Closed Dance the Night Away

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Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated (Who Cares?)
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapphire couldn't wait to get away tonight. Despite her lack of a date, the dance provided a sense of escape that she desperately needed. She arrived late to the dance so that she could just get right on the floor. She moved through the crowd like a shadow, letting the music flow through her. She started to dance, swaying with the beat. She was lost to the world. This. This was it. The complete freedom and ecstasy of losing herself to the rhythm. She spun and twirled and danced with herself. Tonight was perfect.
Antonio didn't usually do dances, he found them boring and had little interest in bringing anyone to such an event, except maybe Jasmine but she never had any trouble getting attention from elsewhere. Antonio decided rather last minute to attend the valentines dance, he hadn't been to a dance for a while and he had nothing else to do that night. He through on a suit and made his way down to the Great hall. He had made no plans to meet up with anyone so was showing up completely stag. He spotted a familiar girl out on the dance floor, she had been on he Quiditch team when he had been, maybe she'd be interesting company and if not he'd quickly move on. He moved across the dance floor until he was near her. "Mind if I cut in?" He asked.
Sapphire opened her eyes as a vaguely familiar voice rang out. Her body stilled and she opened her eyes to see... someone standing there. Her brow furrowed as she studied him. "An... Antonio?" She chuckled. "I haven't seen you since you quit the team." She told him casually. "Maybe you can. Do you want to dance with me?" She asked him, holding out her hand. Who knew, maybe he would be willing to try.
Antonio shrugged his shoulders, "I've been around, maybe you're just too cool for the rest of us," He suggested, it could be described as teasing and coming from other people it might have come across that way, but Antonio's tone of voice wasn't suited to teasing people. "Well I didn't come out onto the dance floor to talk," Antonio chuckled and took Sapphire's hand, spinning her around under his arm. "What happened to your boyfriend? Shouldn't he be here with you?" Antonio asked, last he had heard Sapphire had been dating some Gryffindor, but he didn't pretend to be in the loop when it came to her life.
Sapphire laughed at his comment. "That must be it." She smiled widely as he agreed to dance and took her hand. The smile faded just a bit though as she came out of the spin and he asked why her boyfriend wasn't here. "I don't have a boyfriend." She shrugged. "What about you? Anyone in your life?" She asked him as they danced. She couldn't recall if he had been with anyone or not. Maybe it was bad but she hadn't paid much attention.
Antonio had to admit that Sapphire looked good, really good. He hadn't noticed her that way before, they were both a lot younger when they first knew each other but a lot had changed since then. "Nope, no one in my life," He shrugged as he took hold of both of Sapphire's hands and moved with her to the music. "I don't dance much, in case you can't tell," Antonio said almost laughing.
Sapphire nodded as he said there wasn't anyone. "That's too bad. You look really handsome tonight." She told him, liking the feel of her hands in his. She laughed lightly as he said he didn't dance much. "Oh, that's alright, I dance enough for us both." She sighed as the upbeat music faded and a slow song began. "Do you still want to dance?" She asked hopefully.
Antonio smiled when Sapphire told him he looked handsome, he knew he looked good and was glad to hear someone agree with him. "Thanks, you look pretty hot too," He laughed when Sapphire suggested she could dance enough for the both of them. "You do move well," He observed. When suddenly the music changed Antonio wasn't sure if they could continue dancing at first until Sapphire asked him if he wanted to carry on. "Of course," He said holding her closer.
Sapphire smiled as Antonio returned the compliment. "Aw, how sweet of you to notice." She teased lightly. She found she really liked being a bit more flirtatious. She was just... Much, much subtler than her brother. She smiled playfully as he said she moved well. "That happens when you know what you're doing," she told him, snarky. She couldn't help it. She was still mischevious.

She wound her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer. She had never really realized how intimate slow dancing was. She was rather enjoying this. "Thank you," she told him softly. "This is... Nice."
Antonio laughed, "Well I'm sorry I'm not a world class dancer," He said. Antonio found he was rather enjoying himself in Sapphire company which he wouldn't have expected, the two of them hadn't spent that much time together to indicate they would get on well. When the music turned slow Sapphire wrapped her arms around his neck and he moved his to her waist. It was rather intimidate and not something Antonio was all that used to, but wasn't completely horrible. "Yeah it is, who would have thought,"
Sapphire winked playfully. "It's alright, you can hardly tell. I'm good enough for us both," She teased. Her heartbeat quickened a little as he put his hands on her waist. Okay, that was... nice. She tried to keep it cool, but she was pretty sure the smile she gave him was a bit shyer than she meant it to be. "Besides," She continued from before, "You're cute enough to make up for your bad dancing." She couldn't help but enjoy herself. "Why don't you dance more often?" She asked him lightly, looking up at the boy with sparkling sapphire eyes.
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