
[Education] Beauxbatons

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