Closed Curse of the Gab

Raawhiti Te Rangi

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (18)
Rāwhiti had known being captain would come with challenges, but there were some he hadn't anticipated in all his years looking forward to this. One in particular, which had had him seriously reconsidering the decisions he had made at the tryouts. Rāwhiti had always done his best to be a good person, a friend to all, but sometimes... His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar person passing by in the hall, and he hurried on impulse to catch up, eager to get a closer perspective on his issues. "Marnie, hey!" He said a little too brightly, hurrying to catch up and fall in step with his classmate. "How was your holiday?" He asked, not wanting to launch directly into complaints.
Marnie was juggling her books and other various detritus she'd unearthed as she dug through her bag for a quill. She was sure she'd put like four of these before the holidays, maybe some creature was eating them she thought, warily withdrawing her hand as Raawhiti caught her attention. "Oh hey here hold this will you," she said, shoving her Potions text book in his hands so she could unstick a sticker sheet from its cover without dropping everything. "It was pretty great I've been though I had to work a bit I like it though it gets quiet over the Summer break since people only think they need quills and stuff before school starts again which I can't fathom I feel like I never have enough thank Merlin Mr Gaius lets me get a bulk discount or I'd end up doing all my homework in gel pen and finger paints haha. God I also had to listen to Milo talk about Quidditch all holiday I usually don't mind but if I have to hear one more recap of what your guys' team did wrong this year I'm going to make him eat a sock," she said happily, rebalancing everything in her arms to take the textbook back from Raawhiti. "What about you? Planning a big Gryffindor come back this semester? I promise I'm not trying to be all smug about Hufflepuff doing well but it's a nice bonus."
Rāwhiti knew that starting a conversation with Marnie was always... risky, but he somehow still wasn't braced for the unleashing of energy, blinking a little as he held on to her potions book. "Sounds... busy." He said with an uncomfortable smile. On a better day he'd be all too eager to match her energy and chat along, but right now the thought of more chatter from a Frogg had his head spinning. "I, uh, I wanted to talk about that with you actually." He said hesitantly. "I've been having some... issues with Milo's behaviour in practices."
Marnie hesitated as she took the book back from Raawhiti, struggling to figure out how now to get everything back into her back, opting to clench the sticker sheet between her teeth for a moment as she struggled with them, partly listening to Raawhiti as she did so. "Oh?" She asked, voice muffled before she registered his tone and glanced over at him. "Oh, yeah he's not always the easiest to deal with like he cares but sometimes he cares very loudly and insistently but I mean I'm more than used with how to deal with him so maybe I could give you some tips though I dunno if all of mine will work like sometimes I bribe him by offering to do the dishes though I also threaten to throw his undies out the window which you could do but I dunno if you want to either," she said after freeing the sticker sheet from her mouth, frowning when she realized she'd stuck it back onto her book again. "What's he been doing?"
Rāwhiti watched Marnie struggling with her books, feeling like he should help but with no actual idea for how. Not that he would have gotten in a word edgeways to offer, with Marnie off at a million miles an hour as usual. He gave a small snort of laughter at her tips, shaking his head. "I'm definitely not doing his dishes, and I think I'd get in more trouble than him if I threw his undies out the window." He said, though it would be a fun prank... for someone he was better acquainted with. He shrugged when she asked what had been going on, trying to figure out how to put it into words. "He's just like, constantly talking in practice instead of actually practicing, and he keeps on criticising how everyone else is playing and insulting people when they mess up. It's really distracting and bad for morale." Rāwhiti knew he was exaggerating a bit, and definitely wasn't going to mention how many of the insults had been directed at him.
Marnie shrugged, laughing when Raawhiti wisely decided against her usual Milo wrangling methods. They weren't for everyone. Or maybe weren't for anyone that wasn't his sister.

Her mood sobered when Raawhiti explained what was going on with the team though, trying and not quite succeeding at quashing down the urge to defend her brother. "Well, he's just trying to help I bet he's always trying to help me whether I ask for it or not ya know it's just how he does it I mean have you tried just ignoring it or asking him to stop not that the second thing works so much for me but I mean you're his captain and I'm just his sister so maybe you'll have more luck than I would," she said, tilting her head back and forth thoughtfully. She didn't to completely ignore Raawhiti's request for help since she really didn't want Milo to get kicked off the team, but it was hard to imagine Milo being that bad. He was annoying sure, but mostly harmless. "He's really bad for morale? Maybe I could have a word with him about being supportive or something I'm helping run the Art's club right now so I've got plenty of practice in speaking and stuff now I mean obviously not a Quidditch captain or anything but I could help and I promise he doesn't mean anything by it I bet you guys just need to talk it out too," Marnie said, already mentally trying to figure out where her brother might be right now and how fast she could get to him before her next class.
Rāwhiti was starting to get back into the flow of how Marnie talked, after the usual adjustment period passed. He let her get to the end of her thought before chiming back in. "I mean, I've been asking him to stop." He shrugged. "I've told him off heaps in practice and he just keeps going." He listened again as she carried on, quietly wondering how anyone got anything done in the arts club if Marnie was giving speeches. "I mean, if you'd talk to him, it'd be cool." He nodded. "I'll keep trying, but yeah he doesn't seem interested in listening to me. And like, he's a good player, but... you know, team cohesion is a whole thing, if he's distracting people..." He shrugged, letting the end of the thought linger. Milo was only an alternate after all, it wouldn't be difficult to replace him in future.

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