Couple of Hogwarts kiddies

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Bradley Ahn

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So, I have two kids in need of some plots for the new year

Bradley Ahn

Bradley is my second year Hufflepuff and the only reason he is at Hogwarts in the first place is that it's a lot better than where he came from. He's an orphan with no family and not really any friends as well because he has a habit of being mean and pushing people away because he's scared of making attachments. Everyone always ends up leaving him so he doesn't want to get attached to someone because he doesn't want to hurt when they eventually leave. So he's not really all that easy to get along with and he still thinks magic is a load of rubbish and doesn't really like learning it so he doesn't take much seriously. Also, don't even suggest flying because he refuses to get on a broom and will not fly to even save his own life.

What I'm looking for with him is basically anything. Enemies or people, he's rubbed up the wrong way is the most likely. Or maybe someone who wants to try and get close to him and break through the strong walls he has around himself, though I'm not saying that's going to be an easy task. Also possibly someone of any gender he could have a small crush on, but adamantly refuse he doesn't feel anything for might also be fun.



Jumin Lee

Jumin is my newly sorted Gryffindor and I don't really have anything at all for him! He's Korean-Australian and grew up in Melbourne with his Pureblood Magizoologist father and his Muggle florist mother. He has a great interest in all magical creatures and cannot wait for his third year so he can study Care of Magical Creatures and he also has an interest in Herbology after learning a lot about plants from his mother. Though if you are looking for a nice and loyal friend, don't pick Jumin. He might act friendly, but he will climb over anyone and everyone to get out of trouble for himself and to get to where he wants. He's also vulnerable to sudden mood swings and can be bright and happy one second and then a right grumpy sod the next if you happen to rub him up the wrong way or say something he doesn't like. But he's pretty easy to get along with, he's just not going to be a very good and loyal friend to anyone. He's also very good at causing trouble and getting into places he's not supposed to be. Trouble is his middle name. (No, it's actually Noah, but it should be Trouble.)

And I'm looking for anything I can get with him, 'friends', enemies, adventure seeking partners, partners in crime or anything else you can really come up with. I'm all ears.​

Hey Charlieee

I got Lenore Harvelle for Bradley Ahn. They both didn't want to fly and I think they could be friends? What do you think. Since I am now fully back I am sure that I can keep up with the topics :3
@Tamara: Hello dear! Yes, I think Lenore and Bradley did sort of get on last year and I would be interested for that friendship to continue to grow. Though Brad probably wouldn't call her a friend just 'someone he can stand and put up with for more than five seconds' xD

I remember that Alexis and Bradley had a Mother Cat thread. I apologize for not replying to it. If you are still up for that thread, we can continue it. Also, since they are now in second year, maybe another thread for them?

Also I have this new Puff baby Talitha. I can suggest her for Jumin. Reading his short bio, I can feel that they would get along just fine. Ali is Alexis' first cousin who grew up in Australia. Also, she does not have a good relationship with her cousin purely because she was jealous of her Ravenclaw cousin. I could say that more or less Ali is like a female version of Jumin. She can get along with anyone but she was not that loyal as she looked. I think they would be good partners when it comes to creating trouble. Her personality made me even wonder why she was not placed in either Slytherin or Gryffindor. :D :D
@Arle: HELLO ARLE DEAR :D I'd rather not drag along any threads from first year, but I am totally up for a second thread with the two of them now that they're older.

But I think that Jumin And Talitha should get along pretty fine, just so long as she's up for causing trouble and won't hold him back then I can see him getting along just fine with her. (And he's always looking for people he can shove the blame onto if they get caught, but he won't mention that part).
Bradley Ahn said:
@Arle: HELLO ARLE DEAR :D I'd rather not drag along any threads from first year, but I am totally up for a second thread with the two of them now that they're older.

But I think that Jumin And Talitha should get along pretty fine, just so long as she's up for causing trouble and won't hold him back then I can see him getting along just fine with her. (And he's always looking for people he can shove the blame onto if they get caught, but he won't mention that part).
I am okay with that. If we both remember correctly, Alexis and Bradley did not exactly go along well on their first meet. So I wonder how they would treat each other now.

Talitha is definitely like Jumin. I remember when I answered the sorting form for her, she would not own up to her mistakes and let other innocent people get punished as well. :woot: :woot:
Yes, I do remember them not really getting along all too well, so I don't think much would have changed in that regard and they still probably won't get along xD

If the both of them get caught causing trouble, they'll both either try and blame each other, or just some random student who happens be around at the time most likely
Bradley Ahn said:
Yes, I do remember them not really getting along all too well, so I don't think much would have changed in that regard and they still probably won't get along xD

If the both of them get caught causing trouble, they'll both either try and blame each other, or just some random student who happens be around at the time most likely
Alexis and Bradley:I can also see that as well although I can see Alexis trying harder to change that this time. ;)

Jumin and Talitha: Indeed.They would even try to blame people who are not even there at that time. Anything that would work for them to get out of being punished. :woot: Talitha would even go far as dragging her cousin to it since she does not like Alexis.
Hi Charlie! :)

I have a few to offer for either Bradley or Jumin, since I have three first years xD though doing them all at once could be overwhelming I'm going to offer all of them.

Sam Mackintosh - Sam is pretty much the type of person who observes other people and/or what other people want from her and she can sometimes be a little selfish in that she might try to find something that's valuable/useful for her even in friendships or generally with people she comes across. If/when she gets the chance to know the person better she'll eventually trust them and also be a good friend to them. So there's always that possibility. She can also be competitive against boys as she hates stereotypes and feels like she needs to prove that girls can do as much as boys. So I can offer her as frenemy/friend/enemy (depending on how the interaction turns out haha).

Lavinia Benivieni - okayyy so she's quite the stubborn, protective, blunt/honest and fiery type of person. Lavinia is pretty playful and friendly and loves to meet new people. She's athletic, she doesn't like to sit around or waste time and she's into learning. Like a lot. Lavinia fights for what she believes in and sometimes that can get her into trouble :r She isn't influenceable, and she's practical - meaning she'd rather know the truth and live in reality than believing in fantasy. She also doesn't hold grudges (for now) and she takes responsibility for things she knows she did wrong. I'm not entirely sure how her and Jumin would think of each other, probably not as neutral as Sam/Jumin but we'll see.

Lastly I have Arielle Marchand, my french triplet :wub: I can see her and Jumin bickering a lot but about nonsensical things that don't even matter. She's stubborn and protective as well, and she likes to outsmart people when she gets the chance in an argument. She was raised to be polite and to apologise when necessary and whatnot, she's also loyal and likes to stick to her morals, but in this case Arielle won't exactly feel like she needs to be forgiving. I think it could go both ways - maybe if they're enemies/frenemies now, it could change sometime in future like in a few years. If they're eventually friends, Arielle could potentially sneak out at night to get up to mischief. She's pretty excitable when with friends. I can also definitely see her try to break Bradley's wall, as she's stubborn.

Let me know what you think and which one of these three is most interesting for you! :) You can choose if to do both Jumin and Bradley or just one, I don't mind ^_^
Hey Charlie!

I really enjoyed Bradley and Fleur last year, and I think she would consider him a friend even if he doesn't xD if you want, we could do something else with them? I think she would try to get close to him.

I can also offer you Sophie Wilson as an enemy to him, they're very similar in some ways as she's also the type to push people away. She's starting to trust people as she has made a few friends, but still reacts quite grumpily most of the time.

For Jumin I can offer you Emilia, who I think I've offered before in your previous topic. She's very naive and would happily befriend him and be lead straight into trouble. She's perhaps a good target to take the blame xD let me know what you think!
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