Daniel Clairoux

Daniel Clairoux

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation

I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue
Within a minute I was all packed up

Character Name
Daniel's full name:
Daniel Marcus Clairoux
Reason or meaning of name:
Daniel's first name means God is my judge, and is of Hebrew origin, he was name by his father. His middle name was decided by his mother, it means Hammer in Gaelic. While his last name. Clairoux, is inherited by his mother after his parents separated. It is of French origin.
Daniel's nickname/s:
Dan, Robin, Dannybear, Babe/y
Reason or meaning of nickname:
Daniel is often referred to as Dan by his family, and casual friends. His close circle of friends call him Robin, as his best friend is Batman. This nickname has become a large part of who he is, to the extent that he sometimes introduces himself as Robin. Dannybear is reserved for his partner, Corey, who is also the only one to call him Babe or Baby. If anyone else were to refer to him by these names (seriously) he would be agitated. He likes these names and thinks of them as very important, and only for Corey to use.
Birth date:
The thirteenth of March, two-thousand sixteen. He was born at eleven o'clock at night.

<SIZE size="50">I can stay awake for days, If that's what you want
I don't wanna go
Physical appearance
Twenty years, and two months.
152 pounds
Body build:
Daniel is tall, with broad shoulders. He is muscular, though not grandiosely, it is obviously he spends a lot of his time engaging in exercise. He is quite tall, which slims him out a bit. However, for a man his size, Daniel does have a gentle application, being conscious of how he moves so not to accidently hurt someone as he is quite imposing to strangers.
Shape of face:
Daniel has an oval face, with soft cheeks, a prominent, rounded nose and a long mouth. He has a strong jaw, and a rounded chin, causing his face to look rather rounded and soft. Despite his height and build, his face is quite sweet looking.
Shape of mouth:
Daniel's mouth is chubby, in his opinion. He occasionally looks to be pouting when he isn't, therefore, he tries to thin his mouth a little. When he smiles, he rarely shows his teeth, choosing to smirk and show his dimples.
Eye color:
Daniel's eyes are a bright, light blue. They are very expressive, and he finds it hard to hide his emotions. They are always wide with wonder, and happy.
Glasses or contacts:
Daniel has perfect vision and does not need glasses nor use contacts.
Skin tone:
Olive, smooth and a little dry, but he doesn't worry about it too much. He rarely burns, instead he is lucky enough to tan when in the sun.
Hair color:
Honey Brown
Type of hair:
Daniel's hair is thick, a little curly and fluffy. If he doesn't brush it, it quickly turns wild. He keeps his hair short to avoid this.
Daniel keeps the sides and the back of his head short, leaving the top part of his head with the longest hair. His hair quickly gets out of control, so he keeps it short. He might run a bit of moose through his hair, but otherwise he doesn't worry too much about it. He likes his hair to look a little messy, so he doesn't seem serious.
Daniel has a tendency to mumble his words when directly speaking, and has a rather flat voice, as his actions speak more to his mood than his actual voice does. His voice is a little husky and deep, but he makes a conscious effort to be understood and project his voice.
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Daniel is not that fussed with clothes. He has a lot of stuff - but he usually wears jeans, shirts and shoes. He likes to make sure his clothes fit comfortably, and that he looks presentable, but otherwise, he barely admires himself in the mirror.
Jewelry or accessories:
Daniel wears necklaces and rings on occasion, but can barley be bothered. He only wears jewelry if he has to, or if it means something for the particular occasion. Otherwise, he would much rather do without it. He has no piercings. He does still, however, wear his wedding band on his finger.
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood
Blood Type:
AB Negative
Jeremy Irvine

But I'm only human, And I bleed when I fall down
Sudden words are hard to speak
Most favoured colour:
Least favourite colour:
Daniel prefers Chinese foods.
Despite his personality, Daniel loves to read. He especially enjoys adventure and suspense novels. On occasion he will read more horror-aligned novels.
Form of entertainment:
Sport. Daniel cares little of what sport it is. He just enjoys being active and in a group situation. Daniel also enjoys playing jokes and pulling pranks with his friends. He reads for entertainment, but is much more likely to go out seeking interaction with others.
Daniel enjoys duelling most of all, as well as flying. He is terrible at handling a broom, but that's where blind enthusiasm comes in. He draws a little, but it's nothing impressive.
Mode of transportation:
Apparation and port key, sometimes private vehicle.
Most prized possession:
His flamingo pink 'kini. Anything given to him by Corey. His wedding band.

I can turn it on, Be a good machine
When your thoughts are all I see
Optimist or pessimist?
Avid optimist.
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Disorderly, but neat.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure?
Animal lover?
Definitely. He especially loves reptiles.

