Cracked Skull and Emotional Breakdown

Aroha Jennings

Well-Known Member
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
((Heres the scene... Aroha is all depressed and stuff and was just on the cliffs. You guessed it, she was about to jump and stuff. A pile of students arrived, the head girl came, and Aroha was so thin she got blown over, inches away from the edge. She cracked her skull on a rock and is un-concious. Her friends friend is carrying her into the hospital wing with the head girl Keira. I think.))

Pink butterflies, rainbows, parents, candles, Ireland, fighting, cliff, falling... screaming?
Bridget followed everyone up to the hospital wing with the girl who's name she finnaly learnd was Aroha, Bridget was not gonna just leave and go about her day like nothing she had to know if Aroha would be ok, she didn't want to leave the girl, she couldn't leave the girl, Bridget had to know what was going to happen to her and she was curious to why she would have wanted to jump. "Whats going to happen to her now?" Bridget asked to know one in particular just in gernral hopping for an answer.
Sam looked down at the girl unconscious in the hospital wing bed with sad eyes. That had been such a close call. If she had blown over the edge entirely he would have gone after her, Sam realised. It wouldn't be the smartest of things to do and so he felt lucky that it hadn't come to that. Even so, she was still injured and he had drawn too much attention to himself in that time. Sam bowed his head, turning red under the gazes of some of the people who had followed them here.

At the same time, he was aching to know what had caused her to reach this point. It couldn't be just friend troubles or school marks or... well, it could by family matters. If anything could cause anguish to this point, Sam understood if it was family. At least he thought he understood. Technically Sam didn't have a family. He had been told he was an orphan but for his elderly aunt in New Zealand. If at any point he thought about what it would have been like to have parents, if wouldn't have brought him this much pain. Sam acknowledged the other girls question softly.

"Well we'll wait for the nurse to come. She'll check for a concussion and probably give her chocolate or some of that pepper up potion, but..." But he didn't know what they'd do about the girl herself.
As the boy answered Bridget's question she had to starin to here him, Bridget could tell he was normally really shy. Bridget didn't know what else to do or say so she simply said "Im Bridget, Bridget Black. You seem to be her friend so if you would rather i not be here i'm sorry but thats not going to happen when i saw her out on the cliffs i knew what she was planing on doing because the look in her eyes, i've seen it before on my mom. i couldn't stand by and let her do something to herself once i knew, so i'd really appreciate it if i could stay with her so i know if shes going to be ok, and even then i can garantee i'll be checking in on her when she's out of here. if you have a problem with that im sorry but thats how things are going to work." Bridget finished hoping the boy wouldnt get angry at her for caring.
Kiera had lead the way to the hospital wing. This was her second time here in two days. She hoped this wasn't becoming a new trend. Kiera listened to Sam and a girl named Bridget converse. Kiera heard the girl say a lot in a rush. She shook her head. "You don't have to leave." she said with a reassuring smile.

"As to what to do, we need to find out if she cut her head. She probably just has a mild concussion." she said, knowing what she was talking about. Being a gymnast, Kiera had seen many girls get hurt. She herself had been hurt several times. Kiera had been around enough doctors to know what that kind of fall would do to a girl.

"Sam, do you know if she is bleeding?" Kiera asked curiously.
Sam nodded at Bridget. "Kiera's right, you can stay as long as you want." He chuckled for a moment as he said "That was quite exciting!". It wouldn't have been so thrilling if she'd gone over the cliffs, of course. Sam recalled the heart stopping moment where he thought she'd rolled over, but Aroha was safe now; at least physically.

