Dannii Merrythought

Dannii Merrythought

Falmouth Falcons Coach | Lion Animagus | In Love
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13.5" Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
38 (11/11/2011)
dannii jessica merrythought



I want a girl with a mind like a diamond I want a girl who knows what's best
I want a girl with shoes that cut And eyes that burn like cigarettes I want a
girl with the right allocations Who's fast and thorough And sharp as a tack
She's playing with her jewelry She's putting up her hair She's touring the
facility And picking up slack​


best girl friend let's get ****ed up and die... i'm speaking figuratively, of course...
best guy friend like the last time i committed suicide... social suicide... yeah so
partners in crime i'm already dead on the inside, but i can still pretend with my memories
attached at the hip and photographs, i've learned to love the lie i wanna know what it's like
best friends to be awkward and innocent, not belligerent i wanna know how it feels
good friends to be useful and pertinent and have common sense... yeah let me in
average friends let me in to the club, cuz i wanna belong and i need to get strong
childhood friends and if memory serves, i'm addicted to words and they're useless
secret friends let's get ****ed up and die...i'm riding hard on the last legs of every lie
drinking friends and the BMX bike of my life is about to explode, i'm about to explode
party friends i'm a mess, i'm a wreck. i am perfect, and i have learned to accept
friend-of-a-friend all my problems and short comings, because i am so visceral
fake friends i want to thank you for being a part of my forget-me-nots and marigolds...
name basis and all the things that don't get old...is it legal to do this? i surely don't know
acquainted it's the only way i have learned to express myself around other peoples'
just met descriptions of life i'm afraid i'm alone and entirely useless in this department
by reputation sister soldier you’ve been such a positive influence on my mental frame
never met i could repay you, but i'm hard up for cash and my memory lacks initiative


<COLOR color="BLACK">bangbangbang give me a reason to end this discussion, to break with tradition to fall
hardcore and divide 'cause i hate the ocean, theme parks and airplanes talking with
mutual hatred strangers waiting in line i'm through with these pills that make me sit still
i hate you and we feel like rain, when the words all sound the same in the lifeless
you hate me corners of this empty frame though we feel let down by the same old
i dislike you autumn breathing winter's curse is just around the bend with our hands
you dislike me all tied, to the blades of their design we are armed and ready to commit
mutual dislike this crime we love that game but we never play 'cause we will lose and
i scare you we wanna stay the way we are the way we've been for far too long
you scare me from false smiles to the fear of death is why the pain reminds us we’re alive
backstabber with our hopes on hold, and our lack of interest exposed, all hands damage
ex-friend but the lines are drawn, and the red begins to creep from bored to apathy
rivals say something finally we're alone alright is there anyone out there at all? say
bicker buddies something finally we're alone how 'bout a phone call now? and we feel
love/hate like rain, when the words all sound the same as the curtains close on another day
jealousy you better open the door before i take a hammer to the walls around it i cannot
annoyance let you inside my cell for fear I'll sink the ship and drag us both down our
avoidance hell ends every weekend but it's all i have to believe in. matt makes his
indifference murderous demand: foreign films i take a stand and it's all uphill from
tolerance here, i hope. kate claims she can't depend on me for anything and i agree


final i am wrecked, i am overblown. i'm also fed up with the common cold. but i just hate
future to say goodbye to all the metaphors and lies That have taken me years to think up
current say it's true say you like me (i like you) just for the night for me it's been eternity
in love clear and it's just as it should be my best-laid plans will build and break your heart
you crush me and as i gently sip this drink i think about my lack of future and all the places
i crushe you i could learn to fall in love i know i shouldn't waste my time wishing i’d been
mutual crush better designed, yet for some reason i still think, i am wrecked. i am overblown.
past, good i found a letter that said “i’m sorry that you were asleep when i wrote these words down"
past, bad you'd think i'd ought to be used to that by now but save for a few of those late
an arrangement episodes, missed opportunities, and "i don't cares," there’s not a lot i feel
secret obliged to share or talk about i'll have my brother stop by this saturday to pick up
makeout buddies my things, just make sure you're not there this may sound bad, don’t take
**** buddies it the wrong way, i love you, however, you hold me down you’re the echoes of
one night stand my everything, you're the emptiness the whole world sings at night you’re
friends w/ benefits the laziness of afternoon, you're the reason why i burst and why i bloom
enemies w/ benefits how will i break the news to you? we'll talk it over after i've had some
forbidden time alone to sort it out. you hold me down, you hold me down, you hold me down
physical attraction you're the leaky sink of sentiment, you're the failed attempts I never
lust could forget you're the metaphors i can't create to comprehend this curse that i call love
flirt they carved the message deep within our broken hearts that failed to mend make out kids
on and off never had a chance to be best friends hooray for the madness, we’re better by design


