Danielle Zhefarovich

Danielle Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 12 1/4" Essence of Basilisk Skin
"Your cruel device...

Your blood like ice..."

One look could kill
You come on strong with a great big smile
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[Name] Danielle Axelle Zhefarovich nee Lefevre
[Name Meanings]
Danielle: God is my judge; Impression: Intelligent, well bred and reserved woman
Axelle: Vigilant; Impression: A strong, powerful woman
Zhefarovich: Powerful, Dexterous, Virulent enforcer; Origin: Bulgarian
Lefevre: Iron handler; Origin: French

[Origin] Danielle is an innocent name which is as beautiful as the owner of the name. Her middle name is from her great-great grandmother, whose name was Axelle. However, her last name, Lefevre is powerful and ancient, one of the pure-blood lines that still exist. They are generally from France, and that is where the name originated from.
[Nicknames] Dani, She-Devil, Queen, Ranee
[Birthdate] December 2nd, 1951
[Age] ---
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Heterosexual
[Dialects] English, French, Bulgarian
[Hometown] Marseilles, France
[Residency] Zhefarovich Manor
[Heritage] French
[Blood Status] Pure-blood
[Blood Type] B Negative
[Wand] Ivy Wand 12 1/4" Essence of Basilisk Skin
[Wand and Core Properties]
Ivy: An uncommon wandwood due to the difficulty of harvesting, it is often worth the trouble, as it is deceptively strong
Basilisk Skin: A rare ingredient common in pure-blood families and ties with someone that buds with the Dark Arts

