Crap...I wanted it to be a surprise

Serena Vanderhol

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" with Essence of Wood Rose
It had been an absolutely exhausting last few weeks. Serena had stayed in England long enough for Lila to find a new beater for the Wasps which meant that she had had to do most of her arrangements for her new store from there. Contacting vendors and whatnot had been quite an experience for her and at times she had started to wonder if this little venture would even be worth it. The blonde had finally gotten everything squared away and moved back to New Zealand. With the exception of her sister, only her parents new that she had returned home and now owned a store. Serena had meant to tell Harrison that she was back, but she'd been so busy with last minute details that she really hadn't had much time and there was some part of her that had waited so long because she wanted to have everything ready so that she could surprise him.

It was less than twenty four hours to her grand opening of Vibez and she still wasn't finished with everything. There wasn't much left to be done and for the most part everything was all set up, but there were still a few things that needed to be settled before her OCD would fully be satisfied. Serena simply wanted everything to be perfect and wanted her store to be a success. It wasn't often that she took chances like this and the last thing she wanted was for this to blow up in her face.
The weather seemed to constantly change now, ranging from deep foreboding skies to clear sunny spells. The wind would whip up and cut through him or it would gently nudge him along as if always reminding him to keep moving, keep doing something because if he stopped for even a moment he'd feel her absence keenly. The Muggle Store had been a losing venture and he was livid that all his hard savings had gone into nothing. Aries and Fenton had gone on their around the world trip with the money they split from the sale of the store, telling themselves that they needed away time to come up with a new strategy for their future. Harrison simply couldn't leave. Somewhere in his life everything had started to go wrong, his grandmother had returned to England constantly speaking as if she were going to die any day now; the shop had gone belly up and he had lost a lot of money from which the sale of the store only went so far as to replenishing; one of his bestfriends, Andromeda had gone rogue ... leaving without a word to anyone which annoyed him greatly. Worst of all as supporting as he was, had been Serena's leaving him. He was one hundred percent behind her but even so, he missed not seeing her face. No amount of photographs sufficed on that score. He missed holding her hand and seeing her smile. He missed how she'd blush at something he'd say though she was as fearless as any auror taking on crime. When all the layers were peeled away and all that was left was his beating heart, Harrison could only admit to himself that he missed her. He stayed behind to try to fashion some semblance of a life and a job for himself, so that if she ever returned she would not be returning to a loser and that was exactly what he saw himself as.

Harrison walked down through Obsidian Harbour hands shoved into his pockets and his gaze seemingly focused on where he was going, when in truth all he could see was Serena's face everywhere. He had just finished another letter to her and with his own owl now seriously out of commission thanks to a rogue bludger, he went to use the owl post service. A smile caused his mouth to tilt upwards on one side, he was so used to seeing her face everywhere he went, imagining her constantly with him that as the blonde girl walked towards him, he marveled at how much detail he had elaborated with this one. She was probably more beautiful than all the other images he had visualised of her and Harrison put it down to how the gaping hole in his chest had never felt so deep before. The letter he had tucked into his back pocket was basically telling her that he couldn't do it anymore. He hated her being in England and his being all the way in New Zealand, Harrison had decided to give her an ultimatum and decided then as he neared the girl that, that was obviously the reason he was seeing her so vividly now.
Serena had just tucked out of her last stop when she saw him. Her heart began to flutter and it still amazed her that even after all their time being together she still got that bubbly feeling from her head to her toes. At first she wasn't sure whether or not he had even seen her, which gave her mixed feelings. One part of her was screaming at her to run and jump into his arms and kiss him senseless, but the other part was telling her to keep hidden and surprise him after she was sure the store was even going to be a success. The part of her that was screaming to run to him was quickly winning as he got nearer to him and when she saw his crooked grin, Serena knew he'd seen her and it was too late to hide anywhere. As soon as they reached each other he no more than looked at her and kept on walking by. The blonde quirked her brow and wondered just what in the name of Merlin had gotten into her boyfriend.

