Dark Elites Announcement

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Lykke Wu

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose.
For the members that are already part of the group (That includes Alyss, Clyde, Isobel, Terry and Elle) please look here. Others who are reading this, please look to the second paragraph. Thanks

Existing group
Now i know that one or two of these characters have gone inactive, as had Lykke, however i want to bring them back. I think there is a lot of fun to be had from this group, and if we can bring them back, along with some new recruits, we could have some more plots. Those of you who are interested in getting this back up and running please let me know here :D

New Recruits
I am looking for any new Slytherins (Fourth Years or younger) who would like to join. Your characters personality must be one that think that students who are not in Slytherin, are not worthy or using magic. They think highly that They are better than other people around them, and try to make other people lives more of a hassle. If your character fits this well and you would like to join the Dark Elites, please let me know :)

Thank you for reading :D

awww I was going to offer Collin but he's a Ravenclaw :cry:

I can offer you Hayley Huberta... she's pretty bossy and think that shes above other people.. her father hates muggleborn but not Hayley.. Hayley pretend as if she hates muggleborns...

However her brother is a Gryffindor . soo :-"
I know it's not exactly what you're asking for, but I have two characters to offer:

Helene Vanetta is the same year as Lykke, though when she first started at school, she was all cheerful and accepting. Like her father, she has no real alliance to either sort of magic, dark or light. She does things that she wants to do, and though she is not purposely unpleasant towards people, she can come across that way if she's after something and they are in her way. I think she could make a powerful friend and ally (if she can be convinced to be loyal to Lykke/the Dark Elites).

I also have Sofia Fernandes. She is in her second year and in Slytherin. It was the one house that she didn't want to be in, but she has desperately been trying to cope. She's very vulnerable at the moment, and can be easily influenced. Perhaps she could be recruited by the Dark Elites (without full understanding of what they are about) just believing them to be like one of the many groups that go about the school. She can be pushed around and manipulated, so she could be fun and useful.

Please let me know if either of these are suited to anything :)
Awesome guys :D

Okay first, Colin. Are we still saying he and Lykke are cousins? If so.. maybe she could make an exception because she did start to try and influence him? I shall think about it :p Also might be hard coz they have meetings etc in common room..

Hayley, Does she like muggleborns?

Hayleys brother, i dont think Gryffindors would be great but thanks :p

Helene, yes i would be happy to have her join, or even just a friend. I think she'd suit :p She should meet up with Lykke soon.

Sofia, aw Sofia xD She could be someone that Lykke pretends to like alot coz shes youngest but actually Lykke's using her because Sofia can come across nice and she becomes helpful to the group when they need to plan things? I know it's mean >> xD What do you think?
Well im hoping theyre still are...
maybe he can rp with em when theyre not in the common room?

Hayley doesnt like muggleborns but she doesnt hate em ... she pretend as if she hates muggleborn... she will keep doing that till she graduate xD
Sure. I dont think Lykke would do anything to hurt Colin because he's family, even if he is Ravenclaw ;) but im not sure whether he'd be able to join the group. It's like Clydes cousin is also a Ravenclaw. There are a few students that Lykke doesn't go near xD But yes they could rp and Lykke could be an influence :p

And Hayley.. awesome. Lykke will also like the fact shes a pure blood :p I think if they rp etc, and Hayley doesn't mind Lykke and other saying bad stuff about muggleborns then sure she can join xD
Current list: (The origonal group should post here so i know theyre back and active xD)


Also: More guys needed :p We only have two offically xD
I have characters to offer, both are 1st years though.

Fayt here is a parselmouth and well, he does think that he's way better than others, but he pretend not to care at all. He mostly comes off as emotionless and cold. He is focused solely on his interests. He is a person that doesn't like to admit and he'll do anything and everything perceived as necessary to achieve his goals.

