Closed Cousins Time

Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Pansexual (Len♥))
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Len♥)
13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust
Third week into the new semester, Chante decided to finally visit the kitchen. She missed it, out of all the places in the castle the kitchen was her favorite to visit. Not only to visit, but experiment with cooking ingredients and recipes. Stepping into the familiar enormous kitchen, Chante went directly to sit down and touching the hard surface of her work space. Chante went to the extent of hugging the hard surface, and greeting it like an old friend. The house elves popping in nearby couldn't help but looked puzzled and confused by the tall girl's behavior. Chante peered up, pointing at one of them. "Can you get me Jacob Kowalski's book for baking, please? Please? Someone told me to read up on it," Chante requested from the oddly, balding head little creature. "Right away!" Chante thank the house elf, she not much of a reader but today she will make an exception. Chante waited around for the house elf return.
Autumn was a nice tie of year. the days were cooling down and it was good weather for staying outside. today she had been out on the quidditch pitch practicing. she really wanted to get a proper position on the team and not just a sub next year. and she didn't want to be stuck in the keeper position She made her way up to the castle the smell of fresh air stong in her recently redyed ginger hair. she had missed lunch but was hungry so she headed towards the kitchens. she opened the doors and went inside house elves came up to her asking what she wanted. "what was there at lunch. any steak? I would kill for a steak sandwich" she said. as soon as the words came out od her mouth she elves left and she looked around. she saw somone very familiar to her standing on one corner of the room. an area set up as its own work station. "Chante. So this is where you have been hiding. I haven't seen you in months. how have things been?" she said. walking towards where her cousin was and sitting on the bench. that was the worst thing about being in a different year house was that she never got to see Chante.
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Chante draw on a half-smile, hearing that familiar voice greet her. "Hey Wills, yeah you caught me," the tall girl pulled her weight up to sit up straight on the stool. The good thing about getting tall and attending a magic school, everything still works the same way. That was one less thing Chante didn't have to worry about. "I haven't been here in months to be honest, this was my first time since last year. I usually come here to y'know cook and maybe a little baking. I've been wanting to learn how to do that more, bake," Chante confessed to Willow, a blush raiding her cheeks. Chante knew Willow will support her but, it may come off as eccentric to some people. Seeing someone as tall as her, someone with giant blood in their veins be interested in cooking and baking. Chante believed it was odd, and thought she dreams about making scrumptious, yummy food, it still hard for her to picture it in reality. "I'm okay, and you? I've missed you, you seem quite popular with everyone, I've noticed."
Willow smiled as Chante Greeted her. It really had been ages since they hung out. well other than on holidays but then there were parents around. She swung her legs a little beneath her as she listened to change explain why she was here. "That sounds awesome. especially baking. bread, cakes and pastries are always so good" she said. she noticed that change seemed a little embarrassed about being found here she didn't know why. cooking was a good skill to have. "what is your favorite thing to cook? she asked. she knew some people liked different things. her mum was healthy and if the given reign of the kitchen would usually make rabbit stew with fresh rabbit and a lot of vegetables in it. her dad's favourite thing was a fried breakfast with bacon and sausage and egg and all the other trimmings or fish. Willow, well she wasn't much of a cook she tended to go with toast or sandwiches.
as Chante said that she had missed her willow got up and gave her cousin a hug "I have missed you too. we really do need to hang out more" she said. "hang on, me? popular? I think you have me mixed up with someone else" she said how was she popular. she had a few friends. but wouldn't think that she was popular. she was just willow, but come to think of it. the rose deliveries had shown that being on the quidditch team at least helped people know who you were but she wouldn't have thought that made her popular. at this time they were interrupted by some house elves arriving with a huge steak sandwich. "do you want some?" she asked offering her cousin one half. there was far more than she wanted.
