Darkness, Love and Daggers

Hades Styx

guardian ⸸ dark priest
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony 15 3/4" Core of Acromantula Web and Poisonwood 15 3/5" Essence of Vampire Blood
Darkness swarmed around the two figures as the one in front was curiously leading on the one that was following from behind. The one that was following from behind was nothing more than Hades Lutrov himself, looking ahead to see Etoile Lefevre, the one that he lusted after day and night, and she was the one that claimed the blackened heart of the Death Eater. Even if he loved her, sometimes he wondered if the darkened side of him loved her too. He wanted to see, but getting that darkness out was often something else, and something bad normally always happened when it emerged from its crypt and walls that Hades kept it behind for the safety of others. Hades had not heard the voice in such a long time, and that was after it was telling him to stop seeking Etoile and let her go seeing as it would not be worth the pain and suffering it was causing him. Would the darkness still want him to hang on? What if it told him to kill her and as a slave to the force, his inner being, he would have no other choice but to get it done, no matter what it costed. The Death Eater was thinking about it all as he followed the one that constantly ran through his mind, and he was relieved that she was not pregnant right now. Hades knew that the children that he would have with her would be wonderful, however he did not think that he could handle them right now, well, any more of them right now. Hades' silent footsteps were not heard at all by the Death Eater in front of him. Strangely enough, Hades was curious as to why she was going through here. He did not think that she was escaping at all, but she might have been exploring and found the way to the place where he had taken her the first time that they had met. There was nothing wrong with that, but with the children being watched, the parents could do what they wanted. Hades doubted that Etoile would escape anytime soon. The anti-apparation spells had been lifted for quite some time, but he did not feel the need to tell her that though. If she wanted to go anywhere, all she had to do was apparate out. And at the time, she did not seem to do that at all. Hades was curious, and that was why he was following.

Layers and layers of basement that they had passed and down this corridor, only thing that was lightening up everything around them was none other than a lantern with a blue flame. The corridor was dark as night, and it was cold, enough to see the breath of one's self. Hades barely breathed as he walked, so one would not be able to notice it. His eyes narrowed as he watched the back of Etoile's head as he continued to walk behind her. Just because they were lovers now, he was not about to give up his old ways of being the world's biggest creeper in the world. It was his favorite hobby and he was glad that he was able to do this again with Etoile. There were risks that posed with him coming back to the hidden safe house that he used to go to. That was where the darkness in Hades often stirred, as that was where he often took people to be slaughtered where their screams would not be heard for miles and miles. Being down here with Etoile would stir it in a way that he might not want to ever happen. They were almost half way there when he could feel it like waves, but Hades fought as he had yet to completely gain control over it, but he could block it for a bit. Hades looked around as they were drawing nearer and nearer to the staircase that would lead to the trapdoor under the bed that he had long since moved since the last time he had been here. Things may still be broken from his last trip but did that matter that much? Hades did not think so, and this safe house was just a way to get the Zhefarovich's to give in the darkness that they all seemed to have. What they did was stay chained, with the stench of blood in the closed concrete room, shut in the dark where they could contact with their inner minds, and whatever else that rested beneath them, and then they would feel complete after making their first kill. The rush and the light leaving the eyes was enough to make Hades want to take Etoile where she stood but it would not be fair seeing as she had yet to realize that she had been followed since she started exploring his home. Everything about it, there was nothing to hide from her, and she could see it all if so wished. However Hades almost wished that he had not followed her down into this section, the possibilities of him losing control was very high. Especially with how he had a strong feeling of how she felt about him.
Etoile knew that the place she had recently come to call home was large, but she never imagined it being quite this big and maze-like. After the twins had fallen asleep Hades was left bored with nothing to do. Hades was nowhere to be found so he couldn't keep her company and there was not much for her to other than to wander around aimlessly. It was weird how Etoile had been living here for so long and she had barely explored the house. For the longest time she pretty much kept herself contained to her own bedroom to avoid being in contact with Hades as much as possible. The only times she came out was when she went to the kitchen or the bathroom, and she spent as little time as possible in either of those rooms as well. Back then she had been so willing to keep herself hidden that she pretty much forced herself to be miserable and enclosed to get what she wanted. Things were so much different now. Etoile was actually sharing a bedroom with Hades now and she was always about the house when he wasn't around or she wasn't busy with the twins. Today she ended up in a different part of the house that she was unfamiliar with. Her exploration of he house turned out to be something far more interesting than she imagined it would be when she first started wandering around the house. From the looks of where she was at, it appeared to be a basement of sorts. It was actually pretty cool looking. Etoile liked it. Even if it was really cold, cold to the point where her breath could be seen leaving her lips like smoke. 'I wonder if this is where Hades goes whenever he disappears...' Etoile thought to herself as bare feet padded their way across the cool basement floor. He disappeared a lot. She used to not mind it because when she first got here she could care less where he went or what happened to him, she hated him back then. Things had changed between them though. Now she wasn't completely sure what she felt, but she knew she felt strongly for him. Enough to share a bedroom with him which a was a huge step for her because Etoile was so used to being alone, sometimes she preferred it too. With no one around she didn't have to be afraid to be herself, to let all those emotions she kept bottled up out and in the open. Hades refused to let her close him off though. He was persistent as hell. When she tried to push him away he came right back. During the past couple of weeks that she had roomed with him it was like a cycle. There would be moments when the walls would be weakened and she was more than willing to let Hades in and they would be together like wanted. But then something within her would become alarmed, and she was would wall herself back up and try to push him away. Keep him from getting too close. But then he did something to knock them right back down again. It was such a frustrating process for them both. But Hades was making progress. Because Etoile liked him, enough to want to be with him and actually talk to him about how she felt on certain things. She liked cuddling next to him as she fell asleep. It was a confusing thing that they had going on but she blamed herself. Etoile was so confused and really bad at this relationship thing. Etoile told Hades too but chances were that he probably didn't care. Etoile was starting to think that she was falling in love with him but, well, she just wasn't sure. A part of her still wanted to block all of this out and forget about him but his persistence was making it hard. Etoile didn't know what to do. Thank goodness that Hades could not read her mind. She would be screwed. Though it was probably becoming obvious because her emotions were getting harder to control. Etoile needed to figure out whether she wanted to just take all the walls down and hope that Hades would be careful with her fragile heart or get as far away as possible. When her mother said that love was complicated she wasn't kidding.

Etoile froze when she realized that she was down pretty low from where she had started. She gone down layers and layers of the basement and now she was on a floor that seemed even more eerie than others. It was much darker too. The only sort of lighting around her was none lantern with a dim cobalt blue flame. Etoile remembered passing by a pool, she started to consider that maybe if she didn't find anything on this floor worth interest that she would end up going back up to the pool and swimming. Maybe. Probably was that she didn't have a swimsuit, or a towel. It was freezing in even that room too so she would probably catch cold or something. Still it would be nice because it had been such a long time since she had been swimming. Etoile continued her way down the corridor and about halfway she started to feel like there was someone behind her. Slowly she turned her skinny figure around and peered in attempt to try and find where this feeling was coming from. But she saw no one. Her breath could still be seen due to the coldness and Etoile cautiously turned back around and kept heading forward. She was slightly worried that she was not supposed to be down here or something. What if this was like Hades' private hideout and he got upset that she was down here? How would she explain to him why she was down here? Would he forgive her if she did? Hell since when she she started to care if she made him mad or not? Etoile noticed that the light was so dim here that she could barely see. Her eyes were able to make out things vaguely, but it was too dark to navigate easily. One step forward and suddenly Etoile found herself feeling like she was falling, falling down a cliff! She had tripped over something and her body was thrown to the concrete floor in a thud. "What the hell-stairs?!" Etoile muttered as she lifted her body from the cold floor. Hopefully nothing was scraped from her fall, her ankle kind of hurt but it was nothing too serious. Etoile dusted the dirt from off of her and pulled her dress back down. Her eyes went to the stairs. Why were there stairs way down here and what did they lead to? Etoile stood on the first step and peered closely. As the top of the steps there appeared to be a trap door. What did that lead to? Well of course she was going to find out? But she still felt like she was being watched. "Why do I feel like I'm being watched?" Etoile breathed out as she looked back behind her. When she turned forward again she readied herself to climb up the rest of the stairs and open that door. She wanted to see so badly where it led to.​
Hades did not know why he did not laugh so much as he did smirk when Etoile managed to run right into the stairs. Perhaps her eyes needed more adjusting than his did. Hades could see very well in the dark, which made him a predator at night. Hades was a lethal weapon, with things hidden inside of his trench coat. Daggers, potions, formidable blades that could kill with one simple swipe. Oh Hades could kill with no cause, no reason, all because he wanted to. That was the beauty of being who he was. There was no regret, no sorrow. Hades slowly followed Etoile, from the time she started exploring, until now. She said one of the funniest things though as she got ready to go up the stairs. Something that had him smirking. Hades purred with his alluring voice, "That is because you are always being watched." Hades thought that she might be a little frightened by how quiet he had been, for the most part, and then he looked up at the trap door seeing that was where she was wanting to go. He would be able to take her there, however she lacked something that he had. A key to unlock the door. Hades motioned with his hand to summon the Lantern to him with the summoning charm. Once he had it, he passed Etoile in ascending the stairs, curious upon curious on how she wanted to end up here. Hades held the lantern in his hand before he murmured, "Curious as to why you chose to come down here. It would have been a dead in to the safe house I took you to the first time we met, seeing as you do not have the keys." Hades turned around and smirked at the one that had stolen his blackened heart as he continued to walk up the stairs. It was the only way into the safe house other than apparation. With him being as close to the safe house, and where he had discovered his inner being, it was tempting not to revert into it. However Hades kept himself calm and under control enough to dig inside of his trench coat, and he took the keys out of his coat. It was the only way in, and the only way out. He could not lose the keys, as it was magically guarded. Hades continued on in silence, even if Etoile might have been mad that he did not leave her alone. But if she managed to get lost down here without proper garments, she would have froze to death. Hades did not want her to die down here in the corridors. Well, he did not want her to die at all. After all this time, around her he felt complete, and he did not want to live without her. He did not think he would be able to even function properly without knowing that Etoile was still around. Hades looked back at her once they had reached the trap door, and he figured that she might want to explore the safe house a bit, and he would just get to cleaning it, something he had not bothered to do until she had reminded him. That one room with the chains on the walls and the blood splattered and smeared, he could never be able to clean. It was forbidden by Asparuh himself. The smell of blood was one trigger to allow the Zhefarovich's to think and turn evil, as they were destined. It was something that no Zhefarovich should fight, as the fight would end up taking over, and eventually, sending the Zhefarovich member into despair, as it was written.

