Closed Cousins

Kyon Lockwood

Twin- Sporty- Confident
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Doxy Wing Core
8/19/2046 (18)
Kyon was still gloating over his obvious superiority, and as he'd finished unpacking, he knew there was one person in particular that he wanted to know about his success. Kyon made his way to the owlery, picked the most impressive looking owl he could find, and sent a very, very simple note to his younger cousin.

Gryffindor. Told you.
Marley was super excited about Hogwarts, even though it was going to be a long time until she was able to make it to Hogwarts. The Owl she had seen that arrived at her house looked so cool. When she noticed it was a letter, she was determined. Even though her dad offered to help write the letter, she wanted to do it by herself.


That owl looked supa super cool! Gryfndor? Gryffindor? Like the one you wanted? Thats cool! What's Gryffindor like? Have you made any friends yet? Whats Hoggewarts like? Are you sure they don't have houses on the castle? I think it would be super dupa cool if they did. I'm sorrie if i spelt anything rong, I'm not a good spellar. Dad told me he should be writing the letter instead, but I told him no.


Marley =)
Kyon was, of course, pleased to get the letter from Marley. He chuckled as he read it over. She was so adorable. It took him a few days to get to it, but soon enough, he'd sat down and sent out a response.


The one and only! It's great, the common room is big and comfortable. The kids are bold and ferocious. It's epic. Everything I thought it would be and more. I've made loads of friends, I'll introduce you when you get here. The school itself is HUGE, like massive, and its really like, impressive and everything. You'll love it, I'm sure. You're doing great Marls, I'm sure the more we write the better your spelling will be. Why don't you ask your dad to help you? He seems like a cool dude. I miss you too kid, can't wait to see you over break! (Avery says hi)

See you later! Kyon

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