Chante's blush deepen, "Yeah, you really think so? I know, cakes and cupcakes are becoming my favorite things to look at. I like how muggels design them in their own little way. They can be quite crafty," Chante cogitate to Willow how she had been browsing through muggels bakery magazines. She had stumbled upon them weirdly out of nowhere, it was odd how she came across Bakery Madness and some other ones she can't quite remember. Once in her possession there was no need to question it and that's when she found the name Jacob Kowalski and Greta Catchlove. One is a muggel, the other a witch. "Anything I can get my hands on, I like the three sisters stew, Kun'si taught me how to make it," Chante shared with her cousin. It's been ages since she attempted to make the famous three sisters stew, but Chante fairly certain she could make in a heart beat.

Feeling Willow's embrace, Chante returns the hug. "I know we do, I agree. Just been feeling a little out of it and maybe a little upset that Len not here anymore. I should've told you, but we started dating and then she left," Chante spoke sadly, feeling this ache in her chest when she did. It happened so sudden, them two kissing and then Len vanished from the school. Feeling dejected, Chante came here to lift her spirits even if it reminded her of another friend she had fallen out with. She'll try not to get into that. Chante shook her head, not really hungry for what Willow was eating. "No thanks, and yeah, you are. I guess it's the hair or the time you rock the talent show," Chante smiled. The house elf she order to find the book came back, popping to existence handing over the book. "Oh, thank you," Chante cracked it open it and begin to skim right through it. The house elf bowed, and vanish from their view.
willow nodded as chante asked if she thought baking was cool. of course it was. baked things always tasted good. and chante was right that cupcakes were cute. as chante said that their kunsi had taught her to make three sisters stew she smiled. "kunsi's stew is great." she said. her memories going back to spending time with their kunsi when she was younger. spending some full moons there it had a much better flavour than some of her mum's stews. "don't let mum hear you say that. I am sure she would cook insects for dinner sometimes to save her going to the shops if dad didn't stop her" she said.
As Chante said that she had started dating Len before she left the school willow tightened her hug for a few seconds before letting go. she knew chante and Len had been close friends but she didn't know that they had been dating. "I am so sorry" she said. not sure what else to say. she just put her arm around her cousin as she looked sad, it was a little awkward as chante was quite a lot taller than her due the fact that she was starting to show her giant blood. once two groups of elves arrived one giving her her sandwich and the other giving chante a book. she was quite glad that chante didn't want any of the sandwich. she took a big bite and smiled. "If that is what makes someone popular then maybe i am" she aid as chante described why she was popular. that really hits the spot. thanks"[/b] she said to the elves. they had gone back to what they were doing before but she hoped they heard her. "what are you making today?" she asked as chante flipped through the book. it was rare to see chante reading. that was one hting the cousins shared. they were not the kind to enjoy spending time curled up with a nose in a book.
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Chante broke out into a small laugh, a little confused with what Willow meant by that. "Oh, aunty? What are you talking about, she makes decent meals," Chante grins. The Hufflepuff gives credit to her aunt for being able to make anything at all. Chante can admire the witch who juggles working at the ministry and being able to come home to make something for her family. From what aunty says about working at the ministry, it sounds like stressful work. The kinda work Chante will do everything she can to avoid doing to pursue something she would happily do for free. Because it was free of stress and she'll be doing work that made her happy. Chante's smile falter, feeling solace in her cousin's hug. "It's okay. It felt a little rush, anyways. But, I miss her," Chante sighed, stepping back from the book. "I was thinking of trying cupcakes for the first time, without using too much magic. Jacob Kowalski is a muggel, and he says here it's all in this risk," Chante pointed where she cited that from. "If they come out great I can send some to Len? What you think? Will she like it or should I go for something else?"
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willow chuckled. "her food is okay. but if you eat it every day you will want a change" she conceded. she knew her mum made better food when there was more than just her dad and lin to feed. she felt chante relax as she hugged her. sometimes a hug could do more to help than words. as chante moved away she too took a step back to give her cousin some space. "It doesn't matter if you miss her as a friend or girlfriend." she said the last word feeling a little funny in her mouth. then she remembered the game of spin the bottle. she had had her first, kiss, or rather first four kisses. with both boys and girls. She
"I know if you or fleur left the school i would be lost" she said. not realising that eventually, that would be a very real event as she was in the year below her two closest friends.