"I don't know..." he answered Kiera slowly. "Thank you for the spell, by the way." Sam lifted his hand to Aroha's head gently and probed her skull lightly with his fingertips. Almost immediately he came upon a nasty bruise that was forming and he took his hand away quickly. Even so, it came away wet with blood. The worry line reappeared over his brow, and he lifted his now bloody fingers to Kiera. "Yes, she is." he frowned. "Do you think you could get one of those towels from that far shelf over there, love?" Sam asked Bridget. Gently he lay Aroha down on the white sheets, lifting her head just above the pillow until the towel came.
Kiera frowned as Sam asked for a towel. She knew how to heal the cut but if there was any internal damage, the nurse would have to deal with that. "No, wait Bridget." she said, stopping the girl. "I can stop the bleeding. I just cant fix internal damage." she said pulling out her wand. "Sam hold her head up a bit more so I can see better." she said, walking to the other side of bed. Kiera pulled out her wand. "Episky maxium." she said for the second time in two days. The cut healed up. "That should help some." she said satisfied.
Yelling...Death Eaters...Avada Kedavra...flashing

((Aroha is having nightmares again, actually I will too if I have to think about blood again :x Don't worry about me :p I'll be fine. Worry about Aroha :p and ignore my rant I'm all hyper coz of the earthquake in vanuatu. I know a few people there :/))
EDIT~((A 4cm tsunami! Thats what I'm talking about! And noone got hurt!!! Miracle!!!!!!!!))
Bridget was being told things to do left and right then stop she was kind of confused so she just watched and waited while Kiera healed Aroha's bleeding head. Bridget watched how carefully the boy Sam, was with Aroha. Bridget stood at the foot of Aroha's bed in the hospital wing wating for something more to happen, she was desperet to help Aroha in anyway she could, and also to find out why she was even thinking about jumping in the first place. "Is there anything i can do?" Bridget asked with genuine sincerety.

(sorry bout the spelling, in case you havn't noticed i'm not the greatest speller in the world)
Sam sunk into the visitors chair beside Aroha's bed, watching as the gash on her head was healed perfectly by Kiera. This too was the second time he had seen somebody hurt. The first was Sephora and Maria's incredible fight only a few days before. It had been horrible to see Sephora lying there, ice white and covered in blood and bruises. Sam rubbed his fingers together, still wet with the girl's blood. He sighed in a world-weary fashion and stood to fetch a bowl of water and a cloth. It wore him down to see so much trouble and pain at Hogwarts. Wasn't at least one person entirely happy with their lives, not a care in the world? He had though that that was Sephora before he had seen how vicious she turned when provoked. Perhaps there really wasn't another person like him here.

Sam washed the blood from his hands carefully, not saying the word the entire time. Despite what he had seen, he never ceased to care about the people involved. That wore him down also, but as long as everyone was happy in the end. He just didn't know what to do about poor Aroha. With a sigh he dipped the cloth into a fresh bowl and dabbed the now drying blood from her forehead with extreme care, trying not to knock the closed wound that may be still tender. Eventually he sat again with the cloth still in hand with his eyes on the floor. There was nothing more to do than wait for her to awaken.
Mummy! Daddy! Where arrrre you!!!!!!!!!!! Aroha began to wake up. She saw the bright light through her eyes, and opened them. She blinked at the bright light and shut them tightly again. She thought long and hard about her parents. Aroha was a tough girl, but was currently worn down to the point of foolishness. She never knew a life of school like she was in now. Aroha brought a hand up to her head, and winced at the sight of the blood on her fingers. It takes a different kind of person to deal with what I've had to, she thought. Aroha didn't regret today's events, but she knew that she'd be back up there soon, hopefully without anyone to stop her from jumping. She looked around carefully, and saw all the people from the cliff watching her. Dammit, she thought, scowling.
When Bridget saw that Aroha had woken up she just looked at her, she didn't want to ask question right now, it wasn't the right time anyway. Bridget just said "How ya feelin?" with sincerety in her voice. She just looked at the girl and wondered "why." Bridget knew this girl wasn't going to talk about things just yet or ever without some coxing on her part, but when the time came Bridget would come armed and ready, so to speak.
"How ya feelin?" asked Bridget. Hmmm... what do you think? "Sore." replied Aroha, exercising enough restraint not to say what first came to mind. She had never felt so much physical pain in her life. The emotional pain, well, lets just say Aroha's used to it. Tears came to Aroha's eyes as she rolled over and closed her eyes again. This just isn't fair.
"Yeah i can see," Bridget pointed out when Aroha said she felt sore. The girl turned over with tears in her eyes and Bridget knew she was crying, Bridget moved from the foot of the bed to the oppisite side of the bed Sam was on. She lightly placed her hand on Aroha's back and just sat there with her hand on the fragil girls back, she just wanted her to know she was there for her and wasn't going to force her to talk to her, at least not right now
Eventually Sam dropped the blood soaked cloth back onto the table. Bridget had moved over to the girl's side. He had just caught a glimpse of tears in Aroha's eyes, and he turned his head away respectfully. Bridget must know her, he thought to himself. Perhaps I should leave them be.