I'm only human, And I crash and I break down
When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.
Daniel enjoys spending time with his friends, throwing parties, and generally having fun and being active. He also enjoys most forms of sport and simply getting involved in group, outdoorsy activities, such as hiking.
Plays a musical instrument?
Yes. Daniel plays the drums. However, he has not played them for some time.
Plays a sport?
Yes, virtually everything with ranging degrees of success. His best played sport is soccer, while his worst is Quidditch.
How would Daniel spend a rainy day:
Daniel would be planning for a sunny day. Once that's done, he would either read to pass the time, or go and talk to people, perhaps visit a friend.
Nervous tics:
Daniel rambles when nervous, and shuffles his feet.
Usual body posture:
Daniel oozes confidence and control, always wearing a big smile and having his chest out and open, with a straight back. He is very conscious of body language, nearly to the point of obsession. He will often spend more time than necessary thinking about his body language and having it translate into welcoming positivity.
Daniel is very animated in his movements. As he speaks, his hands move and his eyes are expressive, as well as the rest of his body. He gets into everything he does, including a simply conversation, and it is difficult for him to hide his true emotions as they show through his mannerisms.

Your words in my head, knives in my heart
To the beat of our hearts at the same time.
Christchurch, New Zealand.
Type of childhood:
Daniel was raised in a close family. He often bounced around to his cousin's houses and interacted with them extensively. He is close to all his family, and knows them all very well, and is very fond of them. Both his parents were energetic people, this energy fuelled his love of life and love of energy and movement. His enjoyment of life was kindled by his loving family, although there was lost and trouble in his early childhood, his love of life and general need to protect his cousins was never daunted by this. His childhood was filled with spending time with other children, and engaging in group activities that gave him endless confidence and good social skills. He had a very happy, fulfilling childhood, all in all.
Two turtles, Barbara and Alfred.
First memory:
Most important childhood memory:
Childhood hero:
Daniel's childhood hero was Harry Potter.
Dream job:
Daniel's dream job was to either play Quidditch, or help others. Seeing as he is a pathetic flying, counselling it was.
Daniel attended Hogwarts New Zealand, he was a Hufflepuff. For the first two years of his schooling, he was happy to be a Hufflepuff. However, after his parent's divorce, he was home-schooled for half his third year by his mother, and then he attended Beauxbatons until his graduation.

I'm only human, Just a little human
I made a promise that I'll come home soon.
Current location:
Christchurch, New Zealand. Hogwarts New Zealand.
Currently living with:
Jonathon Phillips, his best friend. They currently share a two-bedroom apartment in Christchurch, just like when they graduated.
Daniel is currently the school counsellor, and takes his job very seriously. He has a passion for helping the students through any of the issues they find themselves with and can't imagine leaving.
I can take so much, 'Til I've had enough
Bring me back, bring me back to you.
Drives and motivations:
One of Daniel's drives is excitement, and a motivation is his need to experience as much as possible. Being very conscious of the fact he will die someday, he wants to be able to look back and know that he had as much fun as he possibly could, and did his very best to enjoy himself and benefit others. Daniel's most important drive, however, is the need to help others be as fulfilled as he hopes to be. He is a spiritual person, and finds that his spirit animal drives him towards the supporting of others, and he does this without question.
Immediate goals:
To help.
Long term goals:
To be happy, hopefully with a family.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
Daniel plans to love his friends and family as best he can, as he can't see a better way to accomplish his goals.
How other characters will be affected:
His friend's group would be affected, as they are his family. Hopefully, it would be positive!

I can hold the weight of worlds, If that's what you need
When we both wake up underneath the same sun.
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<B>Good personality traits:
Daniel's enthusiasm and good nature are definite positives.
Bad personality traits:
Daniel's inability to remain serious under pressure.
Most common mood:
Sense of humour:
Daniel has a silly, and childish sense of humour. He enjoys gags and playing around, sometimes going too far. He was a prankster all through his childhood, and school life, and can still relapse into such behaviour should the situation match certain requirements.
Enraged when:
Daniel has never been enraged. However, if one were to upset someone he cared about, this would make him angry, and that is as best to enraged as he could get.
Daniel's soft spot:
His turtles, his friends, and his husband, Corey.
Greatest strength:
Daniel has an enormous amount of confidence.
Greatest weakness:
Daniel's energy can be trying for others.
Biggest regret:
Daniel does not hold many regrets. However, he does regret getting married so young. Sometimes he thinks that it would have been more prudent to wait until he was older and more prepared for what married life would bring.
Biggest accomplishment:
Daniel does not feel he has really 'accomplished' anything, but he is proud of some of his life choices, such as becoming a counsellor.
Daniel's darkest secret:
He is heartbroken at the state of his familial relations after coming out, as well as the state of his marriage.
Does anyone else know?
He hopes not!

