Corey Logan

Corey Logan

Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather (Hand-me-down)
The Basics
Character's Name: Corey Logan
Character's Birthdate: July 23 2007
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: None yet. [Will edit later]
Occupation: Professional Surfer [Yes, he counts this as an occupation. :tut: ]
Hair: Short, dark brown hair.
Eyes: Medium shade of green
Height: 5'7''
Style: Laid back...
Other Distinguishing Features: Corey has a large tattoo that covers part of his back and wraps around to cover a small part of the left side of his lower abdomen.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Corey keeps his cool and acts as if he doesn't really care. Sometimes, he can be hot-headed just like his little sister, which is where he thinks she got it from, himself. He usually brushes a lot of things off, likes to tease his sister and her friends, and joke around.
Special Talents/Abilities: Corey considers himself one of the best surfers in LA. Others have told him this as well.
History: Corey was born to a muggle mother, Sarah-Beth Logan, and a half-blood father, Brady Logan, on July 23, 2007. He first discovered magic at the young age of three when he watched his father from afar practicing magic in the backyard of their home. In the year 2013, when Corey was only 6 years old, his parents told him he would soon have a younger brother or sister. Corey didn't know whether or not to be happy, or mad.

With the news given to Corey, he began to act out over the nine months of his mothers pregnancy, making them seem longer and harder for her. On August 15, 2013, Sarah-Beth gave birth to a healthy baby girl and proudly named her Lexi, after Brady's great-grandmother. Corey was allowed to visit his new sister, whom he had come to hate over the nine months even though he never really knew her. Once Corey was allowed to see his new sister, he warmed up to her and couldn't hate her any longer.

Corey enjoyed watching his little sister grow up, and introduced her to magic himself along side their father during Summer nights in the backyard of their home. Corey was always there for his sister, and anything he could to make her happy and keep her safe. Hey, that's what big brothers are for!

During the Summer of 2018, Brady Logan's brother, Damion Logan, offered Corey the chance of a lifetime; to come back with him to Sydney Australia for six years to train for and compete in surfing tournaments. Without consulting his parents first, Corey gladly accepted without hesitation. When it came to break the news to his family, Damion took care of it at the last minute. They were devastated, considering Corey was supposed to be starting Hogwarts soon, but they had let him go, not having a choice since he was already on the plane.

Six years later, Corey returns to LA as a professional, champion surfer that is well known all around LA and all across Australia. His parents are overjoyed to have him back finally after all those years. But once Corey learns that his little sister has left for New Zealand to attend Hogwarts, it's his turn to feel devastated.

Currently, Corey is trying his best to get into Hogwarts as his father wanted him to do six years ago.
Family: Father: Brady Logan
-Healer at St. Mungos
-40 years old

Mother: Sarah-Beth Logan
- Unemployed
- 40 years old

Sister: Lexi Logan
His mother considered her an 'accident', Lexi is Corey's younger sister by six years. He loves her unconditionally and will do anything and everything to protect and make her happy. She currently attends Hogwarts as a Gryffindor house student. Corey hopes to join her someday and make up for lost time.

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