Closed Dance the night away

Casper Blackfyre

HS Gryffindor Graduate | Family rebel
OOC First Name
When Casper heard Amella was performing in a nearby dance competition he knew he had to attend and her perform first hand. The girl had made a lasting impression on him since their evening at the charity ball and he had been eager to see her again, the competition provided the perfect opportunity. Casper took his seat and watched the event unfold, the way Amella moved was breathtaking, he was by no means any kind of expert on the matter but he thought she was brilliant, and not because he was in anyway biased. When the competition was over the opportunity came Casper got to his feet with the rest of the crowd to applaud.

Once the crowe began to dissipate Casper hung back and waited for Amella to emerge from the changing rooms. He had a particular piece of music stuck in his head from the event and absent absentmindedly began to bop along to it, unaware of the fact that Amella had exited the changing rooms and could see him.
Amella had prepared the waltz with delicate timing adn was so certain that the actions of the vintage characters displayed would please every judge. Though sweat and smudged some of her makeup during the performance she was sure it wouldn't matter. She was scored high enough to continue onto the semi-finals that would take place in a month in berlin, and knew she and her partner had a lot of work to do before then.

Moving to the changing rooms she tossed on a tank and some spanx a very typical outfit to cool down in. A jacket was thrown over top to keep her from feeling too bare as she went out to search for her mother, whom would surely be networking and not just waiting with the rest of the crowd. However upon exiting a certain awkward, lanky boy caught her eye. As he was distracted by the music the blonde approached. "Don't suppose you are thinking of becoming a dancer?" She asked giggling. It was odd. Without heels she was now much shorter than him - at around 5'7" she was by no means short, but he was a few inches taller without her heels. "If you are trying to impress me it has worked. How did you know I would be competing here tonight, Mr. Blackfyre?"
Casper's stopped in his tracks when he heard Amella's voice behind him. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked wondering how much of his dancing she would have seen. Casper spun around to face her and tried to regain some composure. "Me a dancer? Nah, I'm more of a night club dance floor type you know?" He laughed. Casper's demeanor changed a little when Amella asked if he was trying to impress her and how he knew she was dancing in the competition. "I know people, and I might be a bum who sits at home all day but its like you said things come easy for me," He smirked referring to her original assessment of him which was proving to be pretty accurate.
Amella giggled again, hand covering her mouth to suppress her wide smile as she did. "Enough to see that no, dancing isn't for you." She teased, eyes easing over his face with a gentle expression. "I don't know. Never been to a night club." She admitted, crossing her arms over her chest and relaxing in a comfortable standing position as they talked. "Mm, maybe too easy. Should I make them harder?" She asked, before glancing at the door. "My mother will not be looking for me if she thinks I'm in the dressing room. There's a back door if you'd like some fresh air?" She asked.
Casper laughed at Amella's comment, he wasn't a bad dancer when the music was slow as it tended to be at charity events but his moves didn't cut the mustard when it came to something more up tempo. "Maybe, but its still fun," He smiled at her. "Are you ever not attempting to run away from your family?" He asked looking towards the exit. It didn't take much persuading on Amella's part to get Casper to agree to duck outside, he was more than willing to follow her just about anywhere. "Lead the way,"
Amella shrugged, leading the boy out into the cool night air. The humidity of the day had left for the most part, behind it it brought a starry night sky with a bright crescent moon. The blonde thought before speaking, and finally gave what she thought was a good answer. "I mean, I love my family, all of them - but often it is as if I am more them than me; when I'd rather be me." She looked around the back area where the grass grew slightly unkempt. "So, what really brought you here then? Was it me?"
Casper appreciated the cool night air after being inside the hall for a few hours. He listened as Amella told him more about her family and how she felt she needed to get away from them and be more herself. He could relate, it was tough when your family had a collective identity and you didn't quite fit the mold. "It can be difficult to separate yourself from your family sometimes, to know who you are away from them," Casper knew he wasn't like his family but he still needed to properly discover himself. He seemed surprised when Amella asked what had brought him to the event, he'd figured it was obvious. "Of course I came to see you, did you think I was a ballroom dancing fanatic?"
Amella nodded in appreciation. It wasn't often she was able to talk about something less vapid than dancing and sparkles. Mostly her dance partners and classmates were too focused on their futures in the shallow career. Aminia had scored well in school - better than her other two sisters. She knew she had options but she wasn't sure what yet. The blonde laughed again, something airy and soft - a chuckle more than a cackle. "Perhaps you are. I do not know you all." She offered, though the air at the end of the sentence made it obvious she was interested in knowing more. "It was nice of you to come see me Casper, really. Not many people take notice in my extra curricular actions anymore." Though admittedly that was because she hadn't bothered to keep in touch with anyone after school had ended. Even those friendships seemed shallow - and the Veela hoped for more. "So, tell me more than. If not a fan of ballroom, a fan of what?"
Amella made a good point, for all she knew he could be exactly like the rest of his family, she wasn't to know. "Well I hope that changes," He said casually, Casper hoped he would have plenty of changes to get to know Amella better. "Why not? You're a great dancer, the way you move is so..." Casper paused, his immediate thoughts were not appropriate and he needed to think of something to say that wouldn't make Amella want to slap him. "...beautiful," When Amella asked what he was a fan of if not ballroom dancing. "I don't dislike ballroom dancing, I'm just more of say a quidditch fan,"
Smells chuckled. “As do I.” She agreed, stating she wouldn’t mind getting to know the older gentleman at least with a friend level of comfort. If it moved past that, the dancer wouldn’t mind, but she was not actively seeking attention from anyone in a romantic way. Mainly as she still stayed with her mother and that would make any relationship strained. “I have never seen a quidditch game. Maybe you should take me some day.” She spoke. “Competition season will be over in a few months after all.” She spoke, hinting she’d have more time for him then.

“Do you stay with your parents now?” She asked, both trying to gauge if she was as far behind in her life steps as she thought, and partially to see if hanging out would be mad awkward by his family.
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Casper smiled when Amella matched his sentiment that he hoped they got to know each other better. He was looking forward to seeing more of her and hopefully they would become good friends. More was something that had occurred to Casper, but he didn't want to count his chickens, he was happy to wait and see how their relationship developed. "I'd love to take you, its so fun to watch," Casper was practically giddy at the idea of taking her to see a game. He'd have to surprise her with tickets some time. "For the moment yes, I'm looking at places but I'm not in any rush,"
Amella smiled at his reaction, but heariong her mother calling back into the dressing area, she knew her time was short if she didn't want things to get awkward fast. "Well Mr. Blackfyre. I suppose we should meet at third party locations then." She jotted down some information on how she could be reached, the most private way so her mother wouldn't intercept. "We should meet again. Maybe for Quidditch, yes?" She asked, handing him the conjured paper she'd written things on. "I need to go, lest you face the wrath of a half veela." She referenced her mother and her birdlike abilities, before giving a swift kiss on the cheek as a proper European goodbye.

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