You build me up and then I fall apart
Time stops, I wish that I could rewind.

<SIZE size="50">History
<SIZE size="50">Daniel was born on the 30th of July, 2016 at eleven o'clock at night. He was a healthy baby, and was the first child of Alexander and Elle Hydran. He was born into a friendly family, being close to his aunts, uncles and cousins. Being en energetic and out-going child, Daniel was quick to befriend and gain the trust of all his similarly aged cousins and even older family members. Though his out-going and spontaneous personality was off-putting for some, he was usually capable of gaining the trust and support of various people, without even trying. This meant that throughout his life, he has always had the confidence to talk and be comfortable in all situations. This also means he can be incredibly rash - and is often found doing very stupid things, all throughout his life.
At a very young age, Daniel became interested in sports - all kinds of sports. Swimming, dancing, foot racing, gymnastics, cricket, baseball, Quidditch an many, many others. Whether they were magical or muggle, Daniel found enjoyment in all of them. This only added to his confidence and bold nature. He could play well in a team, and work solo in order to further himself, however, he found most comfort in team playing and competitions. He loves the feeling of pressure and the thirst to win. However, while he enjoyed playing Quidditch especially because of the height and challenge, he soon discovered that he was a terrible flyer. He has many scars from flying into walls, trees and the occasional person. Though throughout his life he has tried to improve on this weakness, he has yet to safely fly a broom without risking the hurt of other people. That is not to say that he is scared of flying - as he loves flying. He's just terrible at it.
At the age of five, Daniel became a big brother to Faron. As the two boys aged, their personality differences became apparent. Though their relationship has always been one of one-sided jealousy on Faron's part, Daniel has been equally as bad by distancing himself from his younger brother because his lack of attractive personality. They are friendly, but little else and their relationship deteriorated further as Daniel left for Hogwarts New Zealand when he was eleven. Daniel's family suffered a tragedy when he was eight - his aunt had died and his uncle was in a depressive state, causing his cousin to become timid and weak. Daniel took responsibility over Andy and made sure that Andy did not wither away from lack of attention and care. Daniel became a big brother to his slightly younger cousin, and this did not mend fences with Faron. It made Faron furious. However, Daniel was not bothered, because he appreciated Andy more than his brother, and knew that Andy needed him more than Faron did.
When he was shipped to Hogwarts New Zealand, Daniel was sorted in Hufflepuff. He found that he loved the house dearly, most of the students were very nice. He made a friend, Warren Hewitt, and they both went adventuring through the Forbidden Forest, and found some very interesting things. Unfortunately, Daniel - being the eldest - had a responsibility to his cousins, and had to watch out for them. His twin cousins had been separated and he filled the void for them, making sure that neither felt alienated. His only female cousin was sorted with his most fragile cousin, and they had a strained relationship. As a result, Daniel filled the void for them and made sure that his Hazel gave Andy space, while also making sure that Andy felt safe and protected.
During his second year, Daniel's parents began to fight. By time he returned home during the break, his parents were separated and his mother was planning for a divorce. His response to this was to distance himself from his family and focus on friendships - his reasoning was that his friends had yet to break his heart. This did not help his mother and father's relationship. His father felt that his mother was too soft on Daniel and Faron, while his mother was convinced that his father had changed and was being too harsh on his sons.
Very quickly, his parents divorced and Daniel was taken to France with his mother and younger brother. She had won full custody. His last name was changed fro Hydran to Clairoux, and he spent a large part of his third year being educated by his mother. He was allowed to associate with his father through letters and occasional meetings, but otherwise not much contact was held. He did, however, take extra time to keep close ties with his cousins. What he was grateful for was that one cousin, Drake, was in France with his own mother, and he remained close to him - even when Drake lost interest in family ties, Daniel made it his job to remind him for family love meant. Daniel was enrolled into Beauxbatons as soon as possible and spent the second half of his third year trying to adapt to a new culture, language and school.
Coming into the year late, learning a new language, learning new customs and starting virtually friendless was hard for Daniel. He was used to many people being with him and this was easily the loneliest time for him. He conversed with his cousin, Drake on occasion, but Drake soon found his own friends - and while Daniel liked them and spent a large amount of his third year with them, he knew that they were not the kind of friends he wanted. They were different, darker than he felt comfortable with. While they were not outright evil or anything, they made him feel uncomfortable and he spent the majority of his time observing them, rather than joining them in their antics. So, Daniel decided to walk around by himself, but still managed to make friends. Such as a girl named Alice, whom he went walking with and entertained for a time. However, a real change happened when he was leaving Transfiguration one day, and he was ran over by another boy. After several swear leaving the boy's mouth, Daniel decided to see if he was hurt or something. That was a lot of foul language. However, the boy did not seem to want to have a bar of him. From frustration, Daniel used Gemelitiar to get the boy's attention. Upon finding his book a turtle, the boy laughed - which made Daniel laugh and from then they began talking.