Another one is Maria Leingod, she's very quick to irritation and so, she can be easily annoyed.She is secretive and intelligent and she greatly demands respect from others. :D

But well, the only thing is, they wouldn't really think that others outside of Slytherin are unworthy for using magic, they would probably not care about that at all, cause well, they have twins who were on different houses.
I think both characters would be good, although there are two things. 1) As they are first years, they would have to be very strong to show the others that theyre capable to be with them etc, but if they can do that then there no reason why Lykke and the others couldn't think theyre good/similar to them. 2) I think it would be quite important for them to not like other houses though. Most of the rp's with the Dark Elites are picking on students from Puff Gryff and Raven, so the fact they don't really care might be a problem.

I think Lykke would get on well with both of them, but im not sure if they should be part of the group for their sake xD Especially if their twin is in the house that the the rest of the group is tormenting xD The thing that "Slytherin is the best" is quite a high point with the DE's, if not the highest, (closly followed by purity) xD
haha.. I get what you mean.. :D

They could simply be friends then, if that's alright with you, I guess they have to wait for another year before they could ever be a part of the group.. :D
Lykke Wu said:
Helene, yes i would be happy to have her join, or even just a friend. I think she'd suit :p She should meet up with Lykke soon.

Sofia, aw Sofia xD She could be someone that Lykke pretends to like alot coz shes youngest but actually Lykke's using her because Sofia can come across nice and she becomes helpful to the group when they need to plan things? I know it's mean >> xD What do you think?
:D Yes. She should ^_^

I was hoping you'd say something like that :woot: it'll be really useful with some plans I have for Sofia in the future. I like mean >:D Let's go with that xD
Very well :) -edits list-

Also, i have big plans for this group. The next few years i hope that they will conquer the most valuable of poisitions between them. By the time Lykke is a seventh year, there will be an endless supply of Slytherin students wanting to join us.

Can i please ask from everything to give me a 100x100 pixel icon of their character so i can add it to the Member list here. Thanks
Hayley wont mind... her dad is a prejudiced pureblood so she has no choice than to hate muggleborns ...

She'll prob insult one of the dark elites member if they're not wealthy tho :-"

and about collin.. dw about him :p 4get him
yeah and her family will ditch her too...

Thats kinda the plan but im still not sure when that will happen...

or prob that wont b happening ... :-"
cz... cz... cz... well shes going to b with a muggle lover later on... so yeah =_=

do not mention that to Lykke or she will push you out xD physically >> xD
Iiii wooont :r
I dont want a dead Huberta xD

at least not yet :r
nahh she wont know.. im not planning on making her being bullied by students xD especially in school.. no no..
I would like to offer up Isobel Hills.

She loves to have power, and believes that other people come below her in life. She is a 1st year Slytherin, and probably needs some training in disguising her hatred for other people. It sounds like the sort of group that she was adore and put herself into 100%! She likes shopping, and being around other people who share the same views as her. She would happily use someone to get her own way and do things that she wants to do. She despises the other houses, especially Gryffindor. Has a hatred for Ravenclaw as well (her cousin is in that house) and she doesn't like Hufflepuff since the sorting hat suggested that she went in there instead of Slytherin to teach her a lesson.

I hope this has passed the test :p

That, sounds, awesome :p I think if she showed some sign of acting like Lykke, Lykke could kinda take under her wing and help her be stronger etc. But yes, i like it :D (Also have to remember theres two isobels now hehe xD) I'm happy to give her auto acceptave if you are :p What are her strengths?
That sounds really cool :D she would obviously worship someone older than her who liked her and thought along the same sort of ideas that she did.


hmm, well she can put any emotional energy behind her and can block out her feelings completely. Doesn't really think much about anyone but herself (so she doesn't care about hurting others mentally or physically.) Is VERY sporty. Loves sport as a relief, and is planning to play Quidditch for the team in a later years perhaps. She has an evil reputation (as a strength to probably provoke fear among people) and will say what is needed in a situation - sweet talk when needed, honest, horrible truths about people and lies fluently.

Is this the sort of thing needed???
perfect ♥ i shall put her on the quidditch hopefuls list :p See the DE info in my siggy for the topic :p Thanks
Please can i have a 100x100 pixel icon of everyone character. Thank you
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