Willow took a bite of her sandwich as chante flicked through the cookbook. "I thought you said that this was a muggle writer" she said. as a picture caught her eye. "Those cupcakes look a lot like hippogriffs" she said. "and there was something a few pages back that looked like a Erumpent" she said. maybe it was just her upbringing and interest in magical creatures or maybe she was seeing things that weren't there. but it seemed odd to have magical cretures in a muggle book. "that is a great idea. but don't send them all. I want to have at least one of your cupcakes. your food is always so good" she said.
Chante grins, looking down to hide it from her cousin. She had to be sure to never tell her aunty what Willow said about her cooking. That won't do well with an aunty that can bite you in a different form. "Yeah, right. I miss her as my girlfriend," Chante's heart dropped. It wasn't easy to talk about or to avoid thinking of Len. The girl lived in her head constantly, it was hard to forget your first love. Chante is finding out how difficult that was with her, she wished it wasn't. But, then she glad it is, it meant her feelings were real and sincere towards Len. Chante felt her eyes get a little wet, before the tears went falling down her cheeks, Chante wiped them away with her palm. "Huh, the baker was a muggel but he had friends that weren't. Like the famous Newt, I mean I don't know if he wrote this book or someone else published it for him," Chante shrugged, moving along the pages as she did. The treats Willow pointed out did looked similar to creatures in the magical world. "It would make sense, I mean they kinda do look like them," Chante smiled, her sadness sort of going away on it's own. A good distraction helps. "I should try making some, I think the cookies would be better if I have to sent it to her via owl."
Willow saw chance look away from her and wondered what she was thinking. as she realised she had only eluded to what she was trying to say. "It doesn't matter how you miss her. she was someone you were close to and trusted, you are allowed to miss her" she said. she could see her cousin's eyes start to look damp she went to feel in her pocket to see if she had a tissue before realising that her running things didn't have pockets. instead, she took the napkin that had come with the sandwich and passed it to her cousin, there was a bit of oil and gravy on one corner leaving a damp circle but the rest of it was clean.
as chante changed the topic to the book she was looking at she listened as her cousin described who the author was. and as she focused on the pictures she became certain that she wasn't seeing things. as her cousin mentioned newt she nodded. "Newt as in newt Scamander?" she asked. Willow was like Chante in the fact that she didn't like books or reading. but she had read newt's book forwards and backwards with its information of different magical creatures so easy to just read about one at a time.
"cookies are a good idea" she said deciding that she should hang around here for a while longer thinking that she may just get lucky and get one of her cousin's cookies. "yeah. unless you know a charm to put on a box to protect the content" she said. she loved her cousin a lot. but not enough to go up to the library to look up one of those. at least not until she had finished her sandwich. she took another couple of bites. chewing slowly and processing everything that she was taking in. before speaking again. "we really need to hang out more. We have not had a proper hang out for ages" she said. a lot seemed to be going on in chantes life that she hadn't really known about. and there had been a fair amount going on in hers that she hadn't told chante about yet. such as the spin the bottle, or her new job, or her mum's promotion. or even just hanging out.
The napkin with a little oil and gravy was passed over to Chante, her tears didn't go unnoticed. Chante thanked her cousin, grabbing the napkin to only place it on the hard surface beside her. "I'm fine, I'm okay. Thanks, Wills," Chante tries to sell her with a smile, nodding away. She was fine, she was sad but she was fine. She didn't have Len around and she hadn't repaired whatever relationship that was left with Kengi, but she was okay. There were good things to think about and things she was looking forward to in the next school year. There was a wedding to plan with her parents, that was going to be fun. Most likely her mom will ask aunty Briar to help and that means Willow will be helping too. That will be a big needed distraction, Chante was looking forward to it all.