Daniel became best friends with Jonathon very quickly. They found that they had a lot in common, and Daniel found himself a very stable friendship that he spent the majority of his time and energy developing. He managed to bring Jonathon out of his shell, and managed to find something he really enjoyed doing. Causing mischief. Whether this was a cry for help or positive character development, he is not sure, but he is grateful for befriending Jonathon. Rather quickly, they formulated codenames for each other. Batman and Robin. And soon after that, Daniel found himself answering primarily to that name. On occasion, a professor would call out Robin to gain his attention if he was busy focusing on something else. Throughout his fifth year, Daniel balanced between his school commitments, and having fun with Batman. In the end, he found transfiguring the belongings of random students to be more fun than any extra curricular activities he was doing. What made it more interesting was the introduction of a competition between them, and a punishment. Daniel won the competition for his extensive use of Transfiguration - and after he transfigured half the library books into turtles... it was too good to ignore. Batman had to wear a dress for a day, and introduce himself as Victoria Von Buttsworthy. Daniel thought it was hilarious.
In sixth year, Daniel continued to hang out with Batman. Detentions became more frequent. Daniel found himself having competitions with Batman, who could prank the most people. They made this a game, and Daniel was quite serious about it. His victims ranged from first years and professors and everything in between. The only rule was that no-one was to be injured seriously. He was completely fine with that. When caught by professors, he and Batman would be put on detention. Fortunately for both boys, most professors saw the innocent humour in their antics, and so the statement '...we were practising, professor...' was often greeted with the slightest of smiles. Daniel would spend his detentions studying and transfiguring utensils in the room, while Batman would be commenting on the chicks in the room, rating them from 'Troll to Veela'. Daniel would agree with him always, as he had a total lack of interest in the beauty of girls and he was not about to reveal something like that to Batman. especially in detention. Unfortunately for Daniel, he lost his prank challenge with Batman by a few points - an the punishment was fierce. Daniel loved swimming, but the near-frozen lake Batman had picked was very cold and he had to stay in there for two minutes - naked. When he began to turn blue and loose all feeling in his legs, he was pulled out of the lake. But it was still slightly nightmare-ish for sure.
Seventh year was busier for Daniel. He still kept in contact with friends he had throughout the school - as Batman was not always the greatest conversation holder. He also kept tabs on his studies, and made sure to keep his creativity in check. After loosing last year, he was determined to win this year because the stakes were high - higher than previous years. However, he eventually failed. Batman's execution was too good, and his habit of using Transfiguration was his downfall - he became predictable and found it difficult to change his habits. Especially since he had met a boy that year that he rather liked and had turned out to be terrified of turtles. Something Daniel only found out after he managed to transfigure every book on the boy's desk into a turtle. To say he was distracted would be an understatement. However, he had planned to change his game and switch it up a little, but it was too late and Batman ultimately won. Daniel put the punishment out of his mind for the remainder of the year, mentally preparing himself for the humiliation that was to occur. He spent more time with Corey, and they became good friends. However, no relationship formed as Daniel has no idea of his sexual orientation, and it was not something he was going to ask. In order to spend time with him, he used Rose as a cover, since Rose happened to be good friends with Corey. It wasn't something guys did. His relationship with Rose also continued to develop and he considered her a close friend by the end of seventh year. And when graduation came around, he was ready. The punishment was to wear a neon pink mankini to graduation. Upon realising that his mother was to be a his graduation, Batman agreed that his mother must be removed before the 'kini was revealed. Rose lured her out of the graduation, and then Daniel removed his graduation robes and collected his diploma in the flamingo-like 'kini. It lasted only a few moments, as professors were quick to act on this one, but that was enough to satisfy Batman and Robin.
After graduation, Daniel decided to move in with his best friend, Batman. They settled on a apartment with two rooms, and sprung to get themselves turtles. The 'kini has a proud spot over the turtle tank, in front of the window. They planned a house warming party after packing Daniel's things away and settling into the apartment. They lived together, having fun, for some months before things for Daniel and Jonathon grew a little awkward after Jonathon discovered Daniel's sexuality, after walking in on him and Corey one afternoon. However, after a serious conversation, a mutual understanding was reached, and Daniel was able to resurrect their relationship, and Corey joined the gang.
Daniel and Corey took a serious turn, and Corey proposed to Daniel. After they married, they moved out together, and got a small place in France.