[Occupation] Unemployed
[Health Status] Infertility
[Allergies] Mushrooms[Pet] None
[Title] Ranee of the Zhefarovich Family, Head of the Lefevre Family
[Special] Death Eater and Occlumens
My pain, your thrill
But your teeth are as sharp as a crocodile
[Five Words] Cold, graceful, cruel, haunting, alluring
[Personality] Danielle at first glance appears to people as being nothing more than a frail angelic beauty, the amount of Grace and softness she uses with everything she does only emphasises people's assumptions. People often describe her as being nothing more than a malevolent Phantom because on most occasions Danielle describes herself as always feeling numb, plus her ghostly appearance was always described as being haunting to look at. But Danielle is ultimately more cruel and darker than most people would ever give her credit for. She is very strict and demands attention when she speaks, she hates it when people turn their backs on her when she isn't finished as well as doubt her skills. On top of the cruelty, Danielle is also extremely wise and can easily sense a persons aura and personality by quick observation.
[Boggart] Danielle's boggart is having a broken heart
[Likes] Sapphires, Tea, Flowers, Snow, Blood, Power, Books, Astrology, Stars
[Dislikes] Mudbloods, Most Half-Breeds, Weakness, Lust, Love Potions
[Good Habits]
[Bad Habits]
[Magical Talents]
[Other Talents]
[Patronus Form] Her patronus form is a horse
I want to love you, but I better not touch
You promise me the moon and the stars and the sun
[Chinese Year] Rabbit
[Zodiac Sign] Sagittarius
[Mutable Sign] Adaptability, service-providing and expansion
[Transpersonal Sign] Principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns
[Zodiac Positive Traits] Optimistic, freedom loving, good humored, honest, straight-forward, intellectual, philosophical
[Zodiac Negative Traits] Blindly optimistic, careless, irresponsible, superficial, tactless, restless
[Zodiac Likes] Traveling, getting to the heart of the matter, freedom, laws and meanings, the general 'feel' of things
[Zodiac Dislikes] Off the wall theories, being tied down domestically, being constrained, cooling your heels, bothered with details
[Zodiac Colors] Purple
[Zodiac Starstone] Topaz
[Planet] Jupitar
[Planet Positive Traits] Lovingly optimistic, jovial, generous, philosophical, lucky
[Planet Negative Traits] Arrogance, lack of humility, bigoted, careless, lawless
[Element] Fire
[Element Positive Traits] Lively, truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other people
[Element Negative Traits] Aggressive, egocentric, non-caring, center of attention, thinking they are never wrong
[Birthstone] Turquoise (Blue Topaz)
[Birthstone Meaning] Turquoise was once linked to happiness, fortune and luck, making it a very popular gem in centuries gone by
I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop
But you never did nothin'for anyone
[Martial Status] Married
[Whom?] Asparuh Zhefarovich
[When?] Married: October 31st, 2025
[Turn Ons]
[Turn Offs]
[Preferred Male]
[Former Loves]
[Preferred Dates]
["Purity" Status] No longer "pure"
[By Whom?] Asparuh Zhefarovich
[When?] October 13th, 1970
I want to kiss you but I want it too much
Can't look me in the face or straight in the eye
[Playby] -----[Hair Type] Fine and wavy
[Hair Color] Pale Blonde
[Hair Length] Reaches her mid-back
[Eye Color] Sky Blue
[Eyes Reflected] Beauty and anger
[Eye Color Meaning] Blue is an intense and energetic color that has connotations of the wide-open sky, sun energy, electricity, the power of conscious thought, and that which is direct and unhidden. Blue eyes may indicate a forceful, direct person who has an immense vitality and a gift for insight and observation.
[Height] 5'2"
[Weight] About 108 pounds
[Complexion] Pale and silky smooth
[Scars] Danielle has a few scars here and there from battles
[Birthmark] Mark shaped like a crooked 4 on her lower back.
[Smile] Her smile is beautiful, however it is haunting
[Body]Very slim and petite
[Tattoos] The symbol of the Zhefarovich Family on the back of her left shoulder
[Dominant Hand] Right hand
I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison
I'd buy the movie rights for your alibi
[Clothing Style]Danielle prefers long elegant dresses, often described as princess styled. She prefers white but will wear other colors as well. Danielle will not wear jeans and she very rarely will wear any other type of pants.
[Shirt Size] Extra Small
[Shirt Style] Camisole
[Pants Size] 2
[Pants Style] Only Wears Dresses/Skirts
[Skirt Size] Extra Small
[Skirt Style] Long Skirts
[Shoe Size] Size 5 - Women
[Sneakers] Does not Wear Sneakers
[Boots] Does not Wear Boots
[Sandals] Sandals
[Dress Shoes] High Heels
[School Uniform] Danielle's School Uniform
[Hair Style]
[Overall Summary] Danielle is considered to be extremely beautiful. Her looks make her very alluring to most men and can allow her to easily tempt them into things. This also makes Danielle look very angelic angelic and innocent as well when she is around someone who appeals to her, often giving people the impression that she could be capable of no woe to them. To anyone who doesn't appeal to her or sees her often will at first thinks that she appears as a phantom. Stiff, beautiful, and overall cold and haunting looking.
You're poison runnin'thru my veins
I wonder how low you will go
[Favorite Store]
[Favorite Color]
[Favorite Animal]
[Favorite Shape]
[Favorite Weather]
[Favorite Food]
[Favorite Activity]
[Favorite Person]
[Favorite Name]
[Favorite Book]
[Favorite Music]
[Favorite Memory]
You're poison, I don't want to break these chains
I wonder how high your head will blow
[School] Durmstrang
[Special Title] Prefect and Head Girl
[Extracurricular Activities] Quidditch Keeper and SDA President
[Favorite Subject]
[Best Subject]
[Loathed Subject]
[Worst Subject]
[Favorite Professor]
[Loathed Professor]
[Grade Average]
[OWL Grades]
[NEWT Grades]
History of Magic: Exceeds Expectations;Exam:
Transfiguration: Outstanding;Exam:
Charms: Outstanding;Exam:
Dark Arts: Outstanding;Exam:
Herbology: Outstanding;Exam:
Care of Magical Creatures: Exceeds Expectations;Exam:
Potions: Outstanding;Exam:
Arithmancy: Acceptable;Exam:
Astronomy: Acceptable;Exam:
Ancient Runes: Exceeds Expectations;Exam:
Divination: Outstanding;Exam:

[Graduation Year] 1970
I hear you calling and it's needles and pins
You're psychopathic liar



I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name
Your soul is on fire
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Danielle was born on December 2nd, 1951 and was the third and last born out of her siblings due to the fact that the female's of the Lefevre family usually suffer from infertility. From Birth it was obvious or assumed that she would never have high status or power because she was a woman and before her time in ruling woman did not have high Status in the Lefevre family. Because of this Danielle had grown up sheltered and kept with the other woman of the family to learn things that woman should be expected to know like sewing, cooking, caring for the sick, and birthing babies. None of this ever suited her well though because she had always wanted power for herself and felt that woman could also rise to power if one with strong enough will in the family. At age five Danielle met the only person she would become and remain close to throughout many years, Asparuh Zhefarovich. Their similar natures caused them to become comfortable with one another enough for them to appear as close friends to those who knew otherwise that they only considered each other to be allies and at a mild understanding of one another. It wasn't until 1963 Danielle decided for herself that one day she would rise to power by killing her father and taking over the Head Position of the Lefevre Family for herself. She kept this hidden from her family and began to delve herself as far into the knowledge of dark arts and killing as she could possibly go without pulling herself into suspicion of others. In 1963 Danielle began to attend Durmstrang and instantly noted for not only being quite powerful and smart for her age but also noted that her beauty seemed to be out this Universe. Danielle however paid no attention to any advances on her because she convinced herself that she could not love anyone and closed her heart up to the world. During her school years she also managed to keep in tact her semi-close relation with Asparuh and a few others whom she considered worthy enough to be around her. In her Seventh year Danielle had reached top marks in many of her classes and was also named Head Girl, by this point Danielle had also learned the art of Occlumency which was something she had been studying for years in an attempt to lock up her mind from her father and the eyes of the world which she felt was unworthy to see or control her thoughts.

