Open (Daph first then anyone) Collision Course

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava had been meaning to practice on her roller skates for forever- it had just continued to slip her mind until today. Acting on impulse as she often did, Avaria skipped down to the fourth floor. It was the first place she'd seen that didn't have a million kids running about. She slipped on the simple white skates quickly- if she looked at them for too long she knew she would have to go and paint them and make them even prettier. She set off eagerly, if not a bit clumsily. Alice had helped her get on her feet in these, but that was about it. She was doing pretty good, she thought, and was picking up speed. It wasn't until Alice emerged from out of nowhere that Ava realized something awful. She couldn't remember how to stop. "Allieee look ouuuuttt!" Ava squealed, bracing herself for impact.
Alice was ready for the year to be over. As much as she enjoyed her time at Hogwarts, she missed her family and really wanted to see her parents. She knew she had no real right to complain, with so much of her family living here at school with her, but she still felt a little homesick sometimes. Her studies had been going well, though, and she was confident she would do well on the exams. Because of this, she decided to seek out one of her sisters to spend some time with today. Rose was her safest bet usually, but the girl was in the middle of studying for her OWLs so she might be busy too. Diana’s common room was closest, so Alice decided to try her first. She stepped out of the common room, only to immediately hear someone call out to her to look out. Alarmed, she turned her head in time to see Avaria Lockwood coming at her at alarming speed. Alice yelped in surprise and threw up her arms to protect herself, though she didn’t think to jump out of the way. The two collided, and Alice stumbled back before falling backwards on her behind. “Are you okay?!” She called out in alarm as soon as she got over the initial shock.
Ava threw herself to the side in an attempt to avoid Alice. She skidded across the floor after knocking Alice over. She could tell she had skinned one of her arms, but other than that she seemed okay. She sat up quickly, turning to her friend with wide blue eyes. "I'm okay! Are you?! I'm sorry, I forgot how to stop!" She babbled quickly, scooting over to her friend. "I shoulda just painted these instead of trying to skate alone! I'm sorry to run you over!" She apologized quickly, talking too much again. "Are you hurt?! I can find Sapphy or Kira or Onyx they'll know what to do!"
Alice scrambled to her feet, ignoring the slight ache in her back from falling down. She hadn’t been the one moving at a high speed, and she knew that you could get really hurt from skating, especially at first. But it seemed like Ava was okay too, for the most part. Alice tried to quickly calm her down. “I’m fine! See? Not a scratch.” She helped her friend up carefully. “But your arm looks like it hurts. Do you have pain anywhere else?” She tried to look her friend over carefully, glad to see she didn’t have any broken bones or anything. “If you’re hurt we should go to the hospital wing, I think they can help more than your friends.” Alice’s first instinct was to find her sisters, but she knew from their stories that the nurses at the hospital wing were very good at their jobs. But she was starting to feel like maybe they were both okay, just shocked from the sudden collision. Alice took a deep breath. “You were doing pretty well, aside from the stopping part.” She said with a small smile, hoping this wouldn't discourage Ava from trying again and improving.
Ava let out a sigh of relief when Alice said she was alright. "No, no, I'm fine. I was more afraid I'd hurt you than anything else." She giggled as Alice said she'd been doing well. "Thanks! I can't believe I forgot how to stop! It's such a silly thing. Just wait, when we come back from the holidays I'll have it all figured out! I probably won't be as good as you though. What are you doing for your holidays?" She chattered, smiling brightly at her friend. Aside from trying to kill the youngest Holland, it was good to see her.
Alice was glad Avaria assured her she was okay, but she still looked over at the scratched arm with some concern. But since Ava didn't linger on it, she quickly let it go too. If the girl thought it needed medical attention, Alice was sure she would say so and let Alice take her to the hospital wing. "Stopping is sort of key." She teased slightly. "But I can imagine you forgetting, it's also not the easiest thing to do, especially when you're going really fast." She glanced around. "Have you gotten in any trouble yet for using your rollerskates in the corridors? I'm still not sure if the professors would be very happy about it, but so far none have seen me yet when I tried." It had been as good a place as any to teach Ava to skate, and it seemed like the girl had taken to using them indoors more. She grinned when Ava told her she would have it all figured out after the holidays, but at her question Alice shrugged. "I'm not sure yet, hang out with my sisters and dad... and maybe my mum when she's around." Alice was trying to mentally prepare herself for her mother to be very busy. She would have to be, as the new minister of magic, but that didn't mean it was easy for Alice to wrap her mind around it. "We're not really going anywhere or anything, it's been a bit hectic around the house." Alice shrugged, still smiling brightly. "Do you have any plans?"
"I was going pretty fast," Ava giggled happily. "It was like flying," She gushed to her friend, before smiling sheepishly. "And then falling."

She paused when Alice asked if she'd gotten in trouble, and a bit of fear hit her. She didn't want to get in trouble! Philip would be upset with her again. She couldn't take it if he was mad at her and ignored her like he had last time. "No..." She said quietly. "Would... would we get in trouble? Should we ask?"

Ava smiled when Alice told her of her plans and asked if she had any of her own. "No, not really. Go home and see my Papa. Though he works a lot, so I'll probably be alone most days." She pouted a little, thinking about it. She quickly brightened though. "Oh well! He'll come home and I'll have made dinner and we'll talk and talk and talk!"
Alice laughed at Ava’s comparison. “Was it? I kind of like it better than actual flying.” She said honestly. Alice had never taken to flying a broomstick very much, despite her cousin’s attempts to teach her. “I’m not sure if we would.” She added with a small shrug. “I don’t think there are technically any rules against it, but that’s probably only because wizards don’t know about roller skates much.” She admitted with a small shrug. “We can ask, though.” She added, trying to reassure the girl. Surely, it wouldn’t be too bad, though Ava had just demonstrated how it could be dangerous. The girl’s story about her dad sounded very familiar to Alice. “My mum works a lot too, now.” She said with a small sigh. “I mean, it makes sense, but I’ll have to get used to it. My dad will be home though, and my sisters…” She brightened up. "We should write each other, okay?”
Ava giggled. "I always get in trouble when I fly." She whispered conspiratorially. She considered what Alice said. "You're probably right. Let's ask Professor Phillips. He'll know! Or Professor Pendleton." She nodded to herself, her mind made up.

Alice suggested they write each other then, and she clapped happily. "Oh! Yes! Can we? That would be fun!" She giggled. "You have so many sisters. I wish I had siblings. Then, I would have to share my papa. That wouldn't be so fun." She pouted a bit.
Alice laughed softly at Ava’s words. “Why? Are you bad at it?” She asked her friend teasingly. “My cousin is the flying instructor, I’m sure she will help you out if I ask.” She thought Grace would probably like to help out, as she was very good at flying and Quidditch herself. She had even played professionally. “I don’t know Professor Phillips very well, he’s your head of house right?” She asked, curious. “I think he teaches muggle studies, so there’s a good chance he will know what they are.” She had to admit it was smart. Probably this was why her friend was a Ravenclaw. Alice was glad that Ava wanted to write with her, but she found her words about her dad and siblings a little strange. “I guess so, but you’d have siblings to do other stuff with!” She said, clearly not understanding why Ava would be unwilling to share her father with siblings. Alice had never known anything else, so to her it was completely natural. “I think I would be so bored without my sisters. I know I would, actually. Last year was the worst. with Diana going to Hogwarts too and me staying at home. It was pretty lonely."

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