<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="BLACK">i protect you outline of a story-board with no idea head first in the shallow end i apologize
you protect me if i do not care busy hands keep swimming they don't like swallowing to the
i respect you abstract motor, "gotta make that motor hum gotta make it run." forward
you respect me seems like forever when ever is hand over hand over hand the busy hands
family keep swimming gotta make that motor hum get it over and done so much for autographs
like family so much for apologies so much for promises i never intended to keep how does it all
co-worker add up? how does the story end? i can't let go i can't pretend very, i'm so friendly
it's complicated very, i'm so halloween so this is what i wanted gotta keep those channels
mixed feelings clean and other sobering themes i'm drowning by numbers my halo is bent
roommate it's a fat ****ing lie and so the abstract motor gives in - it says, at least i tried
bad influence midwest love affair i bend when i am bored, late-night-liquor-blue will lead
good influence me to the floor can we fake it? can we make believe? i'm so full of love it
stalker deeply sickens me but all i can do is close my eyes and cross my heart and hope to die
admiration 'cause you don't ****ing listen when i'm around the least you could do is take it back
obsession all the vicious remarks and verbal attacks 'cause I can't ****ing stand it when you're
emotional support around midwest aftermath the rumors start to rise did i truly do the things
fellow student that you've described they must hate me, every single one it just sickens them
other what i consider fun but all i can do is close my eyes and cross my heart and hope to die

yo! this plot was made by grimm! aka STELLAR. on CAUTION!. give her all due credit for this plot. if you steal it and claim as your own she'll be sure to send her hellhounds after you and she’ll shove skittles so far up your ass, you’ll be tasting the mother****in’ rainbow. she used this COLOR BLENDER, as well as lyrics by the damn fantastic band known as motion city soundtrack. she was inspired by a ton of people, but generally it's all white pages & CAUTION! users, 'cause they're mad awesome.

now for the posting rules. first of all, there's about seventy-seven relationship choices, so feel free to go completely nuts, ‘cause intricate plots are ****ing awesome. there is a difference between enemies/friends with benefits and **** buddies - ewb/fwb have some sort of relationship and interact on a regular basis in a non-sexual way, while **** buddies only use one another for sex - like a repeated one night stand. an arrangement isn't necessarily sexual, but it can of course be sexual (it could mean they’re married, engaged, betrothed or just a really steady couple - or it’s just an arrangement/understanding between the two parties for sex/friendship/whatever). the owner of the plot, meaning ME, always has a final say on the ships, so don't get *****y if i say no to something.?
i thought i'd listen.


“You’re such a liar Skellington.”
at the age of nineteen, this perfectionist rolls with the [color=0072CA]performers </SIZE></FONT>
<i></i><FONT font="georgia">
<SIZE size="50"> good friends to be useful and pertinent and have common sense... yeah let me in
bicker buddies something finally we're alone how 'bout a phone call now? and we feel
love/hate like rain, when the words all sound the same as the curtains close on another day

LEE says: "what am I doing in this example?"

DANNII says: "don’t ask stupid questions lee."
[color=BLACK][font=georgia][size=5]FIRST MIDDLE LAST[color=STEELBLUE for boys LIGHTPINK for girls]*[/color][/size]
[SIZE=2][i] gimme a quote, something yours has said to mine [/i][/SIZE] 
[size=1]at the age of [b]ageinletters[/b], this [b][i]noun[/i][/b] rolls with the [color=groupcolor][b]grouptitle[/b][/color][/size]
[small]relationships here
[b]FIRSTNAME says:[/b] "first person history"

[b]DANNII says:[/b] "my say goes here"
and the story goes.


Danielle, I’m so glad you could come today!
at the age of seventy-three, this patient rolls with the family
i protect you outline of a story-board with no idea head first in the shallow end i apologize
you protect me if i do not care busy hands keep swimming they don't like swallowing to the
i respect you abstract motor, "gotta make that motor hum gotta make it run." forward
you respect me seems like forever when ever is hand over hand over hand the busy hands
family keep swimming gotta make that motor hum get it over and done so much for autographs
emotional support around midwest aftermath the rumors start to rise did i truly do the things

MURIEL says: "i don't remember anything about you before the hospital but heres what you have told me. after your parents death you came to live with me and my husband for a year before you found you're sister. trying to gain money my husband tried to kill all three of us but failed, not before wiping my memory. i do know however that every holiday you come to visit me and i'm so great full for it. i always get so happy when i see you. i can tell your happy also. i know i could never replace your mother but i'm happy i can help you where she can't."

