Closed Dance steps in the rhythm of music

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Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer ♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 25
Time ran fast. Valentine's Day was already here. There weren't even two thoughts that Thomas would go for it and with Allison. The only problem was what to pull and how to make long hair. It must have seemed too crazy that he worried about his appearance, if he usually didn't pay much attention to it. In the end, he put on a suit and straightened his hair in tail. This time he decided to go to the Great Hall and wait for the girl there.

Thomas stood at the door of the Great Hall and looked toward the stairs to see Allison coming down them. He held a red rose in his hand. Hopefully she will come soon and both can dance. Later, something was planned for him, but it was kept secret for the time being.
Allison took a bit of extra time getting ready for the dance that night. Thomas had been such a sweetheart, and had been so supportive of Allison since her mother's death. She had to admit, she wasn't sure how she would have gotten through it without him. Stanis had all but disappeared, and while it hurt her deeply, she didn't know how to get through to him anymore.

Pushing the thought from her mind, Allison hurried down the stairs, not wanting to keep her date waiting. She smiled as she spotted him, and took the rest of the stairs a little more carefully. Thinking he was watching her, she tried to be a bit more graceful as she came down this time. Smiling, she approached him. "Well, hello, gorgeous," she teased him gently. "Don't you look just dashing?"
It didn't take long for Thomas to notice Allison gracefully coming down the stairs. A smile appeared on his face as he came closer. "Hello, beautiful!" he smiled, then handed her a rose. "Yes, but you're more beautiful." he said, handing the girl a hand to go inside the Great Hall.
Allison giggled a bit at his words, tucking his rose into her hair behind her ear and taking his hand. "Lead the way, gorgeous," she teased him with a playful wink. It was nice to get out of the towers for a bit. "Did you have a plan for tonight?" She asked.
Thomas touched her cheek and stroked it, then wrapped his fingers around her fingers. "Follow, beauty." he winked, then went into the Great Hall. Then came the question he was already waiting for. "At first, we plan to dance you well, but after that we find a quiet place where we can be together." he refused, entering the great hall, where slow music was playing. "Can I ask you to dance?"
Allison let Thomas lead her, chuckling at his words. "You can ask, but I could say no," she winked playfully, before laughing and starting for the dance floor. "I won't say no, though." She would probably never say no to dancing with Thomas, unless he had done something to really aggravate her.
Thomas looked over his shoulder at Allison, a little confused by her words. "If you say no, I'll take you dancing anyway." He smiled because he knew the answer would be yes anyway. ''I knew you wouldn't say no. A couple of dances, then I'll let you decide what to do for the rest of the evening.'' He didn't want to let go of Allison because he wanted her to be together tonight and all the rest that awaited them both. Especially what happened between them during the break.
Allison laughed, letting him lead her to the dance floor. She laid her arms over his shoulders, swaying along to the music. "You know I love it when you take charge," she teased him. She hummed softly, thinking over his offer. "I thiiink... a couple of dances, and then we can go up to the common room and watch the stars for a while?" She offered.
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