Cousins In Need

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Jessi Emmeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Summer has stolen :P
I have these two character's that i haven't used in ages and could really do with some rp's.


Alfie Martins

He is a generally happy boy who is laid back and calm. He likes a laugh and is known to be cheeky at times. He is a good listener and will help out his friends as much as he can. Alfie also loves music, quidditch and rugby. He is going through a difficult time at the moment after a family tragedy that has left him and his cousin (Jessi) alone and unsure who in their families are still alive. Due to this he is prone to more angry outbursts and he will find it more difficult to open up to others and trust people. The two boys had to go live with their cousin Teddy and are now in care.

I am looking for:

A few close friends (male or female) who will be able to get Alfie to open up and become his happier self again.
A girlfriend he can rely on and be supportive of him.
Other friends.
Maybe a few people he can get into fights with and take his angry outbursts out on.


Jessi Emmeton

Jessi is quite similar to his cousin however he is more random and adventurous and has a habit of jumping to conclusions. Jessi isn't as aggressive as Alfie in his emotional dealings, and tends to channel his grief more into music.

I am looking for:

A few close friends who can help him through it.
A girlfriend he can turn to and will listen to his music.
A few close friends.
Maybe someone who will notice his musical ability and help him turn it to more positive things.

I am open to any other suggestions too :)
I have Ally here; A kind hearted, loud and happy-go-lucky sixteen years old. She loves watching Quidditch games and painting some land scape of mountains, house .. etc. Ally is an only child but has a step-sister from her father's mistress.

I was thinking if she could be Jessi's girl friend? If not, she can be a close friend.
Ooooh!!! ALFIE AND SYDNEY!!!!!

You know you want it. Plus hilarity will ensue seeing how much they have changed. :D
Joyce: Yeah that would be great if she was his girlfriend. Would you like to start an rp or shall i?

Summer: Lol. Trust you..... Yeah sure ok then. You'd you like to start it or shall i?
I have Sebastian Rossi who could maybe be the mentor or friend who helps Jessi turn his music into a positive. He's 18 so he's a bit older than Jessi, but I don't think that would matter much to Bas, especially if the person he was hanging out with was school. A couple of years ago, Bas was just like Jessi ^_^ and he still is in some ways, but now he's using his song writing to help him in the band he and his friend started. He's also a bit sarcastic and is quite daring in his own way. But, deep down, he's an absolute sweetheart :) And, I'd really like him to have some male friends :correct:
If you could, that would be awesome :D
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