This Zhefarovich member, Hades, was no different. This thing that Hades was going through, it was nothing more than the sheer case of being in love with someone that he thought loved him, but was not sure because of those damn walls that she always placed up. Just thinking about those walls had him annoyed but he did not let that dwell too much because it would trigger something else to occur. Hades unlocked the trap door before he pushed it open, and went through the door and into the bedroom that Etoile should recognize, if she remembered this place at all. Hades motioned for her to come, seeing as it was warmer in here than it was in the corridor. She would not freeze to death up here, which was the good thing. Hades turned to look at her to see if she remembered this place before he motioned toward the door with his hand, to allow her to go on as she pleased, because he was not going to hover over her back all the time. He would keep an eye on her, but that was about it. "I am sure you will love the memories this brings you. I think I still have that blonde wig somewhere in here," Hades smirked over at Etoile before he left the bedroom and headed toward the blooded room, which was what he called it anyway. Though it was more like a dungeon than anything. The moment that he set foot in here, Hades looked around and then he heard his own inner, darker voice speaking to him very faintly, '....her.' Yet he did not catch the first word, thus he shook his head. What did it want him to do? Hades wanted to follow it, but he did not know. Hades looked around the room, remembering the first experiences with Etoile in here, before he leaned against the doorway, and he folded his arms across his chest. Hades looked back into the rooms to see if he could see Etoile. If she remembered this room, he would know that she might be able to feel something. What that was, he did not know. He was feeling something, but he was sure that it was not lust or anything like that. This was more seductive, and dark. It was inviting, and Hades almost desired to give in however he knew better. He kept his mind at bay while he continued to watch the one that claimed his thoughts, for the most part, explore the safe house. Everything seemed to be covered with an inch of dust, but nothing a spell cannot take care of. Hades looked back into the darkened dungeon, and could smell the blood, the metallic scent that danced around his senses, just as alluring as his voice. He let out a sigh before he wondered when he should get to straightening this place up. Who knows who else would need to come here to realize their true potential. No one liked to enter into a place like this, realizing who they are meant to be, in a dirty safe house. Hades was sure that the next would be Austin or Azerail, seeing as Ozias had already met his potential. Perhaps Kaleb when he got out of school. Seeing as the mother was unknown to Kaleb, but known to the rest of the family, there was greatness in that boy's blood if he just tapped into it, he could be a great Dark Wizard. Same with Azerail. However with Austin, Hades had a lot of doubts. He was the son Prodan, so that could not mean much for the poor boy's future. As harsh as that sounded, Hades did not have the highest hopes or respect for anyone or anything that came from Prodan's life of genes.
Etoile's petite body quickly tensed and she nearly jumped out of her skin when a voice sounded from the darkness stated that she was always being watched. The voice was unmistakable to her. After all she had listened to that voice just about every single day since the day they had first met upon that rooftop. "Hades?" She really needed to stick a bell on him somewhere because then she might be able to tell when he was lurking around. It would be easier for her to tell which direction he was coming from too because he was just about as quick as the shadows themselves were. He summoned the lantern to himself and Etoile was finally able to let her eyes rest upon the man that had been following her in the shadows for goodness knows how long. Her silvery green eyes watched his every movement too because she was still so surprised that this whole time she hadn't been alone down here. He passed her and ascended the stairs that lead to the old trap door she had been so interested in moments ago. Was there actually something up there that he knew about? He didn't seem angry that Etoile was down here either. She half expected him to get upset and think that she was trying to run away like she had so many times in the past. It was a daily battle between the two of them when she was like that too. Etoile would try to bolt off and get away and he had to chase her down. Sometimes he caught her faster than she could even realize too. But right now he actually seemed pretty calm and casual about it. Maybe he sensed that she wasn't trying to run? Did Etoile have any reason to run anymore? She and Hades were dating and they had feelings for one another, plus she was content here. So was there a reason for her to try and escape? There wasn't really any reason she could think of. "I got bored and no one was home. It's easy to think down here, no distractions. The saf-this was where you took me that day?" Oh she remembered this place all right. This was the first place she and Hades really connected to one another. It was also where he had looked passed her disguise and unveiled her blonde wig and colored contacts. The very things that were keeping the true Etoile hidden from the world. Trying to keep any smart remarks about how even then he seemed to find it necessary to try and keep her locked within his home. But she decided that it was best not to get him going when they were so deep below the house. If he decided to go against what kind of man she thought he was, she doubted that anyone could hear her suffer from way down here. Hades unlocked the trap door before he pushed it open, and went through the door, Etoile followed right after him and let her eyes gaze around the dusty bedroom. Oh she remembered this place easily. Such bloodshed had been spilled here yet she remembered it all being from the time her and Hades had slept together for the first time. Back then she hadn't expected him to ever walk back into her life. This room was warmer than the cold corridors were so she closed the trap door locking the cold air from reaching the two lovers. Etoile started about the room. Her fingers tracing objects and staring intently at whatever she could. Was this where Hades disappeared to when he went away for that long month or so? When Hades brought up the old memories of the first time they met one another, Etoile snorted and look at him. Love was not even close to the word. More like loath entirely. "Please burn that wig when you get the chance. As for loving the memories...not so much. The day you first brought me here was the day you started this whole complicated mess between you and I. You refused to leave me alone no matter what I did or said. Now look at where we are. An even bigger mess." Etoile pointed out as she looked at Hades. Her tone wasn't hostile so it shouldn't have been able for Hades to pick up that she didn't really mind being in the mess she was in right now. If there was one thing she really enjoyed it was that he actually bothered to take care of her. Even if she didn't know everything about him she trusted him with a lot more than she did more people. After a moment of silence from Hades she raised and eyebrow. He was headed into the other room and after a moment or two of exploring the bedroom part she headed into the other room. One that looked similar to a dungeon.

Etoile remembered this room easily. Some fun memories were made within this room. On the very same floor both she and Hades were standing on now. "What's the matter?" Etoile stood in front of him. A flash of concerned nature passed over her but she brushed it aside before she gave him a look of seriousness. Damn him for making her worry and weak in the knee's. Biting her lip Etoile turned away quickly so Hades would not see that she was concerned. Instead distracted herself by pacing around the room and checking out all there was to be seen. Blood was spattered about the room and Etoile knew it couldn't have all been from her and Hades that one time. Has he brought other women down here or was she the one and only? Etoile hoped so because even though there were some bad memories connected to this place, there was a lot of good ones too. Things started for her and Hades here and she reveled in the fact that they were here once again. This time they saw one another in a different light though. At one corner of the room she saw a group of candles and she picked up one of the smaller ones before she moved it between her fingers. Her nose was able to pick up one of the scents and she remembered that this was one of the dragon scented ones. She turned and revealed what she was holding to Hades. She approached him slowly, as she he were her prey or something among those lines. "This gives me some ideas for later, if you know what I mean. Then again I could probably have more fun with these myself." Etoile purred and turned away from Hades. If there was any Vanilla scented ones or cinnamon she was going to be all over those scents. Vanilla was such an aphrodisiac to Etoile. For the time being she set the candle aside and explored the rest of the room. There were chains down here too. Etoile thought those would have been fun too. Finally she turned back towards Hades. Her long black hair flowed beside her as she drew herself closer to him. "Are you mad that I came down here without your permission?" Etoile kind of wanted to go swimming but Hades seemed quiet and a bit unlike himself. Maybe he was pissed of at her for being down here. That was her signal to immediately mentally scold herself. She was being foolish for coming down here because this had probably been his private place. Clearing her throat softly Etoile stepped away from Hades, her walls protecting herself just in case she started to care about what he thought.​
Hades knew that she would have jumped at the sound of his voice. Just by him doing that, it caused people, more so others than those used to him, to jump in fear, and whatnot. It was something that Hades really loved about his job. He did very well with it, and though Etoile just had to suffer the fear of it, it was just one of those things. Etoile would have to be dealing with him from now until eternity, and it had pleased him to the very soul on how she was stuck with him, forever. Hades looked down and he wondered what she was doing, but figured that she would be able to tell him on her own pace. Hades was not a bit upset that she would have come down this way. It was just a matter of time that she would have explored the house now known as her home. She had every right to explore it as much as everything else that was in here, but coming into this part was not just her home, but it was part of the Zhefarovich's lairs, many that were around the world, many that there were to get the darkness into the system, but there was not enough to go on when it came down to researching it and finding them. They were still turning up from time to time. Hades would not think that Etoile would be trying to escape anymore, now that they were seeing each other, but now she would know, freedom was just a few corridors away. That is, if she had swiped the keys from him, he could have only hoped that he would have realized what was going on fast enough. Hades doubted that it could have happened like that, but it could have been one hell of a chase. Hades debated on seeing that later on, but it would not happen anymore anyway. There would not be anymore escape attempts, and he nodded at her question, however the whole 'no one was home' bit was not exactly true seeing as he was home, and that was the only way he could have followed her down here. However he was not going to add that little part in. Hades had taken the things that made her hidden from the world in here, took her innocence and really wanted to make her his own. The nightmares for her turned into dreams, made realities and they all began here in this very safe house. Hades remembered that night, when he was engaged to another, the event that drove him to break it off, because this one, Etoile Hera Lefevre, was the one for him, the perfect vessel, and the one that he connected the most with. It was one amazing gift that he had seen when he had met Etoile that night. It was the most amazing night, but the memories now outdo the memories then. Hades continued on to reminiscence, but truth be told, those were not the best memories, it was now. Now when Etoile was not as hostile, though he had to admit, it was fun, but now, he did not think he would be able to put up with it now that he was in love. Hades however compared the first time that they had slept together to the previous time, the night when he had asked her to move into his bedroom. Oh that one ruled over them all. Where she displayed some of her more forceful attitude onto him, something he found extremely sexy. Who could deny that? Hades would not mind it where she had displayed that forcefulness upon him on occasion. Hades looked over at Etoile, smirking slightly as he did so, ignoring the constant voice in his mind, the one growing louder and louder. Hades appeared discomforted, but he did not want to show it at all.

A notable tone that she carried, she did not mind being in the bigger mess that they were in now, and he smirked a little more. Hades could not resist bowing his head slightly, and he purred, "And I don't think we would have it any other way. Burning your wig, that should be done here soon, when I remember where I have placed it." No one in the family wore wigs, so it should be easy to find and distinguish. It would most certainly smell like her too. Hades shrugged once, and he thought that if he had not bothered her that day, had he not taken her here, she would have been alone, he would be married unhappily, and she would not have the family that she had now. Hades looked into the room, the scents of the candles once burned and the blood nearly intoxicating him. Hades did not think that he could grasp onto reality for too much longer. So many memories, and he looked back to Etoile almost longingly, before he blinked and his expression changed slightly, and then resumed back to his normal cold, vacant expression with a subtle smirk. Hades looked at her when she asked him what was the matter with him, but he did not think that he should tell her about the voice in his mind. Then again as he was looking down at her, he thought that she might want to know the real him. Hades let out a sigh and instead of telling her what was wrong with him, he had said, "Nothing, don't worry about it." Hades blinked several times, before he realized what had happened. 'Allow me to talk to her, to touch her...' Hades shook his head and he almost groaned at the lack of control that he already lost. 'I don't know what you will do, so how about no?' Hades managed to look the same as he was going on in his own bloody mind, talking to himself. It was almost ridiculous when he kept what he truly was inside, where it had seemingly developed its own voice, or had Hades really lost his mind that he was just imagining all of this? While Hades was debating on it, Etoile seemed to be interested in something else, which was showing that she was more interested into the candles, and then saw that she was saying something which he had tuned into. He thought that she was talking about candle wax, but he was a little unsure. Hades inquired, "Is this something...new? Please elaborate." Hades slowly approached her as he smirked even more, a devious smirk that seemed slightly different to what he carried most of the time. Hades continued to approach her before his hand went out and he pushed the other Death Eater onto the wall, gently. He looked down at her, before he continued, his colder voice settling it, yet just as alluring as before, if not more so, "I don't think I would ever get mad that you come here. As long as you don't try any of your old tricks. Could...trigger something. However I am not against making new memories." Hades caressed her cheek before he suddenly withdrew, and he put his hands to his head. For a moment, he had lost control, and now he was just clearing out the haze. Remembering what was said, what was happening. This room...it was a trigger to release what he had been suppressing for many years. He closed his onyx eyes for a moment, and he opened them again before he rested his arms down to his sides. Oh this place was going to be the end of him. If he had gained control over what he had been suppressing, this would not be happening. From the moment he knew that he was a Zhefarovich, when he knew he had to kill Hollace, he had been suppressing it, putting on a colder, less threatening mask. Hades uttered, "Etoile, I...not sure on how long we should stay down here."
Etoile silently agreed with Hades. She honestly wouldn't have it any other way. It was a mess for sure but it was more real than any other relationship she had ever seen. It wasn't just because it was happening to her instead of someone else that made it real. It was because Etoile knew they struggled and they suffered to make this work. Hell they were still both struggling and suffering to make it work between the two of them. They weren't like one of the stupid couples that one would read in a romance novel or see in a movie. "How would you know what I want and don't want?" Though she could not help but keep any knowledge of that from Hades. They were dating now and Etoile was slowly adjusting to the fact that as her boyfriend she shouldn't have to try and lay such heads games with him and keep him from accessing her heart. It was worse than trying to cut off an addiction though. Because an addiction was predictable. It would be easy to break because it was fightable and everyone knew how to handle one. Strong will was pretty much all that was needed. But when it came to feelings and another person, it was so much harder. It wasn't like Etoile could control how she felt. If she could she would have kept all of this from happening. That vow was in the way and likely it would have killed her if she wasn't careful. But when Etoile got angry she rarely thought clearly and it probably wouldn't have crossed her mind until it was too late. There was also the fact that Hades was so hard to predict. Two thirds of the time when she tried to guess what he would do next she was wrong. He was about as predictable as a game of cards. Even if one knew how to play the game, the outcome was normally different. One never knew which card they would draw next. After a moment Etoile shook her head. Chances were that somehow, Hades knew. He knew everything little thing about her it seemed. He took time to do his research when it came to her. Etoile wondered if there was anything he didn't know about her. Anything at all that had somehow slipped his knowledge. Most likely not and that was almost scary because he most likely knew what made her tick, and what made her weak in the knees. She was one sad excuse of a Lefevre. A man making her weak at the knees. What would the other women think? Did any of them go through the same process? Did Danielle even care what Etoile did? Did she even know of her existence? Surely one of them had to know that she was still alive? 'Hades said he knew Danielle. That she was married to his Patriarch or something. Did that mean she might know that she and Hades were involved? Would this keep me from taking her place someday? One of these days the two of us really need to talk about all of this.' Etoile rubbed a pale hand over her smooth cheek. It felt like her brain was running rampant. She was thinking too much over this. What should be important right now was where she was right now and whom she was with. If Etoile had actually pulled her gaze from the floor to Hades she might have seen his change of expression. How he gazed at her almost longingly. Instead she only saw the usual coldness that came with the smirk. The one she had always been used to. Even since day one. When Etoile heard a sigh she actually let her eyes soften. He denied there something being wrong and Etoile wanted to call him a liar right then and there. It was nothing. Don't worry about it. Of course she as going to worry about it. Etoile did care and he never let things get to him like this. It was easy to tell just by the sigh that there was something aloof. In fact he had been acting strange all day. Etoile furrowed her eyebrows and approach Hades. "You do know that if there is anything you want to talk about or tell me you can just say it right?" She explained to him. Even if she didn't understand, or he thought she would get upset. she was willing to listen to him. If he needed someone to listen she would listen. He looked like something was up right now anyways. Maybe he just needed some space or something?

