Open Curfew Doesn't Apply

Henri Fontaine

smart; obsessive; aloof
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
none yet
02/2051 (10)
Henri was busy, though he would say that his primary interest was on bugs, and had been for a while, the sorting, and the sorting hat had turned his attention a little elsewhere. He had gone to the library after dinner that day, classes were just about to start, so he figure it would be quiet enough and certainly it didn't occur to him that it was pretty late and really he should be heading in for curfew. It was early in the semester, why would they need a curfew. Instead he just went into the library and began looking for any books or reference to the sorting hat.
Tessaria had some free time before classes were to start taking over, and so of course she was taking every opportunity to explore the castle. It was much bigger than her sisters had made out and therefore she had to explore as much as she could so that she didn't end up ever getting lost. Even though it was getting late, Tessaria wandered around the fourth floor corridor. She entered a big door to the library, where not many people were just yet, but she was sure this place would be occupied by many people soon once classes were underway. She walked up and down the aisles until she came across a familiar face from the sorting ceremony. "What are you looking for?" she asked curiously, wanting to be in on whatever he was doing.
Henri had found the a history section on Hogwarts, and was thinking this would be a good place to start, could find something on the origin of the hat, which would help him find other books just like it. He could work his way through them, he just had to find them. He was pretty distracted didn't notice anyone approaching him until he heard them speak. he barely glanced over at them, his gaze still remaining on the various books. "I'm looking for books," he replied, without looking at the person.
Tess thought it rude that the boy didn't want to look at her. Why was he so busy so early on when classes hadn't even started yet? "What kind of books?" she asked, not caring if it came across as a little nosey. "Maybe I can help you find them?" Tess would be a part of this whether he liked it or not, and whatever secret business he was getting up to would be secret no longer.
Henri shrugged. "You can try, but only I really know what I'm looking for," he said in reply with a little shrug. "I'm wanting to find out more about the sorting hat, how it works, why it works," he did explain since it wasn't some grand secret and even if she did know, it wasn't like she could help it was after all his interest not hers.
Tess listened as the boy explained what he was doing. Whilst it wasn't anything too exciting, Tess was very happy to help him figure it out, as she couldn't help but be curious as well. "That's fun!" she exclaimed, happy to be part of it. "You know the sorting hat has been around for ages. It also sorted my mum and many generations before that." She wasn't sure if the boy cared about this fact, but thought to share it anyway. "I'm sure there's a book about the hat somewhere. We just need to look a bit harder for it. I can go search the next aisle while you keep searching here. You'd think there'd be a librarian around here somewhere that we can ask though... I haven't seen any adult in here yet."
Henri was surprised that she seemed to be interested in what he was looking up. Though clearly she didn't know much about the hat, so he wasn't sure how much help she would be. "The hat existed since the first sorting at Hogwarts Scotland, it's literally over a thousand years old," he told her before taking a little step back from the shelves. "I don't need an adult to help me research, we need to look for books on Hogwarts, probably, more than just Hogwarts, a History," If she was going to help then he was happy to try to guide her.
Tess pursed her lips as the boy already seemed to know more than she did. He was a Hufflepuff however, and not a Ravenclaw, so either he surely didn't know as much as he was letting on, or Hufflepuffs were smarter than their stereotype. She ignored his comment about not needing an adult, as that wasn't what she had meant, and just continued to look along the aisle for something that might help. As she rummaged through other books written by Bathilda Bagshot, she had a thought. "If the sorting hat existed since the beginning, maybe we should find books about the people that started the school, see what sort of things they got up to and how they spent their time. Surely they were the ones that came up with the sorting hat, right? Maybe they used some sort of spell to make it come alive." Tess rambled on, figuring that perhaps there was some sort of truth in what she was saying. She really wanted to help the boy, and hoped that he understood what she was getting at.
Henri could agree that looking for books that went back to the founders was a good idea. "Well, of course they used a spell, I'd say a transfiguration spell, it's inanimate to animate, but like on a much bigger...intense scale" he said in response, since it was a magic hat, had to occur in the world due to magic, couldn't be because of anything else. "If we know which of the founders did it, it would help this,"

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