Cooking, cooking

Tootle Loo

My fingers
Tootle Loo was in a blue short haired wig today but no wings. The only time she wore wings was when she was not doing anything to heavy like cleaning out a dorm or something like that. There was too much danger of being burned to ware wings in the kitchen. As always she was cooking alone. At any other time Tootles was almost overly friendly but when it came to cooking she became a bit of a harpy hurting the feelings of anyone that didn't cook in what she thought was the right way. For fear of a flying ladle when it was Tootle Loo's turn in the kitchen she it was made sure that she was with others that would not get in her way.

Tootle Loo liked it this way. It meant she could do everything perfectly and just add it to what the others made. It mean a bit more work for her too but Tootle Loo was more than happy for it. She was string that evening's soup while humming to herself joyfully. In the mind of the young house elf there was nothing else that was better.
Clyde entered the kitchen, planning to get something to bribe Wisteria. It was day time, and the teachers are too busy to roam around the school. And of course, Clyde was on his habit of skipping classes again.

Just as he entered, he saw a house elf, cooking something that smelled really nice. But something's wrong with the house elf, Clyde had thought. Why is it wearing something really weird and ugly?

Nevermind. He entered and walked towards the house elf. "Uh, excuse me..." Clyde exlcaimed, waiting for the house elf to look at him. His purple eyes stayed looking at the house elf, not noticing that some of the students inside the kitchen were staring at him. Clyde never realized how handsome he really was, even with the great number of girls confessing to him.
Phoebe wandered into the kitchens, and was quite suprized at seeing something there. She may be in her second year, but after finding out she was a witch just before she'd joined Hogwarts she hadn't exactly got round to finding out everything about it. She stared at the small creature with bright blue hair. She tried to look away and caught sight of a boy around her age, maybe a bit younger. She gave him a smile. Phoebe was quite shy and never had been one for being outgoing.
Tootles turned, fully ready to scream at whatever house elf had been fool enough to set foot in her kitchen when she saw that it wasn't a house elf at all but a young master and mistress. "Would the masters be needed anything of Tootle Loo?" She said her voice ending in a high squeak. She could never get enough of serving the students of Hogwarts. She had heard that elsewhere house elves where not allowed to ware wigs, not even skirts in the colors that she loved. Here are Hogwarts she had life good and she would do anything for the students made made it possible for her to live here.
Clyde turned around when he heard someone walk behind him and saw a girl about his age. She's not Slytherin, isn't she? Never saw her. he thought then gave a faint smile when the girl smiled at him. "I hope you're not here to tell me that I'm not allowed here," he said jokingly, though the joke was half meant. It would be a bad idea if someone tells the professors that he was here.

Just as then, he looked back at the house elf who finally realized that he was there. "Sorry for giving you trouble this early," he started, trying to flatter the house elf so that he won't get in trouble. "but do you sell or cook or whatever any pizza here? It's for my cousin." he explained. But just after talking, he decided to add more detail. "You see, she's angry with me, and food from the kitchen will give me the chance to apologize, since house elves here are so good at cooking.."
Phoebe simply shook her head towards the boy. She didn't snitch on others, what they were doing was their buisness. She heard the word "elf". Of course, hogwarts had elves she thought to herself still studing the little body. She smiled when she heard the boy ask for some pizza for his cousin. "I know someone who has pizza for breakfast" she commented before looking back to the boy. "Does you're cousin do well with bribery?" she asked, a small hint of a smile still on her face.
Tootle Loo hopped and skipped out of sight. A few crashes where heard then three house elves came with three different pizzas. One cheese, one pepperoni, and one mixed with vegetable. Tootle Loo was right behind them holding her hands out. "Masters can pick any one they want yes they can." She said with a large smile on her grubby face.
Phoebe watched as the house elf dissapeared, and suddenly came back in with another three elves and three pizza's. How had they come up with that so quickly? Was it even cooked? she thought to herself, but not daring to say anything. "Pick cheese, at least then if it goes cold it won't be disgusting." she said quietly, before looking at the elf and giving her a smile to show it wasn't intended as offence. "Nice.." she turned, and began hunting the cupboards for something for herself.
Clyde gave a very attractive grin when the house elves arrived with pizza. "That's great. Can I take the three of them?" he asked, guessing that one won't be enough for Wisteria. But he would keep the other one. He's hungry, anyways. But then, CLyde realized that taking three would be a bit rude to the house elf. She told him to pick, anyway. So... does that mean I have to pick one? he asked himself.

Just as then, Clyde looked at the girl and laughed softly. "Well, my cousin is addicted with pizza. So bribery works on her if it's pizza." he explained, somewhat embarrassed and proud at the same time for having Wisteria as a cousin.
Phoebe tried not to give a small laugh as she heard the boy's reply, although she began to smile even though her back was now turned to them. Phoebe suddenly stopped hutning and turned round suddenly, holding in her hand a small packet of salt. "Can i have this?" she asked the elf. It had given her an idea.
Eliza was felt a bit peekish so she decided to sneak in the kitchens. Travelling here more than once, she knows how kind the house elves on serving the students. Eliza doesn't want ordering anyone around but deep in her heart she know she enjoys it.

Eliza spotted a boy and a girl. The girl looked odd to Eliza, she thought "Why the hell will you go in the kitchens and just get salt?!" Eliza ignored this when she spotted Clyde, one of her friends in Slytherin. Eliza muttered silently to Clyde "H-hey are you?" But the sudden ravenous feeling Eliza was experiencing took over her and snatched one of the pizzas. She engorged the whole thing out once and realized the people(and house elf) looking at her. Eliza was turning bright red and stammered "I-I-I was hungry okay!!!." She was frozen on the spot not knowing what to do.

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