Cruel Joke

Mervyn Strangewayes

Amoral | Radio Broadcaster | Gryffindor Alumni
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 Inch Rigid Laurel Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Continued from here.

Mervyn might have been embarrassed to have a second year escort him to the hospital wing, had he not desperately needed her. Suffering from nausea, a nosebleed, and a fever simultaneously was incredibly disorientating, and it was only because the Slytherin had hold of his arm that he managed to make it safely to the hospital wing. He had no idea how he was going to explain the state he was in, nor live down the humiliation. One hand clutching his stomach, the other holding a bloody tissue to his nose, Mervyn hung his head and waited for somebody to help him.
Sapph managed to steer the older boy to the hospital wing. Hanging on to him, she kicked at the door with a free foot. "Hey!" She half-yelled. "A little help please!" She eyed the older kid, worried he might die on her. "So," She began as they waited for someone to open the door. "You got a name?" She tried to be friendly, maybe distract him from whatever this... mess was.
The way Sapphire kicked the door struck Mervyn as something Leda would do, and suddenly he missed her even more. He wondered if she was missing him, or if she was already off hanging out with new friends. Probably the latter. She was smart, and cool, and had no problem fitting in. Not like Mervyn. Mervyn needed Leda; he didn't have anybody else. "Mervyn the Indomi'able Strangewayes," he grumbled, eyelids half-shut. "Yoo?"
"Sapphire." She told him with a friendly smile. "Mind if I ask how you managed to piss off Mighty Morphin Barbie back there?" She inquired, growing a little impatient at how long this was taking. Shouldn't someone have been out to check on them by now?
Isaac had more or less just been following the nurses since he had joined the team, watching their movements and listening to how they spoke to the patients. It was still a foreign environment to Isaac but if he had to admit it, he would have said he was enjoying it. He got to help people and put skills to good use, while not being around too many people at any one time.

When he heard noise similar to that of the door being kicked in, he had been washing up some equipment with a mixture of water and spells. He knew thst being an assistant he would mainly be doing the smaller tasks, however when he was the only person in earshot of a pair that wandered in, he thought about checking it out. Laying down the equipment, Isaac turned and headed across the hospital wing until he came face to face with those making all the noise. "Well, I don't need to ask which one of you is hurt." He said, noting immediately the boy looked a little worse for wear. He had a nosebleed obviously, and wondered if he'd managed to get into a fight, not that a skinny little boy like him looked like much of a fighter. "Come and take a seat," Isaac motioned to one of the free beds while summing some clean tissues for his nose, holding out a small bin tucked under the bed for the old ones. "I take it you annoyed someone?" Isaac asked as he considered going to get Felix.
Mervyn snorted, and then immediately regretted it as he dislodged a bloody snot-clot and had to pinch his nose harder again. His finger and thumb were sore from pressing so hard, his arm aching from holding it up. "I freatened to tell 'is manager 'e was bullyin' me about my accent," he said, not ashamed to tell Sapphire the truth. The door opened then, though rather than a nurse, a student barely older than Mervyn greeted them. Har har, he thought, as he allowed himself to be guided to a bed. He sat down on the edge of it - then immediately stood up again. Sitting hurt! He couldn't think why, until he remembered the time he'd taken some fever fudge to try to get out of Astronomy. Explaining that was going to be embarrassing. "Yessir," he told the assistant. "I've been 'it wiv all the skivin' snackbox sweets, I fink." As if on cue, Mervyn grabbed the bin intended for tissues and puked the last of his breakfast into it. Hugging the bin, he groaned. "Please say you can reverse it."
Sapph rolled her eyes. "That's stupid," She told him. "I happen to think your accent is very charming," She was starting to get really irritated- magic bullies were still bullies and she hated them with a passion. She might have to handle that other boy herself. Sapph's relief when the door opened was short-lived. A bloke barely older than Meryvn had come to assist them. She followed silently, listening as Meryvn explained what had happened to the other boy.

She turned to the bloke after Meryvn had hurled. "You can fix it, right?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice. "I mean, if you can't maybe we can get Lucius," She offered, "Hell, I can probably find him. That bloke can fix anything." She started to look around, in case this bloke couldn't handle this mess. She didn't mean to sound rude, she really didn't. Sapph was just as surprised at what came out of her mouth sometimes.
Isaac didn't really know what he was meant to be doing here, but he was at least trying to consider what would make the situation better. Before he could say another word, the bin was taken from his hand and the Ravenclaw grimaced as the kid threw up into it. That was the worst thing to have to clean. As Isaac glanced up at the girls comments, he sighed quietly to himself. What was it with the students and having so much energy? "He'll be fine." Isaac said simply, hoping that she wasn't going to add to the boys stress levels. While they waited for one of the nurses to arrive, the fourth year had a look around, thinking back to what he used to do as a kid if he ever had a nose bleed, plus whether there were any other things nearby that he could use, not that he knew what all the potions and ingredients even did. Taking a few steps towards the supply cupboard, he pulled out a few jars of questionable substances and a wad of cloth, wetting the latter with his wand, before returning to the student who seemed unable to sit down. "Um okay.." Handing over the cloth he instructed the student to tilt his head back and hold his nose tightly, at least that's what his mum used to tell him to do. Looking through the potions in his hands, he went through each one giving them a quick sniff, and those that didn't smell as though they belonged at the back of the greenhouses, he began reading the ingredients. "Deflating Draught. We learnt how to make that last year. It's meant to deflate.. anything.. that's swollen?" He offered the boy, thinking it couldn't exactly make anything worse. "I mean, it's that or the.." Isaac peered at the small label on the side, "Wit-Sharpening Solution. Although, you would have probably been better off using that before you found yourself in this situation," he sniggered to himself, holding them both out for him to choose.
Mervyn was sure Sapphire was the only one who thought so. Not even Leda had called his accent charming. He waited awkwardly while the assistant began searching for something that might help. The cool, damp cloth was nicer against his face than the soggy tissue, but the sight of the blood as Mervyn removed his hand to swap them over made him feel woozy all over again. "I fink we might need a professional," he said, as the Ravenclaw started describing the potions he'd brought over. "You're 'avin a giraffe. Ain't me 'oo needs a wit-sharpenin' potion, mate. Are yoo qualified to 'elp, or is you meant to be sweepin' the floor?" Given the position Mervyn was in, it probably wasn't wise to criticise one of the few people who might be able to reverse his symptoms, but this really was unbelievable.
Sapph wasn't so much worried about if Mervyn would be fine as she was how he would manage until then. Her eyes scanned the room, subconsciously willing Lucius to appear. He had fixed her easy enough, maybe he could help this. Something that Mervyn said gave her pause, though. She turned to look at him, ignoring both the boys and their snarky comments.