Etoile went about exploring the room still. There were a lot of things within the room that she was sure that she and Hades could have some fun with. Not in a sexual way, but there was a lot of old books that she would like to read or weapons she would like to learn how to use. There was a lot of stories about his family that she would like to hear as well. With one of the candle's still within her hand she heard Hades ask if this was something new. If she could please elaborate to him. Etoile smirked slyly. "Well.....I don't know. I guess you'll just have to wait and see and later won't you?" He would probably enjoy what she was imagining within her head right now. She knew he loved it when she experimented. Her mind was churning with ideas and she couldn't wait to test them out later. That is if she felt up to it. Sometimes she wasn't sure what the hell she wanted. Etoile watched carefully as Hades continued to approach her before his hand went out and he pushed her onto the wall, gently. It would almost appear as if she and Hades weren't even going to make it that far. Her back met with the cool wall and chills climbed up her spine. Her hands drifted across the trench coat he was wearing and she noticed that his voice changed. It sounded colder than before. Was he trying to be more seductive or something? "What on earth could I possibly trigger?New memories? Sounds promi-" Etoile almost leaned into Hades as he caressed her cheek before he suddenly withdrew his hand and place it on his head. There had to be something wrong with him? He was acting so unusual right now. Her thin body approached him and she grabbed his arm and held it tightly. Trying to be firm with him to convince him that he was going to tell her what was wrong less she get upset with him. "What is the matter with you? You've been acting strange all day Hades! I mean you've always been a little weird but never like this. We can leave here as soon as you tell me what's wrong." Etoile told him as she dropped the candle onto the floor and looked directly into his eyes. Urging him to just let it all out. Her hand gripped tightly on his arm signaled that she was not going to let go either. He used to torture her with things like this so she was going to return the favor. One way or another she would discover what was wrong with him.
What Hades and Etoile had, Hades did not think he would ever trade it. Never had he enjoyed someone's company for this long without wanting to kill them, never had he enjoyed such good conversations when they bothered to talk, and never had he enjoyed such good sex she had given him. He had ensured that the only one that she had been with was him. Hades had taken her innocence, and made sure that no other man had laid a finger on her while he was around. It was something that he wanted and had wanted for the longest time. Hades looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Was she really asking that question after he had known so much about her and everything? Seemed like a pointless question to him. Hades shrugged and he answered, "Easy, I know a lot about you, and I read your journal. That is how I know what you want and do not want." Hades smirked a bit at her before he started to look around a little more trying to keep his mind focused on not trying to do anything really. Hades looked down at the floor as he wondered what he should do. Hades wondered how she would have become just so, well, not so much predictable but he knew what she thought about doing and how she was still fighting what she felt, which he was almost sure that she was in love with him but he would need it to be verified, and he had no idea what how to do it. Hades wondered if she was thinking on how he was the same way with her even though he had admitted how he had felt, and she had not. Hades thought that them going out like they were would be enough, but he was unsure now. Hades had this gift about him, he just did not know how to discern it however he could tell how someone was feeling just by looking at them, and reading them because of how well he had studied people. Everyone he had seen, he had watched them from afar, and he could see how they were going to react to almost every situation. How love for him was different and how it changed his views on someone was just so quickly. It made it harder for him to read them or anything of the sort. He wished that he could have fought it, longer so that he would have known how she felt first. How she felt about him would have been going through her mind, any and all the time, and he wanted to know now. Hades did not want to pressure anything though, because that would possibly just shove those annoying walls right back up and he did not want to have to tear them down again. It was starting to get tiring of Hades, but the stamina that he had, it was incredible. He was keeping at it like someone that just never quit, and that was what made Hades who he was. That was what made him so determined to force himself upon Etoile's mind like he was now. Hades looked down at Etoile for a moment, and then he felt something, and it was that same clawing its way out, and it was not something that he wanted to feel. Not right now. That side of him, Etoile did not know if she would be ready for him. However the darker part was a part of who he was, just someone that he did not really want to see right now. Something that made him more notorious than ever before. It was almost evil on how it was, but he was unsure of how it would take to Etoile.

The Death Eater really did not want to worry her too much, but it was kind of shocking to him that she was actually worried about him. Hades blinked his eyes several times, before he shut him completely and he looked away for a sheer moment. Why did this have to be so frustrating? Hades instead turned his troubled expression into a smirk before he uttered, "Showing some concern, aren't you Little Star?" Hades did not know how she would react to that but it was one way of dodging the questions and the statements. It was not much that he was worried about, but he felt that they would need to get out of here, soon. They were about to find out what happened to Hades from time to time, under certain circumstances, when something else came alive. For now he was not too much on worrying about what could come alive right now, but he was more wanting to know about these candles that she was thinking with. There were many things that he could share with her, but not so much that had anything to do with candles at all, except they helped with lighting the area up. That was about it. Hades watched her smirk slyly, and then he was tempted. They would have to wait until later. Hades figured that it would be something new, and he murmured, "Test them when you wish." Hades gave her full permission to do whatever she wanted with candles, but he was unsure if he would have to do anything right now anyway. Hades hated that the being within was about to be revealed, and he was struggling so hard to fight it. Everything she did and this room was driving him absolutely berserk. In his mind, everything was going wrong, and it was not something that he was wanting. No, not now. Hades groaned silently before he uttered some small, fragments in Russian before he fell into silence. The moment that she had grabbed his arm, Hades had lost it. His eyes closed, looking down at the ground, his face appeared vacant. It seemed like she was about to know every part of Hades, and not just one part of him. The last statement, it was far too late. Hades opened his eyes and there was a different look to them. A darker, more sinister appearance. Hades smirked and he uttered in a darker, colder tone, yet it was even more alluring, "Trigger a part of me that no one wanted to see." Hades looked down as she had gripped his arm, however his other hand caressed her neck for a moment, before gripping and pushing her against the wall once more. The grip was not even tight, so it was obvious that this side did not want to kill her. Hades looked over Etoile as if he had never seen her before in his life even though he had for the past several years. No wonder Hades loved her so much, there was something in her. Her thin form, those silvery-green eyes, not once did the thought of having the light leave them flickered into his mind. Instead, there was other things in his mind. "Nothing is wrong anymore," purred Hades, before he withdrew a dagger and he held it over her dress for a moment, almost threatening to cut it off. "Little Star, the light in my dark realm, the only thing keeping him on this Earth. Ever wondered why the nickname was given? Nothing to do with your name, but I wonder, if you don't feel the same way, how that light will flicker out... How devastated your lover would be."
The nickname Little Star made Etoile pause and scrunch her nose up at Hades. Her name in fact did translate to mean small star in French. But why on Earth would he decide to use her name meaning as a nickname for her? It suited her better than Little Lefevre did. But if she had to be blunt about it she wished he would avoid nicknames all together. Her name was Etoile. She actually didn't mind her name. Her mother used to tell her when she was a little girl that the reason she named her the name she named her, was because Etoile was born on a very starry night. So starry that she sky barely had more than an inch or so that wasn’t covered by a thick mass of brightly lit stars. Ironic part was, Etoile stunk at astrology. Stars didn’t interest her when it came to how they were made or anything, they were just pretty to look at. Just like Etoile. There wasn't special about her. She was just pretty to look at and hard to figure out. Hades probbaly grew tired of her mysteries. But Etoile didn't care. It was something she grew up being. It would be unfair and un-wise to try and have her change now. But then again, when had Hades ever really been fair when it came to her? "Perhaps I am showing some concern. Does that make you unhappy if I do? I don't know what has come over me to make me feel so concerned for you in the first place. I’m starting to think you’ve be putting things into my drinks when I’m looking. Or casting spells even. But the least you could do is not avoid the question I asked." Etoile folded her arms across her chest and warned him with the tone in her voice. Warned him that she was not playing around. He always seemed to disregard when she was angry. On several occaions she had tried to kill him and he still messed around with her like a cat would to a mouse. Just playing until he found the chance to strike in at her walls and mental state. It was hard to deal with because Etoile didn’t want to fall in love. She had never been in love before. Infatuated sure, but look what happened to her then. Her heart had been broken. Love seemed so complicated and rough. How could anyone wish this feeling upon themselves? Etoile’s mother explained that it made those buterflies constant. It was hard to sleep, it was hard to eat, it was hard to do anything when that person was around. Seperation was so much harder too because it was like losing a piece of one's self. Etoile didn’t want to fall in love. But it seemed like Hades was not going to take no for an answer because her heart already yearned for him. He made her want him. Only him. At least Hades next response to her proved to be a good form of distraction. It made her lips curl into a malicious smile. Oh she would definitely be testing this stuff out later. But it was going to be on her terms and not his. Even if he didn’t like it she hated how she rarely ever got to be in charge. His manly pride would just have to take a small vacation later. Her small fingers glided their way up his toned arm, resting upon his neck where she traced his collar bone. "I will be later. But I get to be in charge this time." Etoile purred and removed her hand from his body. Chances were he wasn't going to cooperate as much as she wanted him. Chances were that there was going to be a brawl over who got control at some point. But she would resist a smuch as she possible could. There had to be at least one night where it was her decision to do something and he just had to give in. Just like she always did. Probably after dinner and the twins had gone to bed. Or as soon as they got upstairs. Etoile didn't know. It was unpredictable. That was what made it so fun too. Not knowing what was going to happen next. At least that is if Hades was feeling alright. He was acting rather odd tonight. Like something was coming over him. Exhaustion, lust, anger, Etoile didn’t know but she intende don finding out in any way that she could.

