Old School Week Dating Green

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Lorenzo Vero

Homeschool Grad | Avid Reader | Changed
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Mixed Blood
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Curly 9 Inch Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
18 (2/2045)
Enzo couldn’t find his suit jacket, but he wearing a nice tie, and he had hoped Gabrielle would be okay with that. As he walked down with her down the numerous flights of stairs, words had managed to escape him, for the most part. But as they found themselves about to enter the Great Hall, he adjusted his tie and looked at his date. “Well, here we are. What would you like to do first?”

@Gabrielle Sylvie Durand
Gaby definitely was looking forward to the Yule Ball. Maybe having a date could make it more interesting than Halloween feast was? But also, Enzo was nice, he even walked with her all the way from towers to the ground floor and she did have to feel quite thankful. She totally needed that hand as she was in the heels and walking was quite hard that long of a way. "How about snacks? We could chat for a bit and then go and dance?" Gaby offered to him.
Enzo nodded as Gabrielle directed them towards the snack table, which was really good because he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. "I will say I'm not the best dancer," he added, feeling a little self concious about the whole idea of it. Maybe he should take some dance classes.
Gaby laughed a little as he admitted about his dancing skills. "I'm not a dancer either but who cares? We're here to have fun," she chuckled once more and put up her hand for him to grab it. "And if you do embarrass yourself, at least you won't do that alone," she offered him a friendly smile as she leaned against a table. "Come here," she gestured him to come closer and then got a bit closer to him, moved a strand of hair out of his face and tucked behind his ear with a soft, charming smile. "That's better,"
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