Sam stood silently although he was quite reluctant to leave her like this. She might still be ill and until the nurse came Kiera, Bridget and himself was all she had for now. In the end he sunk back into the chair. It wasn't that he didn't know what to say to Aroha, just that he knew it wasn't the time to speak. If she wanted him to leave she would say so. In the meantime he sat quietly beside her with his hands folded together. A minute later, a thought struck him. Sam pulled out a pure white handkerchief that his Aunt Lola had made him. He pinched the top corners and folded them inwards, leaving the other two out. Then he shook it, and the cloth fountained out into a large pure blanket. She must still be cold from being out on the cliffs for so long, and the blanket cupboard was in the nurses office. He dared not enter uninvited.

Sam stood and spread the white velvet over her gently, leaving room for Bridget to replace her hand on the girl's back.
Aroha coughed a little. She was still a bit chilly from the cliff. She felt somone putting a blanket over her; Sam, and a hand on her back; Bridget. A thought crossed Aroha's mind and she smiled weakly into her hand. I don't even know these people. Why are they here?

Aroha reached into her pocket and frowned. She then sat up so that she could try her other pocket- Nothing. Aroha collapsed back onto the bed and silently cried, her hands shaking.
A nurse came up to the bedside and Kiera turned to speak with her. She quickly explained the situation and what she had done to heal the girl so far. The nurse nodded in approval before checking the girl out further. After a few moments, the nurse left. Kiera turned back to the three first years.

Kiera walked closer to the bed and smiled down at the young girl. It was a kind, warm smile. "I don't think we officially met. I'm Kiera. Seventh year Gryffindor and Head Girl." she said introducing herself. "You took quite a fall but it could have been an even worse fall. Would you like to tell me why you wanted to jump?" she asked, her voice soft.
Aroha heard Kiera coming up behind her and went white, quite a sight when you have red eyes from crying as well. Here it comes. "Would you like to tell me why you wanted to jump?" The truth is, no. thought Aroha rebelliously.

"Take a guess," sighed Aroha, her voice muffled by her hand.

((ack have too much homework to do... not that I'm gonna do it.))
Kiera shook her head. "To be honest, I have no clue. It's certainly something I haven't ever thought about." she said truthfully. Kiera had never been suicidal. The poor girl was scared to death. "You know, if you talk to me about it, I might keep it between us. Professor Fletcher won't have to know." she told the girl.
She'll tell a teacher Aroha. Keep quiet. her defensive brain exclaimed.

She was not gonna explain her whole life story with everyone listening. Who's Professor Fletcher? she wondered.
Kiera saw the confused look on the girl's face. She saw she needed to explain a bit more. "Professor Fletcher is our Gryffindor Head of House. He's the one with all the power over Gryffindors." she said slightly joking.
Aroha heard the humour in Kiera's voice.

Head of House? Oh dear. You're in the dog-house now. Don't say anything Aroha.


Aroha's expression changed at the mental argument in her brain. She frowned slightly, then said "I don't want to talk about it right now."
Who cares?


Aroha wondered why noone else were talking. She began to think about what had happened on the cliff. Even she had no idea why things had gotten to this point, until she had remembered the letter. Her Aunt in Ireland had found it in one of her messy drawers, and sent it over to Aroha at HNZ. Aroha was sad just thinking about it, and the sadness showed on her face.

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