"I think so," Chante nodded. "They were friends or associates. I have no idea, but if they were, it would make sense why these look like Hippogriffs cupcakes. I wonder how many creatures Newt had exposed to Jacob. I really don't want to read an enormous textbook to get the answer....I guess I'll have to if I want to find out more," Chante kept flipping through the pages until a folded page in the book stops her from going any further. Chante flattens the page, on that page were Nifflers shaped cookies. "To a muggel that probably resemble one of their animals, but those are Nifflers, right Willow," Chante showed her the page. What Willow was saying was true, they hadn't properly hanged out in a long time. "Hmm, about we do something like during the break? I'm up for anything, I think I need to get away from the kitchen sometimes," Chante chuckles, then look back down at the book again. Another distraction would be good, and Chante adored her cousin. That's one relationship she would hate to mess up because Willow was more than a friend, they were family too. Chante would be devastated if she ever lost Willow.
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Willow felt bad that she didn't have anything better to offer her cousin than a slightly dirty napkin. and she didn't want to make a scene by asking one of the elves to get something. it seemed like the elves had already realised and one was coming over with a large box of tissues. Willow slipped out of the country and give her cousin another hug. it was times like this that she realised how brave Chante was.
as Chante commented on the animals she smiled. they had had a few different creatures staying with them from time to time when her mum had them at work and didn't have anywhere else to take them. she smiled as Chante pointed out to the cookies that looked like nifflers. "That is definitely a niffler, they are really cute. You know newt was a Hufflepuff like you right." she said. looking at the thing. she think peered over to the next page. "That looks like an Erumpent, so probably quite a few she said looking at the bread roll. she had a sudden thought. and started to giggle. "what do you think, of you cooked something for mum that looked like a magical creature. do you think she would eat it" she asked? however, even when the sentence was half way through she knew the answer. yes, she liked animals. but she was no way averse to killing them for food. between the four of them, well mainly the two adults there was always meat in the house. "Yes we need to hang out in the holidays. you work at the book shop right? I just got a job at the apothecary. we should totally hang out during breaks and after work." she said feeling all grown up. she had not told anyone about the job. but she was looking forward to it. sure it wasn't the most exciting shop, the pet shop or the quidditch shop would be better. but no one else had been advertising. "but we need to do something else fun. I picked last holiday this time is your choice" she said.
Chante did her utmost best to keep from being sad. To reassure her cousin that she was alright because she was fine. The tall girl saw the box of tissue be placed beside them and before she knew it, Willow's arms were ringed around her again. The tall girl sighed, dropping her head sidewards to rest on Willow's shoulder. "I'm fine Willow, what's it going to take you to believe me?" Chante nudges her playfully, laughing. Chante thanked the house elf for bringing the box of tissue, she can always count on them for anything when she needed something.

Chante flipped back to the baker's book, she smiled over the Newt fact, he was the one that wrote their CoMC textbook. "Oh yeah, he was, wasn't he?" Chante fixed her eyes on the next page, and Willow was right. The bread rolls were shaped like Erumpents. "Jacob was one brave muggel if he saw any of these creatures. I don't think I would be able to face an Erumpent," Chante spoke wide-eyed, realizing that Jacob may have seen these creatures up close and personal. "How much you want to bet Newt got in loads of trouble for this?" Chante laughs, that was risky exposing muggels to their kind of creatures. Chante's parents couldn't walk around near muggels for safety issues, and there was this wizard showing these creatures to a muggel baker like it was no big deal. "Probably, aunty has a big appetite, they all do," Chante chuckles then closed the book. She had enough for the day. "Oh you did, why the apothecary, that's great! But, why the apothecary?" Chante asked her cousin, it sounded like a good plan either way. And she may have not like reading books all the time, but she did enjoy working at Flourish and Blott's. Chante felt very useful and helpful to students that came into the shop buying their books. She loved her work, she loved helping out when she can.
"I'm good with anything Wills, hmm, want to go for ice cream?"

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