Dannie Lee

Dannie Lee

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Dannie Lee
- Birth Date: June 6
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Asian appearance, black long hair usually tied back, normal height, dark brown eyes
- Parents: Kahana Lee is her mothers name and Kaemon Lee is her father's name. Her father is a muggle doctor and her mother is a muggle fashion designer.
- Siblings, if any: Dannie is an only child but really wants siblings
- Pets, if any: six dogs back home: Azawakh Hound named Boe, Barbet named Daisy, Basset Hound named Diane, Two Collies named Max and Maddie, Rottweiler named Wimbles.
- Area of Residence: Harrisburg, Pa
- Blood status: Muggleborn

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Hufflepuff because Dannie really wanted to make friends. Dannie was not sure what house she wanted. It was up to the sorting hat
- Best school subjects (And why): Herbology because it is outdoors. Plain and simple
- Worst school subjects (And why): Defense Against the Dark Arts. Dannie just does not understand the concept (a bit naive about what is really out there)
(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Bird probably a small one such as a Blue jay
- What would their Boggart be? A bull dog (the only dog Dannie is afraid of. When she was little she was attacked by a bull dog she had been afraid of them ever since)
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Probably a dog
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? she would see herself and family with a younger sibling
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The time her father taught her how to swim. He took a whole day off, which never happens, just to teach her. Both her parents were so proud of her when she finally could do the doggy paddle.

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Dannie had been stuck up in the castle all day doing Transfiguration homework. She had written the correct length and even proof read it two times. She looked out the window in her common room seeing the sun shine through. She wished that she could be outside swimming or biking. "Do people even bike here?" Dannie asked herself not knowing if that was too muggle for the wizarding world. She had only been at Hogwarts for a short amount of time but she still did not fully understand the wizarding world.

Dannie got up and walked around the common room. She was so stir crazy. "A few minutes outside won't hurt. I can finish History of Magic later" she said to herself trying to persuade her self to go outside. Dannie gave on last longing look outside. She couldn't stand it any longer.

Dannie put her things into her bag in quite a hurry almost forgetting to but the cap on the ink. She ran to her dorm threw the bag on her bed and ran out of the castle at full speed. She almost hit another student that was in her path to freedom. "Sorry" she yelled back as she pushed open the doors and felt the sunlight on her face.

Dannie continued to run full speed feeling both the sun and the wind in her face. She loved the outdoors. She loved them more than anything. Soon Dannie started to slow down. She become out of breath and came to a stop. Without finding a bench or a chair Dannie plopped down onto the ground. The grass was so soft. Dannie couldn't help but lay down in it.

Dannie just stayed there never wanting to get up. For the first time since she had arrived at Hogwarts, she felt at home.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary,
Hello! How are you? I've been good so far. This place is so odd and strange. Everything is so new. I knew that it would not be the same as home but I didn't expect this. Get this the first day on the Hogwarts Express(train) I sat by these other students(There were nice) and one of them ordered a chocolate frog. Yes I did say chocolate frog. I did not eat one, but the others did. Can you believe that? I guess no one is a veggie eater like me. Oh and they have carrot flavored jelly beans. Why would you want a carrot flavored jelly bean? Other than that... I have a dorm room with a bunch of other girls. Its nice. Everyone is so nice or at least everyone I have met. Classes are busy and it is weird having to carry a wand about with me. I guess it's useful but it keeps poking me in this robe. Well I have to go. I will write again. I promise.
Dannie Lee.

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