"Harrison Landers," she said sternly to his retreating figure, "You had better get back over here and kiss your girlfriend." Serena couldn't imagine why on earth he would just look at her and walk right on by. A thought crossed her mind and she stood there horrified for a moment. What if he changed his mind about us? "Harrison," she said, though her voice cracked slightly this time. Serena crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her foot on the ground, feeling as if she just might be on the verge of tears.
Harrison felt a tug as he passed by, as if his heart was trying to tell him something but his brain simply wasn't listening. This was crazy the girl was stunning, absolutely beautiful and she was so much the splitting image of Serena that it was hard not to imagine that it could be her but he knew that his girl was in England. Thousands of miles from him, making a life for herself and a successful one at that. He was barely a few steps past when he heard her voice and his feet froze on the pavement, his heart pretty much seemed to freeze in his chest as well. Blinking he turned around slowly to see the girl standing there staring at him. She said his name again, a slight hesitation in her voice as she crossed her arms and began to tap her foot.

Harrison could stare at her only a moment more, she was here! Serena was here! Shaking his head slowly he moved like a panther stalking its prey, the last step that brought him close to her had him wrapping his arms about her hips and lifting her up and turning her around. Carefully after a moment he placed her down again, still speechless he let a hand touch her hair, her cheek all the time looking at that hand as if disbelieving its journey and the body it was on.
"Serena" he said it incredulously, completely disbelieving his own eyes until he looked into hers, "why ... why didn't you tell me you were coming back? I've been picturing your face just about everywhere I ... "
he broke off, his hand cradling her face as he looked down into those perfect eyes. Damn how he loved her! He couldn't say any more, it felt like way too long and all he wanted to do was feel her in his arms. Wrapping them about her he held her close, so close he could have squeezed the life out of her.
"Damn I missed you."
Serena had seriously considered pulling her wand out and stunning him. Finally he stopped and slowly turned and looked at her. The blonde couldn't quite get a read on his expression. It was almost as if he didn't believe that she was really standing there right in front of him. The blonde felt as if he were looking right through her for a moment. It seemed to finally dawn on him that she was the real deal and he slowly made his way back over to her. A huge grin broke across Serena's lips as Harrison slipped his arms around her and spun her around, making her squeal loudly. She inhaled him, knowing full and well that no memory she had of him was as good as being scooped up in his arms and being held tightly.

The former Gryffindor leaned into his touch, missing the way he used to gently stroke her hair. Oh how she'd missed him. She had never thought it possible to miss someone as much as she had missed him while she'd been in England. Serena definitely loved him more than she thought she could ever love anyone, she was absolutely crazy about him. "Seeing me everywhere, eh? So you've been hallucinating I see. It's amazing I go away for a little while and you've gone completely wonky on me," she said burying herself within his grip. She looked up at him and grinned. "Well I was going to surprise you either later on tonight or in the morning, but I suppose that's out of the question now, so...SURPRISE!" The blonde wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lightly on the lips before resting her forehead against his. "And I've missed you," she started and thought for a moment before adding, "So what if I told you that you didn't have to miss me anymore? What if I told you I was back in New Zealand for good? What would you say to that?" She wasn't really sure why she was beating around the bush about it, perhaps trying to build the tension before finally breaking the news.
Part of him still thought he was seeing things but with her arms about him and the sheer familiarity of her in his arms was too real. He'd of pinched himself but as she squealed and all but burst an ear drum he knew for sure that she was the real deal. Harrison could only grin when she began to make fun of him but as soon as he had decided upon his course of action then there had been literally sightings of her everywhere as if his decision had fueled the vision of her.

"I've always been wonky, I just get more so when you're not around" he teased and laughed when she made her surprise declaration. Her arms went about his neck then and her soft lips brushed his, the kiss over far too quickly for his liking. As their heads touched he sighed softly before the slightest frown creased his brow and he stared at her. Holding her out from him a moment he regarded her, he seriously hoped she wasn't messing about here.