Right after Graduate Danielle continued to live at home but became a Dark Wizard by joining among the ranks of the Death Eaters, she had met Lord Voldemort was and he was immediately convinced that she would make a fine death eater due to her cruel method of thinking and her strong magical ability's. In 1975, Danielle murdered her father after revealing to him her skilled ability in Occlumency, after she killed him she took the Position of head for herself and immediately highered the status on woman within the Family. On that she also found out that Asparuh was being forced to marry a woman who hated her deeply, she thought it was extremely unfair and in an attempt to spare him more more night of freedom they spent the night together, though they stated nothing would changed between them afterwards. It hadn't taken long before she had led her family to their golden age as well as gaining many family's into her group alies. Sometime between then and now Danielle had also met and befriended Liyla Mirayinov, whom was eventually introdouced to Asparuh by Danielle herself at some point because she figured they would get along. Danielle also had a close relation with Bellatrix Lestrange before she had died, but she never really had many other friends or close relationships. Due to Asparuh's wife constantly threatening her to stay away she was on constant trips to avoid getting herself into trouble. Danielle participated in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1997 and was distraught to see that many of her allies and Lord Voldemort had been defearted by a mere Half-blood boy. The Aurors had come and took easily Danielle to Azkaban covered in the blood of those she killed that night due to her being weakend and feeling liek it was all lost because of the Dark Lords Death. Though it was obvious she had been loyal and probably a little insane she had only remained in Azkaban until 1999, where she was released and immediately Danielle returned to her family and re-took position as Head of the Lefevre Family that her brother had temporarily gained in her abscence. The next couple of years was spent with her rearranging her family's laws and occasionally disappearing away for short period of time.

In 2005, Danielle had a run-in with a fellow Death Eater, a pure-blood named Alphonse Snow whom she didn't really like all that much but was foolish enough to fall to his charms and listen to all the promises he made. They spent a night together and soon Danielle had found herself pregnant with Twins. He then proceeded to break her heart to get his way and and attempt to take control over her family on her, which failed. Around this time she also had to withdraw from being a Death Eater due to her being questioned on Various occasions for her safety and the safety of her children. Giving birth to her children nearly killed her as well as being pregnant with them, but when she successfully gave birth to them both it was a miracle. Over the couple of years nothing much had happened until December 2024 when Danielle had returned from a brief disappearcance after hearing about Liyla's death she re-met up with Asparuh where some awkward incidents ended up happening between them to the point where Danielle has once again cosidered going away but deicded to stay after realizing that this was the one thing that running away could never fix. After some time of returning, Danielle and Asparuh agreed upon Marriage to unite their families and fulfil lady Lydia's wishes for them to become a married couple. Months had quickly flown by and on all Hallow's Eve they were married By Hades Lutrov in a traditional Dark Wedding, thus making her the Ranee of the Zhefarovich family.

Code: Made by me, Sir Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Dark Pink - Poison by Alice Cooper; Black - Why Trust You by Alice Cooper
Influence: Thank you, Zoey and Jessye, for influencing me with the code.

"Creativity - like human life itself - begins in darkness

Family Home: Lefevre Manor
Location: Marseilles, France
Family Founder: Thomas Lefevre
Years of Existence: October 11th 1518 - Present
Average Blood Status: Pure Blood
Current Government System: Monarchy
A monarchy has a king or queen/Head of the family, who sometimes has absolute power over the family. Power is passed along through the family who were born as natural descendants and rarely those who were married into the family. Males usually took the throne until recently when a female gained hte throne by overthrowing her father.
Number of Living Family Members: 65
Alliances: Death Eaters, Snow Family, Zhefarovich Family, Malkov, Malfoy, and Perdeux Family
Though the Family has been slightly picky about whom they ally with, recently they have begun to branch out and let more families they deem worthy into their line of Alliance. Danielle seems particularly drawn to the ones that have woman ruling the family but does not hold it against the family if a man is current leader.
Wealth Status: Wealthy
Important Rooms/Areas: Grounds & Garden & Stables & Library & Danielle's Room & Pool

~Past and Present Head of Family:~
Thomas Lefevre - 1518 to 1600
Aloys Lefevre - 1600 to 1680
Isaie Lefevre - 1680 to 1733
Leonard Lefevre - 1733 to 1769
Nicodeme Lefevre - 1769 to 1850
Yvain Lefevre - 1850 to 1910
Thomas Lefevre II - 1910 to 1975
Danielle Lefevre - 1975 to Present