Etoile heard Hades mutter something in a language she did not understand and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. For some reason that made Etoile guard herself. Her face contorted back to coldness and she turned to look back at Hades. He looked much more dark and sinister now. Like he was a whole new person. "A part of you no one wanted to see? Why wouldn't they want to?" Etoile didn't understand. If people cared about Hades like she thought they did, why would they not accept all of who he was, even the bad parts. But Etoile was new. She didn't understand that this part of him was much more different than she imagined. What part of his was it? Etoile relaxed for a moment when she felt Hades caressing her neck. It was sensual and romantic. But then things took a change for the violent. He gripped her neck and pushed her up against the wall. The grip wasn't tight which is what left Etoile to believe that Hades was in the mood to fool around. The way he was looking at her made Etoile wonder what was really going on? He admitted that nothing was wrong anymore and Etoile curved her lips into a sly smile. Her hand still rested on his upper arm and she released the arm to rest it upon the hand that was wrapped around her neck. Her fingers traced the skin slightly and she gripped it as if she was urging him to wrap his other arm around her. It would be hard for her to kiss him and lull him into giving into her tonight if she was being held at bay by his hand gripping her neck and her body being pressed up against the wall. "Anymore?" Etoile asked not quite getting what was going on still. It was almost as if he was talking in riddle. Was this a new game he was trying to play? Kind of like roleplaying or something did often to spice up their romance and fun in the bedroom. Hades withdrew a sharp dagger and he held it over her dress for a moment, almost as if he was threatening to cut it off of her. This didn't help Etoile think any differently about her earlier assumption. It made her feel even more keen about this new personality he was showing her. If only he made more sense when he spoke though. "Hades if you want to fool around you could at least wait till we get upstairs or something. Besides...I told you, it's my turn to be in charge. No cheating." Etoile's free hand traced the edge of the blade he held within his hand. She was hoping to take it from him. She already told him. It was her turn to be in control and he was ruining her plans for the night. Then again maybe they could take turns? Etoile was weighing options with her mind because she felt that there was something different about Hades. something very different. Maybe that meant that there would be a bunch of new experiences tonight. The candles dropped within Etoile's fingers and landed on the floor with a soft clank. Something was not right. Not right at all.

The light in his dark realm. That was what she was to him? "Keeping who in this earth?" Etoile asked her hand falling from the his hand and the blade and rested against the wall. As if she were trying to distance herself as much as possible. Even with his hand clutching her throat. No longer did she actually sense lust. But a sense of darkness. It alarmed her. It made Etoile feel threatened. Hades explained to her the reasoning behind the nickname Little Star. It didn't have to do with her name one bit. How if she didn't feel the same way as what if that light would flicker out. What did he mean by flicker out? Did he mean that she would die, or the love that he felt for her would fade? "Are you saying I'm going to die? Why are you talking as if.....You know how I feel dammit. Isn't it obvious enough for you?" How devastated her lover would be. Why was he talking about himself in third person pretty much. Was this even Hades she was talking about? Something sparked within Etoile. Hades knew how she felt. He must have. If he was able to read her as much as he pretended he did then he must have known somehow that she cared a lot. that her heart sought for him. That she was falling for him. A part of Etoile grew frightened and that made her angry. There was no way she was going to let Hades do this to her. Did he want her dead? That was what the f*cking knife was for wasn't it. Etoile struggled and tried to force Hades away from her. Her feet tried to kick him back and since the first time since she could remember it felt like she and Hades were meeting for the first time. "Get away from me! I'm not going to play this game with you Hades. Seriously, let me go. I'm getting mad." Etoile bucked up. Lately she had been docile with Hades. She had been actually gentle when it came to him. But he was suddenly acting as if he made no sense to her. That he was a threat to her. If she didn't feel the same way her light was going to flicker out. What did he mean by her lover would be devastated. Wasn't he her lover? What if he was going to tell her that he didn't love her? Etoile didn't want to hear this. She wanted to get upstairs and out of this room. Down here there would be no one to hear her scream or fight. He could end her down here. She pushed the blade away from her dress and tried to use her fingers to remove the hand holding her neck. He was strong, and he was different. Her bare feet shifted against the cool stone floor and Etoile could hear the howl of the violent winter wind blowing outside. A few of the candles nearby flicked out and it made her able to see less of him. The blade gleamed in the vague light and for a moment all Etoile could hear was her breathing.
With Hades' full being out and finally in control, there was not much that anyone could do to have him put the more sinister side of him to the side unless something happened to get all the energy drained. That was the secret to putting the beast back into the grave, so to speak. However it would be really hard to do, not to mention the fact that it was really hard to get Hades' full potential out and into the open. Hades looked down at Etoile, seeing that she did not even sense that there was something more. Oh did she really think that he was out here to make love again? Oh no, there was so much more to it than that. Hades had other things in mind, and with it all out, he was going to be able to actually talk to her about something, however he had to be in this state of mind. Things became so much clearer to him when he was, and why he needed to gain control over it. With her showing concern like she was before, that was just proving to him that she was actually was in love with him. How he was figuring that out was rather easy and simple. It was becoming more and more clear as he watched. That was good because he could probably surprise her later on with his knowledge and discovery. Oh how pleasing it was to finally see through it all. Why fight such a feeling? Hades was thinking that it was going to be turned into power, and it was something that he needed for a while now, and it almost soothed him inside, which was saying something now. Hades was focusing more on how she was looking and her reactions, every movement she made was an invite to the darkness that he wanted her to make. However Hades liked to see fear too, the fear to live however would he ever want to see this from Etoile? He did not think so. This was very humorous to the Death Eater, that she was actually thinking of seducing him, maybe later but it was a very good idea later on. Perhaps he would be able to teach her how to not put up those walls because he was exhausting a side of Hades mentally, to where his darker side would emerge. That meant danger to everyone, every Zhefarovich had it but with Hades, it was slightly different because his blood mixed with the Zhefarovich, it was almost hard to control anything. The mixing of bad blood created someone like him, perhaps there were more but Hades was unsure if he had full-blooded siblings or not. Kalif was rather secretive about those things, especially when it came down to mothers, as if it mattered, one can tell by the tree, the original one. Well, it had to not have charms on it to keep things secret. 'So many secrets,' thought Hades as he looked down at her, and seeing that she wanted to be in charge of the whole seduction thing. He might let her, but no, he did not want to participate right now even though there was that lustful gleam in his eye, mainly because she had touched his collar bone, which automatically had it signaled in his mind that he wanted to get something done and taken care of. Hades looked down at her, but he wondered, what was going through that little mind of hers right now. Could he trust her to tell him, or maybe he would just find out on his own like he normally did. Guessing and assuming, it was a trial and error, and Hades rarely got it wrong. Especially in this state. "Something tells me, you won't be in the mood until later," Hades uttered, only coming a little closer to her, their bodies almost touching as he did so. The closeness seemed to cause his body to stir, which was good. He did not wish to kill her, no. He wanted something so much more, Something that he would not be able to receive without Etoile giving in, but what was that? Hades would not even think about it, as he did not want to reflect it upon his cold, facial features. His onyx eyes seemed to flash in the candlelight, however hiding what was truly going on inside, which was a powerful whirlwind of everything. "This side of me, my dear," said Hades in a darker voice, "is the side that comes out normally for a kill. A more sinister side if you will. The side that causes him to be what others would be 'insane' perhaps. I guess you can say, all of his being and not just a part that you have grown accustomed to." Hades was speaking in some sort of riddle, but it was solely the truth as well. There was a huge part of him that not many saw, and not many wanted to see. Mostly due to the lack of control and wanting freedom and do as he pleased, without consequences. The Zhefarovich Family were constantly on his case about gaining control, more or less concerned that a valuable member would easily lose control and end up having to pay the consequences, most of which included death. The Death Eater within his grasp seemed to think that Hades wanted to fool around. Well, a part of him did, but he wanted to play first. Whatever he wanted to play with, that was a mystery.

Her hand was still on his upper arm, and it seemed like she wanting to be touched more, however Hades did no such thing. If anything, he simply adjusted his hand on her neck, feeling for a pulse and the skin beneath. The skin beneath held much blood that he was starting to crave a bit, whether that was spilling it or doing what he normally did, which was taste it from the flesh. It was an act of sheer pleasure. Nodding at her when she asked anymore, but he did not say what it was. He did not need to explain it, not right now anyway. It would ruin the moment. Perhaps afterward, because right now he wanted to see the expression on her face when he was out like he was. His face continued to look sinister but his lips curled into a wicked smile. She still thought that he wanted to fool around, like this was a game, however it was far from it. She would have to find out the hard way, and that was him telling her, that he was not here to fool around. Not yet. Hades continued to hold that smirk, as he stated, "Who said I wanted to fool around? Perhaps later, but not just yet. I doubt you will end up being in charge. I may have you too exhausted to even bother." Hades looked over her body, seeing the blade shine in the candlelight, as it flickered from the silver. There were going to be many new discoveries and new experiences tonight, and Hades, all of his being in charge, did not wish to have her killed. He wanted Hollace killed because she was nothing more but the rats of the country, but not Etoile. From what he could see, she was someone that could mean a lot. However her fighting Hades did in fact get on his nerves, so nothing was perfect. Hades may want things to go his way, but some things had to wait for some time, and they were growing impatient. The candles within Etoile's hand seemed to have dropped on the floor, and the smirk only widened. Now she knew something was changed. The meaning behind the name seemed to have struck a nerve. "Isn't it obvious?" Hades thought it was, at least right now he did. Her hand moved from the blade, and it seemed like she was backing up. Was she scared now? Hades narrowed his eyes at her, looking deep within. Well, what he could when the light of the candles were out that were near them, because she had dropped it. Hades started to laugh almost cruelly, however it was just the way it sounded, but he was more or less amused, and that was the tone that it carried. She thought that she was going to die? Well, maybe someday in the future, but it was not going to be by his hands, and whomever took her down would have to answer to him. Hades said after he had stopped laughing, "Oh that fear of me killing you never gets old. It almost seems...believable. Let me inform you of something, Etoile, I - might as well talk like you would understand - tell myself who should live and who should die. That is how we ended it with his previous one, and killed the last ones. Your fate depended on what I want from you, but, it is not death, so you can relax. I won't kill you or even have you killed. I'll explain why here in just a moment." Hades lowered the dagger, because it seemed like Etoile was freaking out because she was afraid that he was going to end her there and then. The blade still reflected in the light that was left in the room, and he averted his eyes just a moment, before he wondered what he could do with the dagger for a bit. Struggling against a strong man such as himself was pretty much a waste of strength. "What I meant by the light flickering out, you took it as a symbol of yourself. No. You see, rejection is a powerful wind, and could blow out the flame. The love for one is so powerful, if it goes out, we die. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. Become an empty shell, and I don't want that happening. I don't think it will either, because I can see that, perhaps you do feel a lot more for us than you realize. I can see it. Why not just admit it? The feeling is mutual. But that can wait, because I wish to have a little fun with you." Hades took the dagger and ended up doing what he normally did, and ripping it in two with a swift move. Hades released Etoile's neck for a moment to toss the dagger into his other hand, withdrawing his wand and closing the door, sealing it with a lock. Some privacy at least. Hades' free hand seemed to go back to her neck for a sheer moment, before going over her body, caressing it. This might be the more sinister side to him, but it appeared that all of Hades' being was in love, not just one section of him. He placed the dagger into her hand before he smirked and he uttered into the darkness, "A battle of control, let's see who wins. Let me see what you got." It was nothing more but a sheer challenge, that is until he smirked even more as he purred, "But let's see how you do with this on your shoulders, something I want: marriage, to me - to us." Hades doubted that she would be able to even focus on anything with that. With the door closed, and Hades in the way of the door, he would take her down to the ground if she tried to leave this room.
Etoile had heard stories. Plenty of stories on this dark being living inside of Hades, sometimes they were good. Sometimes they were bad, mostly they just pertained to the difference between the two of them. At first she couldn't see the difference. They still shared the same body so in her mind, darker or not he was still Hades. He was still her Hades. But with each second that ticked by she begun to notice more and more differences between them. For one, the side that was currently out seemed a lot more aggressive and straightforward around things that he said or did. The Hades that she knew was never against playing a head game or two with the person he was bothering at the time. His voice was deeper and the look within his eyes was unreadable to the point where not even Etoile was sure of his intentions. Not a single bit. Why would Hades let his other half out so suddenly? Or did he have no choice in the matter? There were so many questions within Etoile's mind right now when it came to Hades and this so-called other half that was speaking to her right now. She had so many that she wasn't even sure if he'd let her ask them all. "So if your a part of Hades, but your not really Hades? Does that mean that the actual Hades can hear and see us right now? Or not?" For some reason she was still a little nervous around this newer being. Even if he was part of the same man she trusted herself with. It felt like she was in the room with a stranger almost. Her walls felt the need to build themselves up rapidly in order to protect herself from anything he might do to her. He seemed to care for her just as the actual Hades did, but she had heard that this other side of his could be much more cruel and unpredictable with how he reacted to things. Etoile knew he was the one who had caused the death of the other ones, she didn't want to join them anytime soon either. But she was unsure how to act. It wasn't easy pretending to be comfortable around him either. Hades responded that something told him that she wouldn't be in the mood until later. Which was true. She was kind of at a loss for words right now. Her mind was formulating things to say or things to do but once they rose to the surface they seemed to get lost once again. If the real Hades was in there and he was able to hear or see this at all, was he trying anything to stop it? Surely he must know that Etoile was clueless and surprised by him coming out like this. But what if he couldn't see what was going on and stuff? Who would stop This darker version of Hades from destroying everything? Etoile wanted to know why he was even out anyways, not that she was against him being out or anything, she just wanted to know what made him appear and make his presence known to her. It was probably better to know now then to wait for him to do something. "Not to be rude or anything, but what made you want to come out? Was something triggered or do you have something you need to be accomplished?" Etoile asked, her tone cold but laced with curiousness. Why was he here right now and what did he want ultimately. Did he even trust her enough to tell her. Etoile wondered if he loved her too, just like his other half did. Or if he felt indifferent about her presence. Did he want to care for her too? That was another one of the many questions. Etoile could easily agree that she most likely felt something for both sides of Hades. He wasn't really all that different was he? Time would soon tell. That much was for sure. This was the more sinister and more insane side of him. Did that mean he was less stable? Etoile stiffened a little when Hades adjusted his cold hand on her neck, almost as if he were feeling for a pulse. This worried Etoile because she knew he had a weapon easily ready on him. If this were the Hades she recognized she would have known exactly what he was doing. But she couldn't be too sure. She couldn't be too careful either. Etoile tried to force her neck away from Hades' touch. At least it wasn't like it was when she hated Hades. She would have done anything to get away from him. To not have him touch her. But now the feeling of not wanting to be touched by him came from an aura of uncertainty.

