Creative Thoughts

Therese Fergusson

Woolongong Warriors Keeper | Sweetheart | Mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Swishy Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale
Therese was rather enjoying her time at Hogwarts so far. Everyone was so nice and happy or at least it looked that way. She was aware that not everyone was like that, but that was fine. People just had to be who they were and not a false copy of something. The Swedish brunette was in a creative mood she would explore outside and perhaps draw something, some flowers perhaps or a landscape. Therese had always a drawingbook in her bag, because she could find inspiration of people of the nature that she wanted to draw. She had to find Gabriel in these days to exchange their thoughts and experiances at Hogwarts. Therese knew that Gabriel was all into Quidditch which was ironic since Sofia his sister hated it so much.

When she felt the fresh air and the wind through her hair she smiled. It felt really good to get some fresh air, because Therese had been inside most of the days, the few first days. She had met some people Rory who helped her with buying her wand he was a older student and she would love to see him again. But also her roommates all nice girls it seemed and especially April was a very nice girl. The boys in Hufflepuff were also nice, but Therese wanted to meet more people from different houses. She loved the variation of people and personalitys and didn't had a preference for something. As she walked through the Lakefront she took a moment to look at the beautiful view. It was amazing! With the drawings she wanted to show her family what she all would experiance here. The brunette searched for a comfertable place in the grass and went sitting. While sitting down she took her drawingbook and pencils and looked before her while putting the first line on her paper.
Gryffindor. Satchel's mother would not be happy. Still, neither Koa nor Henrietta were in Slytherin either. The Howard's had rather let the side down as far as the adults would be concerned. Satchel didn't really care very much. He loved and cared for his family, but they cared a bit too much about things. It didn't really matter what house a person was in. They were supposed to be here to learn about magic, so what did it matter which dormitory they slept in? He'd found himself wandering a bit, though he hadn't brought his sketchbook with him, he liked to see the beauty of the place. He knew he wasn't particularly good, but he found drawing relaxing, and relaxation was a luxury in his house. He'd often escaped with his father to Danton's study where father had worked, and son had scribbled on lose pages Danton no longer needed.

As he strolled, he caught sight of a girl with a pad of paper, and found himself moving in her direction. He had never known someone else who liked drawing, none of the Howards did at the very least. Henrietta and Koa, he felt, thought he was odd to like it. As he approached, he could see over the girl's shoulder. Satchel could be eerily quiet, and in this moment he was as he observed her drawing for a moment. Then, his quiet, musical voice, broke the silence. "You are much better than I am." It was true, and it didn't particularly bother him. Satchel liked beauty, and he could acknowledge it in the work of others.
Sara decided it was time to explore some parts of the grounds that she had yet to see. It was lovely knowing that she could walk outside in nature without having to be careful like back at home because she was perfectly safe here. She had wondered how she had yet to explore so many areas of the castle grounds but the place was so enormous that it would take time - which she definitely had - to see every bit of it. The Lake was a good place today, she brought her novel with her as she wanted to finish it and she was almost done. She sighed in contentment as she sat down somewhere, before glancing up and noticing that she had basically taken up most of the space. "Sorry," she apologised to the two students. Had she interrupted something? She hoped not. "Woah, you are good," Sara praised as she noticed what the boy was looking at. "I mean not to be nosy or anything but you deserve like an award or something. Can you draw?" She glanced at the boy, her question directed at him. Sara couldn't, so she was curious to see how good others were and complementing their skills. The italian brunette had asked out of curiosity, nothing more.​
Therese was just getting into a pretty good sketch of what she wanted to draw and was kinda lost into it that she didn't noticed two people were coming at her. When she heard a boy's voice behind her she turned around to look at the person. She liked that people came at her, she was always in for a good chat and she felt pretty happy about the compliment that she got. She took the conclusion that the boy also did at drawing as he said she was better than him. A smile appeared on her face and she tried to make the boy feel comfertable around her. '' I'm sure that is not true, but it is very nice of you to say.'' Therese loved drawing or painting and she knew she had a talent for that, but she wasn't a person that would brag about it. She was curious if the boy had the thought of drawing this view one day too. '' I'm Therese, you can join me if you want. I take it you liked drawing too?'' the Swedish girl spoke with a bit of accent, but asked friendly if the boy would join her. She was curious which house the boy was in, she couldn't always see it at the clothes.