"Hold up, you know what that bloke slipped in your drink?" Her mind began working as she waited for an answer. If he knew what the other bloke had used, she might be able to help.
Even though Leda had been mad about Mervyn trying to escape from Olive's classroom, she'd still had her eyes open wherever she could. It was strange to not be talking to the Gryffindor, they'd gone barely a day or two without some form of update, and now that it had been a while since she'd spoken to Mervyn it was a little out of place. Sure, she had Zennon and prehaps Uno, but it wasn't the same as the kid who'd been there for the last few years and seemed to get how she worked. The third year had been sat at the Slytherin table, subtly glancing across to her best friend as he spoke to someone she didn't know, although when she'd glanced back up from her breakfast to see him being escorted away by someone else in her house there was no way she was going to just sit there and let the girl do her job.

After abandoning her food, and following the pair down the corridors as Mervyn held a tissue to his face, Leda tried to work out exactly what had happened. She'd not caught the whole situation with the elder boy, but either way the redhead wanted to make sure he was alright. Her eyes narrowed when they headed into the hospital wing, surely a bloody nose couldn't have been worth the whole trip. She'd followed quietly behind them, watching as they spoke to another student about his symptoms, and while Leda grimaced as Mervyn threw up into the bucket, she couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. She hadn't meant to get mad at him, and even though he had run away from their mission, her heart went out to him when she saw him in this state. Elbowing the boy that seemed to have no idea what he was doing out the way, she appeared in her best friends line of sight and quickly took a seat on the bed beside him. "He's not wrong." Leda stated simply, taking the first potion from the hands of the boy in front of them and offering it to Mervyn. "It will help you." She wasn't a professional, but if he couldn't even stand to have something touch him, it was obvious that something that included an anti-inflammatory would be more than beneficial, even if it didn't completely fix it.

Only now did Leda look up to find the gaze of her best friend, and while last time she met it, it was full of anger and fear, she did her best to try and give a convincing look. Regardless of whether they were in the same house or even the same room, she was always going to have her eye out for him. "What did he do?" She asked following the younger girls question, since she'd been unable to see exactly what he'd slipped him.
In spite of everything that had happened, when Mervyn saw Leda, he felt nothing but relief. Truth be told, he couldn't even remember what he'd been so angry about - only that he'd been angry, for a a day or two. So much had happened in the week they'd fallen out, not much of it pleasant, and he'd missed his best friend more than ever. But now she was here, elbowing the useless assistant out of the way, taking charge of things the way she usually did. Mervyn smiled weakly beneath the bloody cloth. "Cheers, but I fink I'll wait for the nurse," he said, not eager to take potions without knowing for sure what they would do to him. Both girls now had asked what Solomon had put in his drink, and Mervyn repeated what he'd mentioned earlier. "I ain't sure, but judgin' by the fever, vomitin', and nosebleed, I would say it was them skivin' snackbox sweets. They've gotta 'ave an antidote, or summink. Urghh." He would have been sick again, had there been anything else to come up. Still clutching the cloth to his face and the bin to his stomach, he said, "So... 'ow are you two? Good mornin' so far?"
Even though he didn't know what he was doing, Isaac was quite proud of himself for trying. He'd only just joined the Hospital team he was just glad he'd remembered where any of the potions were kept. Being elbowed out the way however by another girl, Isaac felt as though a group was starting to form around them. Any more and it would have been much too large of a crowd not just for the hospital wing, but for the Ravenclaw too. Deciding not to interrupt their discussion and wanting someone who knew what they were doing to help the kid, Isaac turned quietly and went in search of Felix, happy to be out the way of the swarm that was beginning to brew. "I'll get a nurse," he mumbled to whoever was listening, taking the jars with him in case anyone tried to steal it.
Sapphire was starting to feel a bit out of place- once Leda arrived, she was pretty sure there was no more need for her to be there. She recognized the older Slytherin girl as she came in. They had never actually talked but Sapph knew enough to know that with these two together there was no need for her. Now that the two were occupied with each other and the other bloke took off to look for a nurse, Sapph decided it was time to make a gracious exit. Mervyn would be fine with Leda and a professional. She didn't really see the point of drawing attention to herself as she left, though, so she turned and attempted to slip out without another word.

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