"Who says I'll even allow you to touch me tonight either?" Etoile sneered. Pretty much telling him that if she couldn't have her way, then he couldn't have his. That would teach him for telling her no. Even if the thought of him and her together until they were exhausted was fairly exciting to think about. But Etoile did not like not getting what she wanted, this new side of Hades had yet to learn that either. He probably wouldn't tolerate it either but if he was smart he would notice it was mostly a rouse to get him going so it would be more fun for her. Even now that the room was darker Etoile could see Hades perfectly well in the vague lighting that there was, her silvery green eyes flickered along with the candlelight and she turned her head away for a moment, cutting their eye contact for a moment she tried to ignore the fact that he found something funny. Etoile hated when she was being laughed at. Unless she was trying to be funny and Etoile was never funny, ever. It wasn't her thing. He found the fact that she was worried that he would kill her, funny. What was so funny about that? He was the one who decided who he killed and who he didn't kill, he was the one whom decided that the ones from the past would be killed. But he wasn't going to kill her, and he wasn't going to have her killed. He was about to explain why that was though. "But we humans are so fragile Hades. It doesn't take much to end a life. It could be nothing more than a mere accident." Etoile replied as she watched the blade carefully. For some reason Hades lowered it. She wondered if he would understand that. How fragile a life was. Whether he meant to kill someone or not, it could happen. He could very well be the very reason why she stopped breathing one day. He did bother to explain to her what he actually meant though. She wasn't the light that was going to flicker out. If she rejected Hades they could emotionally lose everything. Become an empty shell. Etoile narrowed her eyes but she was really trying to fight how shocked she was. Was his, or their feelings rather, that strong for her. Hades didn't want her to reject him. Or he would lose himself. 'I never planned on rejecting him anyways, if he would just give me time...' Etoile thought to herself. Well she thought she wouldn't. There was feelings there. Mayhaps even love. but Etoile had such a hard time figuring herself out. Being closed off for so long made it hard to communicate her feelings the way she wanted to. He wanted her to admit her feelings. Somehow this part of Hades seemed to know that she felt more for him than she let on that she did. "Why does it need to be said if you already kno-" Etoile was less pleased with what Hades had just gone and did. Before she could even retort to him he had taken the thin fabric of her dress and had ripped it with the dagger in his hand. It was a good thing she didn't really like that dress apparently. Now she was only clad in what she had been wearing underneath. She might as well have been in the nude because it didn't seem to matter much did it? Etoile's neck was completely released and the dagger was tossed to her. She caught it easily and held it gingerly between her fingers. He was going to allow her a battle of control though. Well it was about damn time. Etoile didn't even waste any time in grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull him into a demanding kiss, but before their lips could even connect to his, he dared to utter something that made her freeze. Completely. Her fingers released Hades and the dagger all in one. He wanted marriage. To get married. Oh no. This was not going to happen. Etoile would not let Hades get it into his mind that marriage was ever going to be an option for the two of them. There was too many complications it was going to create. Etoile had barely figured out that she had feelings for Hades. Etoile had already been forced into so much, he wanted a commitment too. But mostly what would always keep her back was two things. One, was that she remembered what her father did to her mother. She loved him. They married. His promises, his ring meant nothing to her and he left her alone. Hades could tell by the way he went through his previous relationships that he didn't like commitment either. He was a man, he wanted to be free. He didn't want to be tied down. If she did this he would just leave her too. Etoile didn't want to scare him away. Etoile didn't want to scare herself away either. Neither were the type to commit. They weren't going to be some perfect loving family. Why even begin to torture themselves with the thought? Etoile's frozen stature faded and she looked at him as if he had grown a third head. "No." Was all she plainly said. It was curt and it was formal. Meaning that she was serious. If he wanted an explanation. Fine she would give him one. But she meant what she said. There would never be a damned ring on her finger so long as she could help it. Even if she loved Hades. She would not let things go like they were before.

Etoile picked the dagger up and pulled Hades hand before she handed it back to him. Then she went down and picked the ripped dress back up into her hands. Looks like she would be heading back upstairs in what she was in now. "I'm going back upstairs." Etoile replied to Hades, she could feel hot wax beneath her feet from the candle she had dropped. The wax was melting all over the floor. Later on she would offer to clean it up if he wanted her to. As she passed by Hades she rested a hand to his cheek, telling him that she was almost sorry. For a moment she just wanted to tell him how she felt. That mayhaps there was love there and she just needed his help to understand it, how to handle it. There was a sense of longing behind the touch. But Etoile forced it away. Then she removed her hand and headed toward the door.
Hades laughed ever so softly, because this was just the beginning, the beginning of a new era for him and the one that his inner being seemed to love. However while Hades had his even darker side out and playing, there was no telling what would happen tonight. But whatever it was, it would be worth experiencing, whether good or bad. You see, while this state was inhabiting right now, it was within this moment as it slowly passed on whether or not this relationship would continue on like this, progress even faster or break it off even sooner than fate wanted it to. This side was in full control, and Etoile Lefevre had yet to experience how dark and how...insane the true Hades could really be. This is who he was, and he would not change for the world. Being like this, being himself just felt so natural, almost like it was trying to take over, and stay. It was just that in this killer state, one wrong turn and he could kill anyone or anything, including family and friends that he did not like at all. He laughed even more when she started asking questions. He put his finger to his lips as he thought of the right words to say to the younger Death Eater. He spoke, once more, "Not exactly. It is similar to bottling feelings up so much, they tend to explode after time. Except replace anger with this darkness and more sinister attitude that I can have, and when it erupts, I come out fully and completely. I put this side down, for the safety of the children, but sometimes, you grow restless and just want to play slashers and slaughters. Though the answer to your question will remain unknown until he – I wake up later and see if I automatically block it out." It was hard not to speak in the third person, but Hades was trying not to confuse her. He was extremely complicated, and everyone knew that for a fact. So, sometimes this happened, but the softer Hades underneath did not want to have his more sinister side come forth out of fear of scaring Etoile away. Ever since he had knocked over that dresser when he got angry with Etoile and saw the fear, he locked his more ferocious side up, as well as his most sinister attitude away, almost forming a new, softer and cold Hades, one that had the ability to love. One that could raise children. Hades, as a full being now even with his sinister side, could raise children. However the ability to love was questionable, but it still appeared to be there because this one was a killer, and he was bloodthirsty even now, however he did not want to shed Etoile's blood. Instead, he wanted to do things to her. He wanted to make her his, forever. Etoile asked what triggered Hades to release the walls that were burying this demonic force, so to speak. Hades looked down at the floor and the walls. They always said that monsters were attracted to something, and what was attractive to him was the smell of blood, the memories of this place, just everything. "This place, it makes me feel complete. That and the strong smell of blood. It is not just a sexual stimulant for myself." Hades wanted to touch the walls, but then again more of him wanted to taste blood, slice into Etoile and drink it from the source. Though not deep enough to where it would kill her but just enough to get the feelings out and into the open, like they would need to be soon enough. Hades looked down upon Etoile, his form stiffened a little bit, as he started to grow a little annoyed with her not wishing to be touched. She seemed to beg for it moments ago, and now, she did not want it? This teasing was not flowing over well with the Death Eater, and he could feel every muscle within just start to harden as he fought every molecule screaming to take her down and have his way with her, willing or not. Even the insane man knew that this would not be the way. It would be pushing her away so much, he would not be able to have her at all, and he would not have that. He had to have her, one way or another. If he couldn't, he would be damned to let some other fool lay and single finger upon her. Hades was growing confused, and irritated, but he did not know why that was, why she seemed to be so uncertain with his touch. He had already said that he was not going to kill her, what more did she want? Hades tilted his head toward her, his eyes studying her as well as her neck, investigating so much with so little time, but there was so much than what he was seeing on the outside. He realigned his head once more upright, before he uttered, "I know you will. One way or another. Because I know you. More than you will ever know or wanted others to know." Hades was speaking the fact there. He knew little facts, he knew her dreams of having a large family. He could give her everything she wanted, and yet there was not much that she knew about him. His childhood, his teenage years, his life out in the open, how he got his children... There was so much she did not know, and there was no time to tell her. Not like he was going to tell her now anyway. He would say when she seemed interested in it, or if she asked. Though even he thought that his life was not in the least bit interesting at all. Even his insane side thought the same.

