Old School Week Cotton Candy!

Mazikeen Roe

loves fun | class of 2052 Aotearoa Zoologist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Lesbian)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2" Sturdy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2034 (23)
Mazikeen was not one to often be found in the kitchens, but it was where she'd found herself on this day. She had woken up with a craving for cotton candy and came to the kitchens in the hope that either an elf would help her get it, or she might be able to make it herself. A kitchen would have cook books, right......well it was certainly too late to go to the library now.
Lillith was bored, out of her mind. She had to do something. Anything. And so she found herself wandering into the kitchens. It had been a while since she had cooked or baked anything but now was as good a time as ever. An older student was in the room, searching the shelves. “Hi. Are you looking for something?”
"A recipe for cotton candy! Also the ingredients for it," the prefect said, "I don't want to bother the elves for it,"
Gemny was busy working on peeling potatoes. ever since the debarkle last year in the trophy room she had not been trusted with anything that responsible again. and potatoes were important. there was a lot you could do with them, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew. these would be lovely big golden chips which would go great with a nice piece of fried fish.
a couple of students came in and she put down her knife. she was just about to ask them how she could help when she heard one of them say they wanted cotton candy. "Cotton candy, candy floss or fairy floss we can makes it for you what does you wants it like?" asked the young house elf.

sorry i had to use the reference. it was too good to miss.
Looks like she wouldn’t be making anything today, no matter. She was excited for some candy floss. “Yes, please! Can you make mine blue? And big. Really big.” She said, while stretching her arms around, making a big circle.
Mazikeen hadn't wanted to disturb an elf, but if one was about..."I'll take a pink one!" she told it after the younger girl had said what she wanted. "Maybe not as big as hers,"
gemny clicked her fingers and a candyfloss maker appeared in front of her. she put some sugar in and started to make a ball slowly growing it bigger nad bigger. until it was bigger than gemny's head. is that big enough?" she asked holding it up for the girst girl to sey
Lillith watched as the elf continued to spin the ball. “Hmm.. not yet. Just a little bit bigger please. She said and continued to watch as the elf spun the stick around. It was a bit funny to watch the small elf spin a huge ball of candy floss, but she made sure not to show it. She made sure that she was always polite to the one making her food.
Mazikeen laughed at the size of it, and even more so as the young first year asked for it to be bigger. She wondered how much bigger it could get.
Gemmy kept making the ball bigger. It was soon larger than her head. is this big enough she asked hoping that out was as she didn’t think she could make out much bigger and she didn’t want To disappoint the two mistresses. It was the first time she had spoken to actual students
Lillith guessed it would do. Her dreams of eating a cotton candy as big as her could wait. “Hmm.. Yup it’s big enough!” She received the huge ball of cotton candy and carefully put her hands on the the stick part, or at least what was left of the stick. She took a big bite off the top and sighed as the sugar slowly melted on her tongue. “Thif ifg good!” Lillith exclaimed excitedly.
Mazikeen laughed as the elf brought an even bigger one. It just seemed huge, "Thanks, she seems very happy with hers," Mazikeen said to the elf with a friendly smile. Just finding it funny to watch the young girl take a large bite out of it.

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