Cracked Skull and Emotional Breakdown

Sam didn't think much of trying not get her to talk. If you'd come to that point in your life when all you wanted to do was throw yourself off a cliff, would you really want to talk about it to your head of house? All he wanted to do was hear her story. The time wasn't write for an emotional pep talk- he just wanted to listen.

Maybe I should say something, thought Sam. Am I being too shy? But it wasn't his nerves about talking to people that made him stay silent. If anything, it would be so much easier if they just left. That's not fair of you, Sam. Perhaps you ought to leave. Without thinking, he had placed a hand gently in Aroha's hair where it lay there comfortingly. Still he didn't speak, but he looked up at Kiera with worry in his eyes.
...Aroha, your other Aunt's child died, it must be hereditry or something, its what had happened to your mother... Those words, encrypted in Aroha's brain, were the cause of all this mess. The innocent blunder in the letter from Aroha's Aunt had hit badly, and Aroha could hardly bear to talk or think about it. ...we all knew how excited you were to be getting a new cousin... Yeah, so why pull her down even further by saying Aroha's mum was pregnant when she died?

Aroha became aware of a comforting hand in her loose hair, and looked to see Sam watching Kiera with a worried look on his face. All I want is to get out of here and find the letter. Is that so much to ask?
Kiera saw Sam's worried glance. She knew he was counting on her to do something. Everyone seemed to be counting on her. It was a lot of pressure to put on the tiny seventeen year old girl.

Kiera turned to Aroha. "Please talk to me. I don't want to play these games. I want to help." she said honestly.
"What games?" Tears came to Aroha's eyes for the third time since she arrived in the Hospital Wing. She was blindingly aware of the pain in the back of her head, and was beginning to go dizzy. Aroha was sure that she had done some serious damage, but didn't have the energy to worry. "I just said that I don't want to talk about it. Is that so much to ask?"
"It is when you were planning on jumping off of those cliffs." Kiera said, answering the girl's question. She hadn't ever been in a situation like that. What was she supposed to do? She obviously couldn't make Aroha tell her but Kiera didn't intend to leave the hospital wing without knowing. The young girl needed help. "I just want to help you. Please tell me what was going on." she repeated again.
Aroha sighed, she knew that she had no choice but to tell Kiera why she was up there. But she still procrastinated, hoping that the question would be bypassed.
'My...' said Aroha hesitantly. 'I got a letter today. And, well...' This wasnt working. 'Im sure i just over-reacted.' she finished.
Bridget stood silently watching Kiera and Aroha have a discussin about why she wanted to jump Bridget finnaly spoke up and said "Aroha I understand this is hard for you, in fact i understand more then i think you know, you need to tell someone whats going on inside you, you don't even have to tell all of us just one person and the rest of us could leave or walk away or something but i want you to know that even though i don't really know you i will be here for you when ever you need me or anyone so please remeber that," Bridget finished saying

(sorry i havn't posted in awhile i've been in the hospital)
'I know. I'm... I'm sorry.' replied Aroha in a small voice. She looked down awkwardly at her fingers, feeling the gazes of everyone else in the room. 'I didn't mean for this to happen.'
As Bridget listened to Aroha's small voice apologize Bridget knew the girl was hurting inside and now outside but she also knew that is Aroha hadn't wanted this to happen she wouldn't have been on the cliff but Bridget also knew that mabey Aroha hadn't wanted things to happen in this way, Bridget also knew that Aroha was scared and confused "Aroha listen to me, if you hadn't wanted something, not nessarily this, but something to happen you wouldn't have been up there in the first place, but still non of this is your fault ok, why don't we all let you rest now unless you wanna tell us now or later why you were up there." Bridget said genuinly concered about the girl
"I shouldn't of... dragged you all into this. I have my own problems and I can- no, should, deal with them myself." replied Aroha defeatedly with a small frown on her face. She was exhausted, cold and sore, and had no idea how she was going to explain this to Professor Fletcher. "Rest sounds good right now," whispered Aroha.
"Listen Aroha you cant handle your problems on your own no one can you need to talk about them to someone, but we'll let you rest for now ok?" Bridget said this while motiong to Kiera and Sam to go to the other side of the room, shed join them when she knew Aroha was alseep she wanted to talk to both of them about Aroha and see if Sam knew anything and see what Kiera could do for Aroha. Bridget was determind to help this girl no matter what.
"Thanks..." replied Aroha quietly and gratefully. She closed her eyes and fell straight asleep, for the first time in ages.
"No problem," Bridget replied to Aroha's thank you, as Aroha shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep Bridget sat by her bedside watching over her, wanting to protect her from anything else. Bridget looked around the room and wondered if anyone was going to say anything or if Bridget was on her on here, but ethier way it didn't matter, Bridget once agian retured her gaze to the sleeping girl laying mostionless on the hospital bed. Waiting for whatever that was to happen next to happen.
Kiera watched as the two younger girls spoke to each other. This wasn't over. Kiera nodded her head. "Go ahead and rest. I'll be here when you wake up." she said kindly. She didn't want the younger girl to wake up alone. Kiera conjured herself a simple chair beside the girl. She turned to Bridget. "What happened before I got there?" she asked quietly, not wanting to wake up Aroha.
As Kiera conjuried up a chair and sat at Aroha's bedside along with Bridget. When Aroha had drifted off to sleep Kiera asked quitetly what had happend before she had gotten there, so away Bridget went explaining to Kiera that Bridget had just been walking by the cliffs when she saw a girl at the edge of a cliff and a boy talking to her, and that she just kept backing away from the boy more and more and that when Bridget had seen the look on the girls face, a look she had known so Bridget stepped in knowing what the girl was planning she steped in and was trying to convince her not to, that was pretty much it really. Bridget waited for Kiera's reply

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