There was so much he thought was coursing through her mind, and he wondered what he had said to make her do that. It was almost cute, but it had the very unstable man amused, as the irritation had long since left by now, which was just moments or seconds ago. When she said that humans were so fragile, it didn't take much to end a life. And it could be an accident, that was where Hades started to laugh even more. Had she ever made a kill before? Did she know how much naturally, a human fights to survive? Hades counted with a smirk unlike any other across his handsome face, "My dear, humans are not fragile unless you look at the certain points that make the body. I know very well how to keep someone from dying, but have you ever seen how some people will just fight for years on not dying? And just hang on to a tiny thread? You can trust in that, but let me give you some advice. Not all accidents are truly accidents." Hades knew this. Jaken's death was not so much an accident, as it was a mistake. Hades was questioned on one thing, why does it need to be said regarding her feelings to him if he already knew. Hades right now could read so much on a human, know what they are feeling if they show it in their eyes and actions. Etoile was being as obvious as daylight. However before his more sinister side came out, he was just on a theory, he had nothing to go on other than just some suspicions. And now, it was as if she had said it anyhow, by her questioning on why it needs to be said. Hades had an idea. To get her to say it though it would be close to cruel to do, and not to mention it would put his neck out there in arms way. However with the unstable mind, one was willing to try anything and everything. And this was the risk that he was going to take, either or not it came through. Hades was a man of his word. However he would choose to go down that route later. With her dress off, and a dagger in her hand, he waited for what she could say for her message. It seemed like she was about to kiss him hungrily, however the phrase had made her freeze, just as he thought. The sound of the dagger hitting the floor echoed around, and Hades smirked even more. He knew marriage would be very big to ask for, but there was the catch. He never asked if she would marry him so much as he had just said that he wanted it. It could have been a proposal if one took it that way, but it was not something that Hades had meant for it to be. It was meant to throw her off guard and see her reaction, which he was thoroughly enjoying. The frozen stature did not remain too long as she looked like he was out of his mind, which he was respectfully. However she said one word that Hades in this state never took lightly. No. Hades looked as though it did not phase him because he was not asking for marriage. He was telling her. Hades did not need an explanation for anything at all. He looked down at her as she picked up the dagger and handed it back to him. Oh that was one mistake, the other was the fact that she said that she was going back upstairs. Her hand rested on his cheek as he waited for the opportune moment to seize the younger Death Eater. Not even seconds after she had removed her hand, Hades reached out and grabbed it, as he pulled the younger woman to him, before he took her to the floor. He pinned her down and he held the dagger still in his hand. He looked down at her before he repeated, "No?" His tone was almost mocking, but there was more behind it. "I was not asking you to marry me. It is just what I want, and I always get what I desire, one way or another. It may be next week, it might be a few years down the road, but I guarantee you, one day, you will inevitably be the wife I have dreamed about but never found until now." Hades might be insane right now, but at least he was telling her, he was not wanting it now even if he was, but he could be patient and wait. Perhaps there was more behind her unwillingness to marry. Fear perhaps? Hades knew that he could commit, if the feelings were right. He never loved Anastasia like he thought he had. Etoile on the other hand, he knew that the feelings were true. Even Asparuh confirmed it. However Hades looked down at her body before he murmured, "Oh, back onto the important subject. The reason why I need you to say it because even I know, sometimes you think you know something when it is wrong. But if not, I suppose you will have to raise the children alone. Let;s say, one day, if you didn't say it, I were to do something so reckless, that I get caught, and get the Dementor's Kiss. Would you not regret ever saying it? Because you never know what will happen tomorrow." Hades was bring rather factual, because one did not know what would happen the next day. One could very easily die, and he even repeated her own words, "It could be a mere accident." Hades wondered if she would have anything to say on that. It was dark, forceful, but it had its deep meaning behind it.
Etoile stared down at the floor as she took in what Hades said to her about this side of him coming out. He had been bottling his darkness up until the blowing point. No wonder he had been triggered like he was. Gently she brought a hand up and brushed some of her hair out of her face. "I don't blame for coming out then. No one wants to be cooped up all the time. I wish I had known earlier that there was another half of you though." Etoile stated coldly. Cold as she could get when she spoke to Hades at least, lately she had noticed that she spoke to him more differently than she did anyone else. It still had coldness to it, but at the same time it was so much softer. It was something that she had just taken a notice to as well. If she had noticed earlier she night have come to terms with how she was feeling much earlier than now. It wasn't until actually a few seconds ago that it finally hit her what exactly was going on with her emotions. Why she felt so strangely during the past couple of months whenever she was around him or thinking about him. 'I'm in love? How could this happen?! I swore to myself that no matter what he did I would-ugh this is such a pain in the ass.' Etoile started to mentally scold herself. It was the only thing she could thing to do other than to start freaking out about how she was feeling. Once before she had thought that she had fallen and it turned out to be false. Then again her feelings were never as strong as the ones she had now. Was this how he was feeling about her too? If so god help that poor boy. How did he manage to do anything knowing that he had these types of feelings. Etoile felt herself grow more nervous and awkward. What was she supposed to do? Hide them, confess them, take some mind-altering potion to get rid of it. What did Hades do to deal with how he was feeling, if he even really loved her like he said he did. The strands of hair that she had just pushed back out of her face had fallen into it again and Etoile wrinkled her nose. Her hair was getting to long. But for some reason she couldn't bear to cut it. It was like a comfort thing for her. "When you disappeared that once month, is this where you were the whole time? This place...was kind of the like the place where we first met. Well, where you met the real me." Etoile cut in. There was a lot of emotion rising from this place. So much had been started here and Etoile wondered why she had not been brought back here more often. Was this place mostly for Hades or was she allowed to be here whenever she liked? Questions arose and Etoile kind of wondered how one could remain down here for a month. There were things like a place to sleep and stuff. But a whole month? Etoile felt like she was truly go more insane than she already was if she had to stay down here for a month. Etoile started to realize that her tensing up and shying away form him may be frustrating to him, if not a little bit confusing too. Etoile rubbed her arms and looked down at the floor, she felt bad. Putting him through this. It wasn't that she was totally against him, she just felt nervous. Like this wasn't the Hades she had fallen for. But she knew he was. It just felt different than normal she she felt like she wasn't being loyal to her man. But this was Hades right. Her Hades? Well she shouldn't go as far as to say hers, but this was him? He was still the same man. Etoile cocked her head to the side and bit her lip. "If you say so Hades." She winked before she rolled her eyes and turned away from him. Etoile didn't want to admit to him fully that if she had the chance to, she would jump his bones right then and there. Down here she wasn't so sure if it would be a good idea thought. He did know her well though. Almost too well. There were times when it pissed her off royally. Because he knew so much about her and she knew so little about him. Was there a reason why he was hiding whom he was so much?

"True, humans do fight to survive. But underneath that we are so much more fragile than we like to pretend. We get hurt, we get angry, we fear what we do not understand. We lose our loved ones, we go through heartbreak, tragedy, we are fragile. Some are just better at hiding it than others." Etoile explained in the best way she could. To her, humans were very fragile. Not by means of being killed, but human emotions were so easy to destroy and fracture. Like the day her mother died. She was fragile. But she also supposed that Hades had a point. People held on. The strong kept going and attempting to put the past behind them like they were both doing right now. A part of Etoile was left to assume that somewhere down there within that heart of his, he had suffered some heartbreak. Even though Etoile felt for Hades, she felt like denying any idea of marriage was the best thing she could do for either of them. She would be sparing Hades the problems of having to feel like he rushed into it again. Marriage scared so many men away. Etoile could easily imagine herself being left at the alter one day. Or growing old alone. This love business was so frightening. How could anyone be sure of what they wanted when it came to love? Not even seconds after she had removed her hand from his face, Hades reached out and grabbed it, then pulled the younger woman to him. Then Etoile was taken down to the floor by Hades. She should have guessed that he was going to make it hard for her to do anything she wanted. Etoile tried to struggle against him, the last thing she wanted to do was be pinned down to the floor and talking about getting married, to anyone. "Yes I said no!" Etoile started off by restating what she had told him. Etoile listened to what he said and narrowed her silvery green eyes at him. Well of course it wasn't a proposal. He didn't have a ring. Not that she wanted to sound like that was all she cared about. But if there was some guy out there with the actual gull to go out there and propose to her, then she would have preferred he did it traditionally. "I know that. I was saying no to marriage in general. I don't want to get married thank you very much. Besides if that even was supposed to be a proposal, it would have been the worst one I had ever seen." Etoile muttered, giving a small 'hmph' at the end of it all. In love with him or not he could still be a typical male. If that was the case, Etoile was going to be a typical female. The whole one knee thing, yeah that was cute. but like stated, Etoile didn't want to get married. It had nothing to do with Hades, she just felt like marriage was never going to be for her. Etoile turned her head away and she thought that it was going to end here, that he was going to let her up and they actually go back upstairs. But things took a turn for the worse. Etoile turned her head to Hades, and looked at him. He was threatening her to admit her feelings for Hades, or he would do something terrible to him. Somehow, Etoile believed him too. "Don't do that...." Etoile muttered, looking like she was horrified. At the every mention of him putting himself in such a situation. All because she did not tell him that she loved him. "Please." Etoile nearly pleased with him. Still pinned underneath him, her body was pressed against the cold stone floor. Her eyes bore directly into Hades' dark ones before she breathed out. "You can't do that...because I love him. I love you too, and if you do that you'll be taking away more people I care about. I don't want you to end up just like everyone else I've ever known." Like her mom, her brother, her father, everything was taken from her at one point or another. What if she lost Hades and her babies too? Was Etoile doomed to keep losing her family like that? Turning her head to the side so she wouldn't have to see Hades' reaction, for some reason she was afraid to look at him. What would he think?
The Death Eater smirked even more into the darkness, the swirling madness that many were afraid of what lurked within that blanketed him and comforted him rather than had him fearful. The other half of Hades was not what others had ever wanted to see from him because of how harsh it was. Perhaps there was a way for the darker side and the other side to merge together and create a balance. A balance that was highly needed in the unstable mind. Hades shrugged lightly and he murmured, "Would you have wanted to know about the side that could potentially harm others, and might be afraid that it may very well be turned on you? It isn't the case, but one could think it for a time." This side would never be turned on Etoile, because Etoile meant so much to him, as a whole. Etoile would never have another man in her life other than Hades unless she wished to die, which he doubted that she would. Hades figured that she did in fact love him in some form, and she would not be leaving him because she was too far gone with him. Hades was doing well with what he was doing. He smirked even more at the sheer thought of having her eat her own words considering that she never wanted to fall in love, never wanted to be in a relationship, and now, it was all coming true just has he had predicted. And there was nothing she could do because Hades would ensure that she would remain in this state. Hades had to deal with the emotions himself, but it turned out to be strengthening him, except when she was able to get him to do things for her. Only then did the strength fall and crumble, like a Great Wall. Hades known that it was true, and he was just overwhelmed with such pride, and almost cockiness. He had managed to make the most difficult and stubborn woman fall in love with him. It was the best feeling in the world, and he knew that it was true. Having this known to him, it was both a thrill almost like a drug, and it was an accomplishment. He did not hear it yet, but he knew that it was true. Hades was convinced, and he would not take no for an answer any longer - then again he did not ever take no for an answer now did he? He was asked a question, and he looked around the room before he remembered what she was speaking of. Hades nodded and answered, "Yes, in this room the majority of the time. Indeed it was, the beginning of where our lives have crossed." The first time that he had realized that she was following him and then him defiling her on the floor in here. Everything had been rather angry at the time, but it was still memorable. Hades enjoyed having defiled Etoile, and he would no other woman. Hades knew that within time, she would be dying for some more action from him. He was basically irresistible, at least to her. Even if he did say so and she did not seem to believe it. Hades could have her completely naked if he really wanted her to be. It was not that hard to do considering he knew her weaknesses. Down to her scents and her touches, everything he could muster to get her in the mood, he knew how to do it. She was his, even if she did not admit it, she was going to be his, and Hades would do nothing more to stop it. At least she seemed to cease from the uncertainty by now, which was what he wanted. He did not want to put up with teasing. Death Eater or no, Hades would not have enjoyed it. It was always so irritating, yet he had done the same earlier. Perhaps she was wanting him as much as he was wanting her. That was a great possibility, and he was sure that now, Etoile did in fact want him. He could read people but that could wait for later. Pleasures are not the most important things to endure in life, he knew this. The Death Eater thought that everything he could to ravish Etoile was nothing more than sheer pleasure, so he was holding himself at bay right now because he wanted to hear what she would have to say later.

