Open Couldn't Care Less

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Ivelisse Burleigh

inadequate ▪️ accidental magic reversal squad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2042 (19)
Ivelisse had decided she didn't care about whatever social life she did or didn't have at Hogwarts anymore. She'd just make sure she kept her grades up and didn't lose any of the few quidditch games she had left to play and then she'd be out of here. Just on more year of making things work. Of keeping her head up and not care. Or at least act like she didn't. Starting now. Ive walked into the hall with her chin up, radiating nothing but confidence. She knew she looked good, so she was just going to focus on that rather than the fact that the whole entire day had sucked so far. Her plan had been to just step onto the dancefloor and dance on her own, but the slow music playing kind of ruined that. Instead, she headed over to the snacks table and tried to get herself a drink without spilling on her dress. Those fountains looked cute, but she wasn't sure they were entirely practical.
Caleb was never one to pass up a chance to go to a school dance even if he didn't exactly want to be there. But the chance of something interesting happening was higher than any other time during the dull year. So he found himself in the great hall not wanting to watch Louis or even Manaia. He was starting to think romance was actually just a big mistake all around. But he ended up stumbling upon a rare friendly and uncomplicated face. He joined Ivelisse at the snack table with ease. She had the right idea. "Really appreciated the rose by they way." he said while reaching beside her to get a drink for himself too.
Ivelisse was relieved when she had somehow managed to get a drink from the stupid fountain without getting any on herself. Perhaps she should've just brought her wand with her. That would've made things easier. "Any time." She shot Caleb a small smile when he showed up next to her. In reality, roses had always been a struggle. She never knew who to send one and if she did she knew not to expect anything in return. Still, sending out a few had felt like a nice gesture. If only to make others feel appreciated. "So.. no date?" Ive asked curiously before taking a sip of her drink. Somehow, there always seemed to be something going on between the boys in her year. She could just never pinpoint what was happening or between who.
Caleb grinned. "I just feel bad I didn't think to send one to you." he said and placed a hand dramatically on his heart. "So for now please accept this extra Happy Valentine's day instead." he said and clinked their cups together in a cheers like gesture. But when she asked about a date he fought to keep his usual easy going grin. "No date." he said without any added explanation. "Looks like we're both flying solo this evening."
Ivelisse shook her head when Caleb mentioned he felt bad. It wasn't like she had expected (m)any roses in return, she had just thought that perhaps she should show the few people she tolerated a little appreciation. "It's fine." She replied with a small smile. Ive nodded when Caleb confirmed he didn't have a date. She hadn't specifically expected him to have one, but she wouldn't have been surprised if he did either. It probably would've been more shocking if he had turned up with a date. "Well then I guess I'll be the one to compliment your suit." She grinned. "Very dashing, love the colour."
Caleb grinned when Ivelisse complimented his suit. "Thank you, thank you." he said enthusiastically. "It has gone very under appreciated this evening so it is nice to hear." he said and took a small bow before turning around, hoping to earn a laugh. "Now I feel like I must do my turn as your unofficial not-date." he joked. "You do look lovely. Very festive." he said and gestured to the rose petals around them.
While Ivelisse never minded coming to these dances alone it was always nice to find someone to chat to. Especially when whoever she ran in to was someone she actually liked. She grinned at Caleb's enthusiasm, unable to suppress a soft laugh when he actually took a bow. "Thanks." Ive beamed when he returned the favour, looking down at her dress for a second. "I feel like we both very much match the team." She nodded confidently when he gestured towards the rose petals. There were definitely students in the hall who were dressed worse. "Without dragging along whatever roses we received." Ive added. Ofcourse there were always those who made the roses they had gotten part of their outfit in one way or another. Something she had always found incredibly obnoxious.
"It's an under appreciated skill." Caleb said with a satisfied grin when Ivelisse agreed they matched the theme of the night. It wasn't a requirement of course to wear pink or red, but he liked to consider it a fun challenge. He laughed when she mentioned people bringing roses to the dance and making it a part of their outfit. "I couldn't agree more." he said. "It's like they're compensating for something." he laughed.
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