
Jessica Reed

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jessica Reed hopped on her bike and without thinking cycled out of her garage into a pouring Autumn rainfall. She pulled her winter coat closer and pulled up her hood as the rain began to sink into her skin. She didn't care that she was getting wet, anything was better then being inside with 'Barbie and Ken'. "Ugh." Jess moaned, she shuddered even just thinking about the two. What had gotten into Matthew? She found that she was asking herself that question repeatedly since she met 'Miss Fake Boobs'. Which was earlier that day, however it felt like hours sitting at the dinner table. She hoped to never relive such an awkward dinner ever again.

Jess cycled out of the housing estate and down the familiar lane the led into Brightstone Village. It wasn't very populated because of the pouring rain but she guessed everyone would be in one of the wizarding pubs, which were popular on a normal warm day, never mind a rainy, cold Autumn day. It was where Jess was heading, she needed a butterbeer, more like a firewhiskey she thought to herself with amusement. She knew that with black eyeliner and mascara running down her delicate cheeks she would not be served any sort of alcoholic beverages. She supposed a butterbeer would just have to do.

The rain persisted to get harder, hard enough so that she could barely see in front of her. The rain dropped off her forehead and onto her handbrakes, she peddled faster, as fast as her legs could peddle. Jess looked at the big sign reading 'Welcome to Brightstone Village' until feeling a hard 'bump' and the next thing she knew she was under her bike on the gravel. "Oh shi*t!" Jess cursed loudly and roughly pushed the bike off her. Jess pulled off her ripped gloves with her teeth to see her hand covered in gravel and blood. Jess wasn't the type of girl who whined about pain, but this was sore. She gently blew any of the lose stones out of the wound before cradling her hand to her chest. Jess looked at the rock that had caused all of this to happen. She rolled her eyes before wincing in pain. She was pretty sure she looked pathtic, a fifteen year old girl with a crashed bike, sitting on the ground in the pouring rain. But frankly, Jessica Reed didn't care.

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