The more she spoke about humans, the more that Hades realized what she was meaning. She was mentioning so many negative things, and Hades would have to show her that there are more strengths than weaknesses. Hades informed, "All the things you mention, they are all the negative things about being human. What makes a human so strong is that they have the ability to react on those, and make what they feel to be pleasurable such as getting revenge, or spending time with the ones that they hold closest to them. The threats of losing one another are there, but being alone will drive a man or woman mad because I believe every human craves an inner calm - or happiness. Once that is brought up, it makes them stronger to protect and do the things they want to." Hades seemed to understand the complexity but it was hard to say what would happen because certain things assisted in making one behave themselves, seeing as all of humankind were different. Pinning Etoile to the floor had been easy enough because with her being smaller than him, and well, she had left a good opening for him to take her down. Despite the fact that she was so very against marriage, Hades knew that one day, he was going to have her was his wife, and there was nothing she could do to really stop it. However this would be the perfect chance to start preparing for a proposal, a real one, however even this side knew that it might not be the best time just yet. However it would be soon. Eventually. Perhaps within the new few years, she would be Mrs. Etoile Hera Lutrov. Hades smirked even more, but he stated in a softer tone, almost darker and more sinister than the previous tone that he had used to speak with her, "It is every woman's dream to get married, whether they want to admit it or not. I am getting the vibe that you would want it to be somewhat normal, with a ring and everything. I will keep that in mind." He was ignoring the part completely about her saying no, and that she did not want to get married. There was a reason behind it, and he was not going to bring it up again, no matter what she said to counter it. Hades knew how most women worked, even though Etoile was not like most women. He would have to look at the facts, see why she hated marriages so much and the idea of them. Hades himself was not fond of them, but he had found the one. Even if sometimes Hades did not believe in that old tale, he was a believer now. His thoughts turned to his threat that he had used against her, and he wondered what she would do with that in mind. Unfortunately he would do that too. He knew a few Aurors right off the top of his head. He was sure that they would love to capture a Death Eater like himself, because he was a danger to all society. Everything he did could be labeled as dangerous, and his life would be done and over with. Her expression was something that could bring a feeling of accomplishment, and then there was something comforting, showing that she truly cared for him. She almost pleaded with him not to do such an action, and he waited, his onyx eyes staring deeply into her own. The seconds passed before she finally admitted it. She did in fact love him, and she did not want to lose him like she had lost everyone else. Hades caressed the side of her head, and the fact that he was hearing this, it was simply delicious. Hades purred, "Now that wasn't so hard. Hearing you say it, you don't know how pleasing this is to endure. With this one, the feeling is mutual and returned. You have tried to lose me in the past. You should know by now, it is hard to get rid of me once I gain interest. And you won the lottery of never being alone when I fell in love." Hades slowly and carefully turned her head so she could look at him, however that only lasted a moment. After hearing it, the darker side had nothing more to share, and he was wanting to have his way with her, and it was obvious and made known once his lips captured hers, kissing her hungrily.
Etoile studied Hades carefully. Even his dark side seemed happier. Etoile couldn’t even pretend to know what it was that made him seem so much livelier than he was a few months ago. It couldn’t have truly been because she was more accepting of him now? Instead of cursing and spreading hate whenever he was around, she now remained docile and actually conversed with him when he spoke to her. Hell, when one looked back to how things were when they first met, and how things were now, they would be surprised. There was once a time when Etoile had to be chained down to the bed in order for Hades to keep her with him. She refused to eat anything he had touched, she refused to look at him whenever possible, and back then, Etoile truly did harbor hatred for Hades. But now she lay in bed with him willingly, she allowed him to touch her, and from time to time she even smiled at him. He made her, happy. It had been a long time since another person had the ability to make Etoile truly happy. Part of the time she wasn’t even sure how he did it. ”Back then…I was willing to do just about anything I could to get rid of you too. I couldn’t understand why someone would try so hard to be with me. Things have changed so much.” Etoile rubbed her cheek, she was feeling embarrassed actually. He had been right this whole time about her, that one way or another he would get her. That in the end she would be his and his alone. Back then she would’ve thought he was crazy for ever thinking that she would ever be his. But alas, he she was. Currently his girlfriend, the mother of two of his children, she shared the same bed with him, and she even thought she was in love with him. Hades has been right from the very beginning. ”You’re not a seer are you?” Etoile furrowed her perfectly shaped eyebrows and stared at Hades. How did he know she was going to give in to him like she did, how did he know she was going to have his children? What else did he know about their future? Etoile might have loved him but she didn’t think she could go any further in her relationship with him. Marriage kind of scared her. He didn’t seem to do so well when it came to committing that deeply either. Hell, the last relationship he had been in when he first met Etoile fell apart and he was engaged to her. Was it Etoile’s fault that he had let her go? Etoile found it hard to think while being pinned onto the floor. But she doubted Hades would be willing to let her up either. Not until he either grew bored or got what he wanted from her. Which she was going to assume was either her undying love or permission to become intimate again. Pretty soon one or the other would probably be obtained by him too, most likely the second one because he already ripped her poor dress. Plus he was pretty good at getting her to forget the world by doing what he did, it was amazing. But not on the cold cement. The last time they tried that one; there were scratches and bruises all over Etoile’s body. Not to mention her back remained sore for weeks. Etoile did like the roughness. But when it put her out of commission for weeks, it became more of a pain than it did anything else. Etoile was sure even Hades could agree with this as he had to deal with her during the time she was like this. Etoile couldn’t do anything more when Hades went further on about the topic of marriage. It just wasn’t something she thought would work for her.

”Yeah, maybe every woman but me. So please don’t. I need to ask you something really important later....okay?” Etoile stated. Hades may have loved her, but Etoile wasn’t marriage material. She would make a horrible wife. Plus she feared that it would end in ruin just like most marriages did. Losing Hades as soon as she begun to get comfortable being with him wasn’t really on her to do list right now. Now that Etoile has admitted that she actually does feel love for him, she grew nervous that he was going to change or something. Still looking to the side, Etoile wondered if Hades was happy that he had finally gotten her to admit her feelings. Wasn’t that what he had wanted the entire time? Etoile felt Hades caress the side of her head and sighed. She felt like swatting his hand away for a moment. Only because he was making her heart soar and she hated the feeling because it felt so weird. Like a million little insects were crawling and fluttering around within her stomach. Etoile didn’t expect him to say the park; ‘when I fell in love’, because she knew it wasn’t something he said too much. It reminded her that he had fallen for her first. Then she felt her face being turned so she had nowhere else to look at but him. Then his lips came down onto hers hungrily. Etoile expected this part to come, not that she minded though. With her feelings now out into the open, she expected them to probably be more intimate than have been in the past, which was saying a lot because Hades knew his stuff. Etoile returned the kiss eagerly as her hands wrapped around his back and his neck, bringing him closer to her. The kiss intensified until Etoile felt the need to speak up. ”No…not here.” Luckily Hades was clever and seemed to know what she meant instantly. It was a euphoric haze, but Etoile was able to realize that Hades had lifted her up and brought her over to the abandoned bed that was in the room. Soft but chilled blankets greeted Etoile’s warm skin, but she barely had time to pay attention to them when she had her man there, just dying to be pleasured by her. Etoile returned her lips to Hades and kissed him passionately. Despite the room being cold to her, she managed to stay decently warm thanks to Hades. As they kissed, Etoile's soft hands found themselves working off the trench coat he was wearing. It took a moment but she was able to get it off to where she then carefully place it to the side as she knew he really liked the trench coat and didn't want it to get ruined. Etoile's lips moved from Hades' lips and brought her index finger to place them on his lips, almost as if she were telling him 'no more'. But then she brought her lips to his jaw to leave a brief kiss upon it. Then her lips drifted down to his neck and then to the spot she knew always drove him wild, his collarbone. She sucked ever so gently on that spot until she buried her face into his neck for a moment and breathed out, a sign that for a moment she was truly content. A part of her was kind of annoyed because she knew that she was probably going to lose her chance to have her way tonight, Hades seemed really fueled tonight. A moment passed before Etoile's cool fingers drifted under the shirt he was wearing and rested her fingers upon his tattooed back for a moment. "Hades, I do believe that your clothing is getting in the way." She almost wanted to point out how he had torn her dress off but here he was, just about fully clothed. He tended to be unfair like that. Dim candles burned and reflected an eerie glow onto Hades' skin, but to Etoile that only made it look ten times as beautiful. Her mouth found his neck again and for a moment, she forgot entirely about the everything.
When one looked at the past, and then looked at the attitudes between the two Death Eaters, they would see that they had most certainly changed. Hades might not seem as hostile toward her while attempting to win her over at the same time, and she was no longer cursing him for even existing. Everything had changed, and that was what it had done to the two of them. Draegan had been right, Danielle was right, even Nicolette was right, Hades was in love before he had even realized it, and perhaps she was too, fighting it before she came into realization of it. Hades was even unsure of how two beings like themselves, being Death Eaters, that they could be content with their lives. They were not supposed to have families, they were not supposed to fall in love and be happy. It was not in their nature, but it seemed that the power of love, when harbored in the right way, it could give them more power than they had thought otherwise. It was a royal shame that the Dark Lord had not thought of this. If he had, he might have been ruling the world by now. Hades snickered a bit, before he realized that she was willing to do just about anything, even attempt to kill him but he always managed to foil her plans. Hades murmured, "Instead of trying to understand, just go with it. This all could have happened last year." He was speaking if that were the case, but truth be told he was unsure himself. All he knew, was that he had been right all along, and he had great pride in that. Of course he had been right. There was hardly a time when he was wrong, but then again he always took calculated risks, and putting himself out there was dangerous because the moment that he fell in love, he was weakened. He was not weak anymore, but Hades knew, even the darker one, he would have to pull himself together and become this force that he knew he could be. When asked if he was a seer, he shook his head. There were no Seers in the Zhefarovich family. They only had Parselmouths that appeared every so often. He was just that good at reading people and knew what would happen before they did because people were just that easy to predict. Etoile had been harder, she was nearly unpredictable, but most women needed the same thing, care and nurture before they would fall as well. Hades used that to his advantage. "No, I am not a Seer. I am just good at predicting what will happen because of my skills of reading people." Thin, white lips curled into a dark smirk, as he knew just how to read others. He looked down over her once more, wondering if she was growing cold while he was pinning her down to the concrete floor. He could perhaps fix her dress later if he was feeling merciful. Chances were he might not even remember this in the morning, but then again, Hades was starting to get into the right state of mind as well, even if the darker side was currently in control. Both were one and the same, just like a different attitude. Either way he was going to have Etoile one way or another, but he had to make sure she was very willing. She may have wanted to have control, but Hades did not think so right now. He loved being the dominant one, the one that was always in control. He may let Etoile later on, but that would be something that he would have to think about. Hades was not about to get tied up. Something about being held down just made him aggravated and in the worst mood.

The Death Eater doubted that she would be any different. So he was going to stick to his plans, he was going to marry her one day. Instead of continuing with that, he dropped it, and he said, "The question can wait however long you wish." He wondered what could be so important, but if she asked him not to ask her to marry him one day, she was just sh*t out of luck on that because once his mind was made up, there was no changing it. Before he would however he would need to be comfortable with the commitment. Being Etoile's boyfriend was not bothering him in a negative fashion, but the thoughts of marriage still caused his stomach to churn, but it was just the marriage part. As soon as he was comfortable with that, he would be able to ask her. Hades would have to make himself adjust to the fact of a serious commitment, and he would have to convince himself that it would not end up like Hollace because he was forced into that one, and the next one would be very willing. Hades was very pleased when his kiss upon her was returned with favor, as her taste filled his senses, driving him near mad. He just had to concentrate on his movements and to ensure that he did not put his full weight on her because if anything, he could crush her because of how fragile and small she seemed compared to him. She appeared to be enjoying this, as had he as his hands roamed her body, taking pleasure into what he was touching upon her bare skin. The moment that she said those three words, he slowly pulled away, but he smirked even more, knowing full well what she meant. The concrete floor would be rough upon her light skin. He moved himself from her body, before he picked her up into his arms, and carried her to the bedroom where the bed was, before laying her down upon it. Of course he found himself on top of her once more, breathing in the sweet scent that she gave out, as someone like him just could not stop once they were going. Once more, Etoile's lips found his own before he returned the kiss with equal passion. Her hands worked off his trench coat, and he could hear the metal within clanging as it went to the floor. Perhaps he should have done that himself, but she seemed to have gotten it easily. However his onyx eyes opened when she interrupted the kiss, and placed her finger upon his lips before he rose an eyebrow. This was something that he was not used to at all. He never questioned her actions though because he normally got what he wanted in the end, but she probably wanted to do something else to him. He definitely saw what she was doing that is until she started to kiss his collarbone, and he moaned slightly in pleasure. 'Merlin, she knows just what to do,' thought Hades as he too started to kiss her neck in return. She placed her hands beneath his shirt, and rested upon the tattoo of the Zhefarovich symbol upon his back. He heard her say that his shirt was in the way, and he pulled himself from her neck so that he could look at her into her eyes. Those silvery green eyes that he loved to look into. He smirked a little bit, as he knew just what she was wanting. However, he was not going to make it easy for her. Carefully, he removed himself from over Etoile, and with his arms and strength, moved her over him so that his back was against the bed itself. Hades taunted while his hands were upon her sides, "Then why don't you do something about it, Little Star. Do what you will to me, but be warned as you may be the one waking up sore in the morning." He was basically giving over control over to Etoile, and his fingers started to mess with what she was wearing right now. Well, what little she had on. This was her lucky night. It may not happen again for a while, or would it? Hades might end up regaining control later, but she was getting her wish. "Oh and don't be gentle."
Etoile didn't know what else she could say or do to convince Hades that marriage was a horrible idea. She would stay with him for as long as he wanted her to be if that was what his goal was, to keep her around. They could remain together for a lifetime and she would be happy. But what Hades wanted was so much more serious, more often than not it ended badly for the couple as well. Etoile did not want to see her life fall apart again. It was already hanging upon a thin wire. It wouldn't take much for it all to topple over the edge. But apparently Hades didn't see it this way. Or rather, this half of Hades didn't see it this way. The Hades she was used to, did he think differently? Etoile sincerely hoped he did because she wasn't ready and she knew he was likely never going to be ready. His former self wasn't even aware that she was in love with him. How was he going to have any opinion on marriage yet? Unless he had been planning it far before she ever begun to take an interest in him. If he asked, she was going to say no. If he asked again, she was still going to say no. He could ask and ask and ask but the answer would still be the same. But to her, that was the safest route. Hades had already been through a lot with this, what makes him feel like he would be okay with risking it all again? Etoile sighed and shook her head. She didn't want to be asked at all. Did he not understand that? Luckily she didn't have to focus thoughts of marriage for long because Hades seemed eager to play tonight. Which she wasn't complaining about at all. Her man had needs and she was more that eager to fulfill when she had the energy and the mood. Tonight she definitely was feeling a long night for the two of them. It was obvious through even his kisses that there was a newfound spark there. Darker Hades was eager to be out. Etoile could hope that the original Hades was back and soon. Even if she loved both halves of him, she felt more comfortable and more stable with the one she had first met. Etoile a lot more comfortable and a lot less cold on the bed, but the cold sheets still practically burned her exposed skin. Soon she and Hades would warm the cold room up though. Etoile let out a breathy sigh of pleasure when she felt Hades lips on her own neck. Her thin fingers rested on his tone torso now that she had his shirt out of the damned way. What made her even more delighted was when he switched the two of them around, so that she was upon him. So he was giving her the chance to play tonight? How sweet of him. Etoile knew he had trouble giving up control at times so he had to trust her a lot to allow her this. ”I wasn't planning on it. Just try not to scream too loud mmkay?” Etoile purred as she leaned down and connected their lips together once more. She had some surprises in store for tonight much to Hades' misfortune. But in the end, she was sure they would both have a very eventful night.