Family History:
The Lefevre family was formed in Marseilles France on October 11th 1518. It all started when Thomas Lefevre who was seventeen at the time, broke away from the rest of his family who were wealthy Pure Blood travelling Merchants who sold various items based on the Dark Arts to make a permanent home in Marseilles with a portion of his father's Wealth. Since Thomas was a wealthy pure blood it did not take long for him to attract attention of various local pure bloods and families around him. Thomas made allies with a few families in less than a year and by that point his grand idea of a mansion was also currently being built. Within the next couple of years Thomas began to recruit various pure bloods who had nowhere to go to into the Lefevre Family even requesting that they change their last names, he wanted his family to be ruled exactly the way he wanted it so in turn to be part of the family they had to view Thomas as if he were a king. By 1524 Thomas had fallen in love and married Irene Perdeux and within nine months of their marriage Thomas' first born son and descendant known by the name of Edward Lefevre was born. Around this time it was also decided by Thomas that only male descendants of the family could become head and lead the family and all females born into the family were shunned and treated as if they were invisible. If a female become the first born then she was to be killed because often the first born became Heads of the family and those born after weren't usually dubbed as anything unless the head died without an heir or their children being to young to rule.

When Thomas died he was preceded by his Grandson Aloys Lefevre who was raised strictly on the family's traditions and planned to enforce them strongly. By this point the family had been strongly extended because the Infertility Genetic had not appeared in the family yet so the family continued to grow larger and larger without much of a problem. Although Aloys didn't accomplish many new feats or decisions he was still well known for keep the family's interests and laws into hand without much complaint.

All was breezy and not much changed between the family and it's customs for quite awhile, But When Nicodeme Lefevre became head in 1769 things were beginning to go a bit astray. A bit of a Infertility problem was starting to show up amongst the females of the family but Nicodeme didn't pass it as much of an issue because he thought that within a generation or two it would pass by the family. He only had a few children within his lifetime but was able to build on the Lefevre manor which brought them an enormous Library that is still inside the Lefevre Manor today. Before he died Nicodeme took account of all the family members currently alive and those in the past and started on a family tree that could be easily accessed inside the North Meeting room by anyone who wanted to see it. When he died his son Yvain Lefevre took the position as Head and began to edit the laws a little so that they were stricter and even more harsh to woman and those who were outsiders to the family.

Yvain's grandson Thomas Lefevre II took over when he went oddly missing for some reason, it's not clear if he was killed or if he simply abandoned the family but it soon was apparent that he left many things unfinished between the family. Thomas Lefevre II was much more cruel than many of the family members before him that ruled and began to crack down on the family quite harshly, he lowered the woman's status even further and began to treat many of the family members as if they were slaves even if they were part of the family. He learned the skill of Legilimency so he could invade the thoughts of his family and learn their ideas and thoughts and even put them down because of the way they thought. Thomas had two sons and one daughter, he had appoint is first son Isaak as the future head but it appeared that his youngest child had different plans. Danielle Lefevre had been the first female born directly from the head in a long time so she was treated slightly better than most of the woman were usually treated within the family. But she was still looked down upon and she hated that more than she did anything else, at the age of Nine she decided that it would someday become her ambition to kill her father and take the family Throne for herself so she could change not only the naive way her father ruled by the woman were looked at by the family. Over fear of her father discovering her plans, Danielle learned the skill of Occlumency and soon became locked up from the world and her father's judgemental mind.

In 1975, at age Nineteen Danielle brutally murdered her father while he was interrogating her and gained the position of Head of the family. As she was the first female ever to do so her family became shocked that a woman had gained enough power to do such a thing but kept quiet because she had surely proved she was strong enough to handle herself. Danielle edited the family's laws and woman became equal from that point on, as well as many of the other family members that normally had no decision or ideas to put forth. Despite the large Infertility problem that was still striking the family Danielle managed to lead then into their Gold age that still remains mostly intact during the present year. As of Now Danielle is unsure whether she should pass the chair onto the children she currently has or she would need to produce another heir which she felt would be worthy enough to run things from under wing. She would prefer a female but due to her infertile body she believe's she is not subject to complain and may pass the line down to Gabrielle Snow. Danielle may have allowed woman to gain power but she has become more strict with blood lines in the family, she has made her best attempt to hunt down all traitors and those with filth in their veins so she could eliminate them soon it is believed that Danielle will completely lose it and destroy entire families of filth due to her dislike for them.

Recently due to a Marriage between Danielle and Asparuh III she has been considering to give the title to someone within the next ten years due to her possibly not being able to handle the title. She is unsure if her daughter or son will be able to handle the title though.

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