DANNII says: "i love you aunt muriel. you took me in after my parents death like i was your own and i will always owe you that. i feel bad that you have to spend the rest of your life in that hospital so i try and cheer you up whenever i can. besides my sister you're the only family i have. thank-you for becoming a mother figure to me, even if you don't always give the best advise."


The boy known as Azerail Varius no longer exists.
at the age of eighteen, this healer rolls with the other employee
childhood friends and if memory serves, i'm addicted to words and they're useless
past, good i found a letter that said “i’m sorry that you were asleep when i wrote these words down"
you protect me if i do not care busy hands keep swimming they don't like swallowing to the
ex-friend but the lines are drawn, and the red begins to creep from bored to apathy

AZERAIL says: "Dannii, you were my first love and everything. I am sorry I had to end things this way, but it was for your own good. I want to be friends, but that might not be possible. Just live the best you can, and have a wonderful family."

DANNII says: "azerail, you were quite possibly the love of my life. i gave you 7 years of my life and I will never forget or regret a single one of them. i know you said we could be friends, but i think we both know that isn't going to happen. whatever you do with your life i hope you're happy."


Not one for these kind of parties either hey?
at the age of sisxteen, this student rolls with the head boy
past, bad you'd think i'd ought to be used to that by now but save for a few of those late
mutual crush better designed, yet for some reason i still think, i am wrecked. i am overblown.
mixed feelings clean and other sobering themes i'm drowning by numbers my halo is bent
JUSTIN says: "i never saw you as anything besides a fellow student while we were prefects on patrol together. sure we got along, but we never really got very close. then a couple weeks ago we hung out together at yule ball and everything changed. things aren't as bad now that you're supporting me."

DANNII says: "i know some people think that i'm jumping back into a relationship to soon but i don't care. justin you are exactly what i need right now. someone who makes me feel comfortable but who i can also laugh and joke around with. i know what its like dealing with the death of a loved one so i hope i can help you out as much as i can. thank-you for being an amazing friend and boyfriend."


Can't hit well with that shoulder, Head B*tch!
at the age of fifteen, this student rolls with the slythern
mutual dislike this crime we love that game but we never play 'cause we will lose and
rivals say something finally we're alone alright is there anyone out there at all? say
annoyance let you inside my cell for fear I'll sink the ship and drag us both down our

ISABELLA says: "i don't like you, you don't like me. all started with quidditch, and something like a bludger war. i really wished that the wind would have kept it on the right coarse, to your head."

DANNII says: "go f*ck yourself. if you were a few years older or i was in the habit of beating on kids i would have kicked your ass after that quidditch match. my only regret in that match was that one of my bludgers didn't knock you off your broom."

Danielle, I’m so glad you could come today!
at the age of seventy-three, this patient rolls with the family
i protect you outline of a story-board with no idea head first in the shallow end i apologize
you protect me if i do not care busy hands keep swimming they don't like swallowing to the
i respect you abstract motor, "gotta make that motor hum gotta make it run." forward
you respect me seems like forever when ever is hand over hand over hand the busy hands
family keep swimming gotta make that motor hum get it over and done so much for autographs
emotional support around midwest aftermath the rumors start to rise did i truly do the things

MURIEL says: "i don't remember anything about you before the hospital but heres what you have told me. after your parents death you came to live with me and my husband for a year before you found you're sister. trying to gain money my husband tried to kill all three of us but failed, not before wiping my memory. i do know however that every holiday you come to visit me and i'm so great full for it. i always get so happy when i see you. i can tell your happy also. i know i could never replace your mother but i'm happy i can help you where she can't."

DANNII says: "my say goes here"

Not one for these kind of parties either hey?
at the age of sixteen, this student rolls with the ravenclaw prefect
good friends to be useful and pertinent and have common sense... yeah let me in
current say it's true say you like me (i like you) just for the night for me it's been eternity
mutual crush better designed, yet for some reason i still think, i am wrecked. i am overblown.
i protect you outline of a story-board with no idea head first in the shallow end i apologize
you protect me if i do not care busy hands keep swimming they don't like swallowing to the
i respect you abstract motor, "gotta make that motor hum gotta make it run." forward
you respect me seems like forever when ever is hand over hand over hand the busy hands
emotional support around midwest aftermath the rumors start to rise did i truly do the things
fellow student that you've described they must hate me, every single one it just sickens them
JUSTIN says: "i never saw you as anything besides a fellow student while we were prefects on patrol together. sure we got along, but we never really got very close. then a couple weeks ago we hung out together at yule ball and everything changed. things aren't as bad now that you're supporting me."

DANNII says: "my say goes here"

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