The next morning.....

A shudder escaped the sleeping form of Etoile as nightmares took over her dreams. It had been a long time since the last time she dreamed of Iulian sealing her mother's fate. Normally she only dreamt of it when she thought of her mother a lot, and she only thought of her mother when she was sad or she felt like something bad was coming her way. Lately her mother hadn't been thought of a lot. But that was because Hades made her happy, so she didn't feel the need to think of her. Maybe it was the talk of marriage that brought her back. Whatever it was, the nightmares were back full-force. They seemed so real too. Etoile felt like she was really within the dream too. She could feel her body running through the thick forest, eager to beat Iulian to her house. Her feet stung with the coldness from the wet forest floor. Her breath coming out in thick pants as she tried to muster all the energy she could getting to the house. It felt real as she climbed stairs up to the room. But this time something else lay in wait for her. Instead of just her mother being there, lying a bloody mess on the floor, Hades was there with her and so were her children. They had gone so much worse. They took away everything she cared about. It wasn't until Iulian put his arm around her whilst in dreamland and whispered that this is what she got, that Etoile finally woke up with a startled sob. Her body bolted up from the sheets and immediately she turned to check and see if Hades was still there beside her. She could've nearly cried when she saw that he was. He appeared to be sleeping, but it was hard to ever really tell when he was and when he wasn't. Etoile recoiled and pressed fingers to her forehead. She had a powerful migraine right now, and her body was so sore she was sure that even the slightest movement could make her whimper. The room was extremely cold too. The temperature outside must've dropped a lot because it felt like the inside of a freezer right now. Etoile shivered and realized that finally, she was still at home. With Hades. Etoile mentally breathed a sigh of relief let her nude body fall back down onto the bed. She didn't feel good right now. Her head and body were killing her, not to mention her stomach churned over and over again. Etoile pulled the thick covers back over her body and huddled underneath them attempting to get warm again. The nightmares shook her. Because for all she knew it could happen. They could go after Hades. He was the last thing she had. Etoile fought so hard. So hard to be away from him and his advances. But she just wasn't strong enough to fight against the powerful feelings he had for her and the feelings she had for him. Etoile waited for a moment to register that she was okay. Hades was okay. She then drifted closer to Hades and rested her body against his warm one. Not only did she do this because he was warm and helped keep her warmer, but to remind herself that he was still alive and well. It took at least a half an hour of her lying against him to calm down enough to fall back asleep. Her body needed rest badly, but she couldn't help but shake this worry from her heart.

The night itself had been incredible, and Hades was extremely satisfied, even if his body was in pain. Luckily his deep sleep, like the sleeping dead, had taken over and locked Hades in the state of pure rest. However the moment that Etoile had cuddled next to him, his instincts took over, and his arm wrapped around her, holding her against him. It was a natural response that he held deep within while he was sleeping. Hades however slowly started to wake up. As he had, memories and voices started to flood back into his mind, rushing like a tidal wave. He could hear his own, words that he thought were merely a dream but made real, and then he could hear Etoile's. They echoed through his mind. "You know how I feel dammit. Isn't it obvious enough for you?" Etoile's voice came loud and clear. At first, he was confused but the more he listened to his memories, he started to understand, and to get what all happened the previous night.

"But let's see how you do with this on your shoulders, something I want: marriage, to me - to us." "No." "I was not asking you to marry me. It is just what I want, and I always get what I desire, one way or another. It may be next week, it might be a few years down the road, but I guarantee you, one day, you will inevitably be the wife I have dreamed about but never found until now...Oh, back onto the important subject. The reason why I need you to say it because even I know, sometimes you think you know something when it is wrong. But if not, I suppose you will have to raise the children alone. Let;s say, one day, if you didn't say it, I were to do something so reckless, that I get caught, and get the Dementor's Kiss. Would you not regret ever saying it? Because you never know what will happen tomorrow." "You can't do that...because I love him. I love you too, and if you do that you'll be taking away more people I care about. I don't want you to end up just like everyone else I've ever known."

Hades opened his eyes to see the bedroom, and the aftermath of what happened last night. He could remember last night, which was not normal or unusual, but it was telling him something. The side that he was repressing should no longer be as repressed. Sure, he was dangerous, but never to Etoile. Hades inwardly wanted marriage, but his brain was saying one thing, that it was not time. Perhaps after a while, they would be lucky enough to get married, but the time was not now. Hades slowly sat up, and he looked down at Etoile, before he mustered a subtle smirk. She was completely nude. What man would not like looking at that? He looked down at his own body before he groaned. He too was in the same position. He got out of bed after his body protested loudly. With difficulty, the Death Eater had on some pants before he slipped back into bed, and he wrapped his arm back around Etoile, holding her tight against him. It was cold in here, and he knew it. He reached over on the table, got his wand, and waved it at a dusty fireplace, lighting a fire to warm up the room. He murmured into her ear, "Wake up, Little Star." With his free hand, he brushed some of her dark hair out of her face, and he couldn't help but notice that she seemed a little distress. He had not seen her have nightmares that night, but him being there next to her might comfort her a little more than normal. He might not be able to save her from nightmares, but eh would be able to keep her close to him and safe in reality. It was all he could ask for that is. They had a family, they were officially in love, and both knew it. And both were not ready to take the next step, even if he had a feeling that if she ever wanted to get married, to do it the old fashioned way.
Etoile found herself being awoken by someone using her newly-formed nickname. Only one person she knew of used that sort of nickname for her too. Hades. A pounding headache was the first thing to greet Etoile when she fully awoke. She wasn’t sure whether her dream was the cause, or if she was getting sick. Either way it really hurt at the moment. Pale silvery green eyes peeked out from beneath her eyelids. Etoile was still much to tired to be comfortable while being awake. Hades seemed to have a habit of waking her up when she needed her sleep the most. If this had been done whe she hated him, he would’ve suffered greatly. But things were different now, so he was only going to suffer until he gained the upperhand again. Which never took too long in his case. A tried sigh left Etoile’s lips and she pulled her hand up to her face to brush it against her eyes. They were having a difficult time keeping open long enough for Etoile to actually wake up. Once Etoile was able to keep her eyes open for more than a couple of seconds she stared around the room, or what she could. Etoile could feel another body next to hers, she assumed it to be Hades with the way his arm was wrapped around her. With a combined effort of the roaring fire, the thick blanket, and Hades, Etoile was actually warming up quite a bit. At least she didn’t feel like she was stuck in an ice box anymore. But her body was very sore from last night. That darker side of Hades, was really in animal in bed. She had no idea what fueld him to do what he did last night but, it was very satisfying. He even allowed Etoile a moment or two of control. Which was fun while it lasted. ”Too tired.” Etoile explained to Hades, her head resting against him as she breathed out softly. He was probably able to figure out that she was really tired just by looking at her. However, he probably was unable to sense that she didn’t feel good. At the same time he might. Sometimes it seemed like he just knew these things. Etoile yawned and remained pressed up against her man. Last night, was also confusing. The darker side of Hades was able to get her to spill her feelings. The ones that she had kept hidden for awhile. Etoile felt like she wasn’t ready to go around saying that she loved someone. Even if she felt it, she wasn’t sure if she could express it in the right way. Surely Hades understood that. Realizing that not only was she sill a little cold, but also exposed, she clutched the thick covers and pulled them back up over her body. If her dress hadn’t been torn by Hades she would’ve put that on. But alas she remembered it being torn to pieces by him earlier. He had a habit of ruining all her good clothing.

A sudden idea came to Etoile, and she lifted her body from Hades and leaned over him to summon his own shirt to her. The clothing fell into her hand and Etoile pulled it over her thin frame. The shirt was extremely large on her, but it was comfortable and it smelled liked Hades. A smell that Etoile had grown accustomed to and enjoyed. With Hades shirt covering her, she felt a little bit warmer, but still pulled the blanket back over her form. How could anyone stand to live down here for months. ”I don’t feel good.” Etoile said more to herself than anyone. Her head pounded and she could tell that her nose was probably more runny than she would’ve liked it to be. The Lefevre’s didn’t have amazing immune systems. It wasn’t weak or anyhting but they still managed to get sick from time to time. Especially during winter. Etoile’s silvery green eyes rested on Hades again and she stared. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to figure out whether this was Hades or, the darker side of Hades. Both sides didn’t bother her, but she figured his darker half would care less if she didn’t feel well. Etoile decided not to bother with guessing and shot him a look before she rolled over and buried her face into the pillow. It felt cool and comfortable against her face. It reminded her that she was alive and well. That dream she had, it scared her. She didn't want Hades to know that she was still worried about Iulian getting to him or her.
Hades chuckled when she said that she was too tired. Well, that was not exactly his fault, then again it might have been. He couldn't really remember. The only thing that he knew was the fact that eventually, everything happened for a reason, and well, at least he knew now that Etoile loved him. He just had to hear her say it, and then he would not have to try to get it out of her again. Using himself as bait might have been cruel, but if that was the only way that she would have said it otherwise... Hades shook his head before he wondered if he even had that darker side anymore. After it was released, it seemed to be comforting, a more sinister form and attitude that he kept locked away for the safety of his family. There had to be a way where he wouldn't have to do that, and where his family would stay safe. Truth was, how could one trust one's self? It was strange, how he did not trust himself completely and fully with his children even though he knew for a fact that he would never bring them harm. Never would he let someone bring harm to their head, but he was unsure right now, he wanted to even bring up the whole 'marriage' thing that he supposedly wanted one day for the two of them. He thought that it would be too soon, and plus, he was not ready to make that type of commitment. Even if Etoile wanted it right then and now, he would tell her that he was not ready, plain as day. Hades had failed with his last marriage, but would this one be the same? Though he did not even love his last wife. In fact, on several occasions, he tried to kill her. And then in turn, killed her children. If he had deemed them unworthy, then they must be dealt with. They were even erased completely from the Zhefarovich family tree. Though the fact that Etoile was snuggled next to him made him forget all about those nasty kids and that ex-wife. Thankfully. Etoile moved her body from his, before she summoned his shirt, and put it over her. He had forgotten that he had torn up her dress. Again.

Hades could not recall what it looked like, but it was probably in shreds by now. The blanket covered her once more, before she said that she didn't feel good. The place was very cold, and Hades figured that now would be a good time to go back to their home, where it would be warmer, and she might not get as sick. Hades rose from the bed before he said, "Then I suppose we should head home, before you feel worse." Hades found his trench coat before he wrapped it around her, and he would lead her through the tunnels before they would arrive home. Of course, he was going to tend to his girlfriend. However the reason why she came down into the bunker to begin with, he did not know, was ever fulfilled. The last thing that the Death Eater wanted for the two of them right now was the talk of marriage. That would probably bring up things that should not be brought up. It was just simple. Neither were ready.


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