"Here read this"
he told her at length handing her the envelope that he had been rushing to post. He knew the words off by heart and had wondered how she would look as she read them, well now he would know. If she was here for good and she genuinely did miss him then he had nothing to regret writing, hopefully.

letter said:
Dear Serena, Rena,

This isn't easy you know, I thought it would be. I thought it'd get damn easier but it doesn't. You're like a hole in my heart and a gaping wound in my chest right now.
Nothing goes right for me when you're not here. I'm half the man I should be and nothing at all like I could be because I don't have you. Well I have you but I don't have you, if you know what I mean. Look I was never really good at letter writing so bare with me here.

I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
So ... if you'll have me then I'm coming to England. I would never upset your dreams, I'll give you all the support you need and find a job for myself there. Just tell me you want me with you. Tell me you feel the same way and I'll be there in a heart beat or a few considering I have a hole in my heart that you left there. Would I be too much of a distraction? I'm ready to make the next step with us Rena. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Always yours,
Serena felt as if she never wanted to let him go. If it were possible for the two of them to stay wrapped up in each other right there in the middle of the street forever then she'd be content for life. Suddenly though they were apart and her face dropped. Harrison handed a letter to her and feeling very confused for a moment she just stared at the piece of parchment in her hand. For some reason the blonde was nervous about the words that her boyfriend had written to her. Slowly she unfolded the thin piece of paper in her hand and read it.

The first part threw her initially. She thought for sure he was going to break it off with her which caused her to have to choke back tears. Serena stopped and looked up at him with hurt in her eyes, but then looked back and continued reading. The first line of the second half made her eyes fully well up and spill over, but not with hurt...with happiness. He was going to come to England to be with her. Her heart was practically beating a million times a minute and her head was whirling. Not that there had ever been any doubt in her mind, but Serena Vanderhol was now and would forever be in love with Harrison Landers.

With a huge grin on her face she practically leapt onto Harrison and squeezed him tightly. "Did you mean it? The rest of your life," she asked him seriously, hoping he had been serious in what he'd written to her.
Chewing his lip he watched her take the envelope and open it, his heart hammered but he thought surely he was in the clear here. Nothing he said in it would sound ridiculous in any way, she had come back here after all and had admitted to missing him. He watched her face and looked aghast a moment, she wasn't happy. That was definitely not a happy face. Harrison wondered what he had said wrong in it and was about to take the letter back but she carried on reading. He scratched his head and waited, the knot in his stomach growing by the second. This was not good, surely it didn't take this long to react to what he had written? Within moments though she had a huge grin on her face and launched herself at him with such velocity that he almost staggered back. His arms went about her as he chuckled lightly, delighted that she was so evidently happy with what he had declared.

"The rest of my life?" he quizzed pretending to reach for the letter, "show me ... that must of been a mistake, I didn't..." but he couldn't keep up the pretense of not wanting to spend another waking minute without her. He hugged her close before holding her from him just the barest fraction, with one hand at the small of her back the other smoothed her hair from her face as he gazed into those beautiful eyes.

"If you'll have me" he told her, "I don't ever want to be away from you ever again ... okay bathroom breaks are alright but besides those."
He grinned at her as his fingers moved along her jawline to cup her chin and tilt her face to his.
"I love you Rena, always have and always will."
She smirked as he stated he must have made a mistake and poked him in the gut with her index finger playfully. Serena closed her eyes as she felt his hand on her face. She loved the way that his touch could give her cold chills and make her feel all warm and tingly at the same time. She'd loved him since she'd been fifteen years old. In all reality she'd had it easy enough when it came to love when compared to her sister. Harrison was her first and would be her only love and there had never been a time when she'd doubted that.

"Forever and always I want to keep you," she said sincerely as he pulled her close. When he told her that he loved her she grinned and said, "Yeah, you're not so bad yourself." She kissed him softly and whispered, "You're the only one I ever want to give my love to...the only one I want to love me back." Serena wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled her face against his neck, letting her head rest against his chest, hearing his heart beat, knowing that it was beating for her.

Then she remembered she had news to tell him. "So are you still going to love me even if I'm not some big time quidditch professional? Even if I'm now just some little small shop owner?" The blonde already knew the answer to that, but she still wanted to hear it from him. "I bought Vibez at the's all mine now," she said proudly, feeling that she'd finally accomplished something.

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