I can do it, I'll get through it
The pieces of us both, Under every city light

How Daniel feels about himself:
Daniel's confidence is the main source of his recklessness. he takes unnecessary risks and chances because he 'knows' he will be okay. He is comfortable with himself, and tries to be the very best he can be. He doesn't allow people to get him down, preferring to lift them up.
One word Daniel would use to describe himself:
What does Daniel consider his best personality trait?
Daniel considers his nice nature to be his best trait, as he likes being nice to people.
What does Daniel consider his worst personality trait?
Nothing! However, he does realise that his tendency to go too far with pranks and jokes is bad.
What does Daniel consider his best physical characteristic?
His dimples.
What does Daniel consider his worst physical characteristic?
His mouth. He thinks it's too fat for his face.
How does Daniel think others perceive him?:
Daniel thinks that people see him as a nice guy, or as a guy that is always pulling pranks and being silly.
What would Daniel most like to change about himself?:
Daniel would like to change his allergy to tattoo ink and needles.

I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh
And they're shining as we fade into the night

Zodiac and Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year Sign:
The Monkey.
About this Chinese New Year Sign:
The Monkey is the most versatile sign of the Chinese zodiac. They have natural quick-wittedness which enables them to understand what is happening and then make a right decision. Even during a conversation person born in this year is aware of what is going on around him/her, and then make a mental note of who said what and store it away for future reference. In general, with their agile minds and multiple talents, monkey type of people can master any subject. These people are also honest in their dealings. Monkeys know how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time. Monkeys have flexible principles and serene self-confidence so they are completely content but they usually manage to complicate the lives of others.
Lucky Numbers:
3, 4, 5, 7, 16, 23, 34, 45, 54
Equivalent Western Sign:

Zodiac sign:
About this Zodiac Sign:
Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive . life's stormy times with style and . good humour. Once a Lion is committed to a relationship, they are totally devoted and faithful. Should their heart or trust be broken they never forgive or forget. For a Leo, when a relationship is over, really over, it is over for good. There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leos. The highest is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their years and great teachers to others. The second is the Lion, King of the Jungle, ruled by ego but always protective and sustaining of those they love. The last is the Lion Cub, immature and undeveloped, frightened by anything new. These Leos cling to others. They can't bear to be alone.
Lucky colour:
Lucky gemstones:
Ruby and Coral.
Lucky numbers:
1, 4 and 6
I can dance and play the part, If that's what you ask</COLOR><i></i>
<COLOR color="#000">My heart wants to come home.

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<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">Miscellaneous
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<B> Your Animagus:
Daniel is not an animagus. If he were to become one, however, he would hope to have an otter.
Your Patronus:
Daniel's patronus is an otter.
Additional Skills:
Daniel is good at wordless magic. Working without a wand is a little more difficult for him.
English, and French. He know a little Native American of the Cheyenne dialect.
Sexual Orientation:
Homosexual. Daniel is solely interested in having relationships with other men, though he is capable of identifying female beauty - this mostly from habit because of his friendships with heterosexual men. He is currently in a relationship with Corey Kipling. However, their marriage is currently suffering and they live at two different locations, with Daniel moving back in with his friend. While they are not officially broken up, Daniel considers their relationship paused and both are free to pursue other interests.
Name of Spirit Animal:
Spirit Animal Species:
'Powers' Associated With Spirit Animal:
Emotional healing. Otters are nurturing, playful, and easy-going. Others' needs are often put before their own, offering what seems to be a bottomless well of compassion and care. Though decisions are guided by feelings, at heart the otter is pragmatic and self-possessed, making them the ideal head of a family or small business
Spirit Animal Overview(IC):
"Spirit animals are something similar to guardian angels, I guess. They're there to help the person support themselves - empower them to do the things they think they can't. The spirit animal is always with you, guiding you along your chosen path. They can't pick your path for you, but they can stand by you when you pick one. You can't say their name or identify their gender or form - it's wrong and offensive. I like my spirit animal - though I've neglected it since my life changed. I might actually go back to it later, someday. But they never leave, just sometimes you forget."
Theme Song:
Sunrise - Our Last Night

Coding ; Done by Tenilee
Lyrics ; Human - Christina Perri
& Beside You - Five Seconds of Summer


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