Dark Side

Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
This year being the head girl's last time to spend in Beauxbaton, Mizelea Brooks couldn't be busier than this remaining weeks. Everything seems to merge into one and catch her like a hungry beast, school work, head girl duties and more school work. Although it wasn't like this before, the pressure made it worse. She wanted everything to perfect, thus making her social life with her friends suffer. Not to mention the session she missed out with Anthony, declining their meeting. At least she didn't stood her up, right? Still, she couldn't help feeling guilty, as much as feeling sorry for herself. Who knew what the future may hold for her? Mizzy wanted to take on Legilimens seriously and will. That very day, Mizelea tried her best to contact Anthony. One way was writing her a letter and sending it through her owl, apologizing as always and asking for permission to meet with her. For them to actually start their session, to perform the needed task. Now, at this time it wasn't that easy to ask for permission to got out of school. Especially if you're going to put it like this. "Good Day Ma'am, I just want to inform you that I'm meeting with a Death Eater that's willing to teach me Legilimens. Isn't that great? No one would ever find that normal of course but that wouldn't happen, Mizelea could never mutter a word about her secret meeting, well kind of secret anyway. Luckily, no one even noticed her leave the campus and with that set and done. Mizelea made her way to their meeting place. Now, the seventh year couldn't afford to wander around Bleak Street anymore, since she could only stay within Europe or near their school. Since no one would even think of it as a great meeting place and since Anthony looked normal and isn't that suspicious of being a Death Eater. Mizelea thought it would work and hopefully it would, really work. Now a cafe wouldn't be a great place to wander and have their session but a small unknown bookstore would. It's not a simple unknown bookstore though, the owner being a half-blood always prepared a small yet private study rooms for wizards and witches.

The beauxbaton made her way inside, nodding three times at Mr. Walker, a friendly old man she met years ago. Preferably when she was in her second year, she made it to the point to visit him whenever she needed a private moment alone and away from the world. Hopefully, Anthony wouldn't be lost or something and that she'll understand her case. Mizelea sat there inside her hands folder in front of her, the gray sweater she wore got all stretched out. It needed some fixing soon, a few books were present in front of her. The same books she hid whenever she would review her notes her, it became her secret place whenever she needs space. And now she's inviting Anthony into her secret place. Weird but somehow appropriate. If she's going to see a part of her soon then it's better for her to see a part of her too. Minutes past and Mizzy grew worried that Anthony might not show up, but why wouldn't she? As far as she's concern, Mizzy didn't do anything that will make her furious or something. She knew that with her career and all, she must be busy and taking care of things before going to their session. The girl didn't want to worry, so while waiting she grabbed the nearest book she could find and read a few chapters of it. A romance novel, how adorable. It's not that she didn't liked romance novels, she actually loves this kind of books but for reason she felt a feeling of disgust inside her gut. It's like she knew that the last thing that would ever happen, is her love life to bloom. That is if she has one or will be having one, such a funny thing to even think of. Who knew this kinds of things would make her depress a little? Just a little bit to make her close the book and leave it there, closed on top of the table.
Why did things always have to be so difficult for her? Anthony Kim hated how difficult getting pregnant was. She was getting really impatient with herself, and so was her husband. The Death Eater had even started to count her days. Healers said she was completely capable of having children. She did not know what the problem was. It made her frustrated just thinking about it. Anthony kissed her husband good-bye and put on her coat as she apparated out of the door. She had an appointment with Mizelea, and she knew she was going to regret letting the child pick where they were going to meet up. She decided to take her time. AS she walked around the neighborhood, Anthony found a bakery. Europe was known for their sweets and pastries. She had been having craving for cakes and other sweet things. She just walked in and looked at the display of pastries. She wrapped her arms around her stomach and peered at each pastry. Cherrie always made her carry muggle money no matter how much she hated it. Now, she saw why he made her carry it. "Do you see anything you would like, my dear?" asked the elderly woman behind the counter. Anthony nodded. She pointed to a red velvet cake, swiss macarons, and cream puffs with fruit. "Can I get those, please?" she asked the woman politely. She had bought so much food. She would have to share it with her apprentice. She was sure Mizelea would not mind her being late as long as she had the pastries with her. The elderly woman boxed and bagged the things she ordered. Anthony paid and left the shop. Lately, she had been so hungry for sweet things. It was strange because, normally, she did not have such a intense craving for such things. She simply shrugged and continued to walk.

Anthony reached the bookstore with ease. She walked in and asked the man where Mizelea was. He lead her to a room in the back. Anthony opened the door and set the bag of boxes on the table. The girl was reading a romance novel. How cute. Anthony had read the book before. It just happened to be one of her favorites. "I apologize for being late, dear." she said and took the boxes out of the bag. She opened each on and showed them to Mizelea. "I got a little sidetracked." she added. She sat down in a chair across for Mizelea. She fiddled with the ring on her left hand ring finger. "You have been well, yes?" she asked the girl. Anthony found it strange that she wanted to know if the girl was doing well.

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