Closed curious questions

Elio Boneheart

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
The first History of Magic class had already proven to be more interesting than he'd thought it would be. Clearly his mother had been skimming some of the material because he'd read ahead in all of his books and he'd heard nothing of horcruxes. So clearly she'd removed them, which... he wasn't sure why she would do that, but he was sure there was a reason. Never-the-less, he'd done some reading on them now, and it had made his so curious, curious enough to approach the professor he'd been warned off of approaching. He didn't see what the big deal was, the professor had said to come and talk to him if he had any questions, and well, he had questions, he was curious - strictly from an academic standpoint of course, he wasn't about to go out for some first hand knowledge, but he liked to know things, he liked to understand things, this was one of those itching curousities he sometimes had that he needed to scratch. What could the professor tell him about them? He was intrigued. He really wanted to know. The door was open as he arrived, he assumed the professor himself had probably only just arrived and so he knocked on the door to announce himself. "Excuse me Professor Borisyuk, sorry to interrupt you I had a couple of questions about the introductory lesson for sixth years?"

@Professor Killian Borisyuk

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