Not very much later she heard another voice and turned her head around. This time it was a girl and she looked pretty much as the same age as she was. Another happy smile appeared on Therese her face, what where the people around here nice to her. She felt really welcome at Hogwarts and was glad her parents decided together with her to attend this school. '' Thank you so much, that is sweet of you. You are not being nosy at all!'' Therese liked people that showed some interest she would do the same thing if she saw somebody drawing here. She put another line to her sketch and looked at the view before her. It was more fun with two people around her. '' Do you want to join? I don't mind. How about you?'' she asked to the boy from which she didn't yet knew the name of.
When the girl turned around, Satchel simply smiled politely. There was no point in contradicting her, and not accepting compliments wasn't particularly polite. As it was, he knew the girl was more talented than he would ever be. He saw by her at her invitation, extending a hand to shake "Thank you. My name is Satchel Howard, and yours?" Odd a family as his was, his father was a believer in manners. "You've a good eye for shape. I always get the shading wrong somehow." While he lacked the talent to create the art he loved, Satchel could recognise talent in another, and appreciate it. If this girl was talented, he might take her under his wing; a patron of sorts.

Another voice shocked him and he rose. "Satchel Howard, pleasure to meet you." He greeted the new girl with a bow of his head and an extended hand. "I'm afraid I do draw, but not well. I find it relaxing. Do you?" Returning to his seated position, his polite, somewhat empty smile returned. "Of course not, please, sit." He didn't know either of these students, and knew his brother would probably tease him about sitting about with girls, but teasing had never really bothered Satchel.
Sara began to relax when the girl smiled. She had been warned by her older brothers about people at the school and she sincerely hoped that she'd make friends with the right people. "Um, well, I can't really draw," she shifted uncomfortably. Noticing the boy introduced himself to her and extended his hand, Sara did the same. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sara," she smiled as she shook his hand before being invited to sit with the two. "Thanks. What's your name?" she asked the girl, realising she had yet to know her name. The first year often forgot to ask for people's names before getting to know them - and in this case, their amazing drawing skills. She sent them a smile each as she shifted over to sit next to them. "What house are you two in? Although I'm pretty sure everyone is friends with almost everyone around here," she stated, not believing what she was saying but figuring if she was to make friends she might as well continue the conversation. Maybe they didn't mind her chatter because Sara could talk when she was in the mood.
As the boy introduced himself she smiled friendly while putting her drawing before her. It wasn't nice to not look at somebody when you talked and Therese didn't mind to stop with the drawing. It seemed like Satchel liked something creative too so perhaps they could do it together. She shaked his hand and was ready to introduce herself. '' Nice to meet you! I'm Therese Rosenberg.'' the girl said with a friendly smile. And when she got a compliment of her drawing she really start to like the boy. The girl quickly liked people and that was sometimes a strength of her. Mostly people liked her too because she didn't judged anyone. '' That is very kind of you to say. I draw ever since I was very little and mostly just what I feel or see at that moment. '' Therese answered his compliment and was wondering if she could see some drawing of him too she hoped he brought it along. If he felt comfertable to show it to her, she wasn't gonna judge she was just curious. The Swedish girl loved painting or drawing and she just did it and didn't thought of it as very amazing quality.

The other girl that had joined them introduced herself as Sara a lovely name Therese thought. She answered the girl that didn't heard her introduction to Satchel she guessed. '' Hey Sara I'm Therese, nice to meet you.'' the brunette said with a Swedish accent. It was nice to be around this two people they seemed pretty nice and Therese already saw a nice friendship for the future. '' I'm a Hufflepuff! And you Sara?'' the brunette asked friendy in return. And was wondering where Satchel would be in.

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