Continuing the task.

Megan Vine

Well-Known Member
Megan sat out by the lake, she was trying to think of ways to help her with the task she had set for herself. She was thinking of starting in a place that she felt comfertable, like the library or out here by the lake, and seeing if someone would talk to her, then she would slowly work her way up to approaching other people.

The small first year smiled slightly as she thought of what her mum would say when she told her that she had made more than one friend, it was rare that she had an aquaitence let alone a actual freind and having more than one was an unknown area.

Mwgan's head shot up as she heard a noise behind her, her first instinct was to run or say one of her facts but she stopped herself, the brunnette just sat there trying to control the desire to flee.

(OOC: Sorry lame)
Madison was absolutely one hundred percent sick of staying inside. It wasn't like she really had anything to do inside yet. Classes were not yet starting up and she would not be the one who just sat inside and watched the fire burning. Okay well maybe at times Madison was that strange girl that just watched the fire burning, only for the simple reason that she found it amusing to watch. Yet that wasn't what this first year Hufflepuff had in mind right now. Right now Madison was dying to go outside and enjoy the day. The question was why was she doing it alone?

This Hufflepuff didn't have many friends, she had a few but not enough to consider herself part of a group yet. Sure she had Skye, Bailey and Toni well mostly Bailey to lean a shoulder on and talk an ear off, but family wasn't the same as having a close knit friend for days like today. Shrugging she threw on her normal outfit of a short white skirt, long rainbow socks that went all the way up to her knees, and a black shirt. Not exactly matching but it worked for this curly haired Addison triplet.

Without another word, Madison skipped out of the Hufflepuff common room and right through the doors leading to the outside world. "Free" She said to herself letting out a long laugh as she walked along the grounds first the lawn then the garden and finally she found her place at the lakefront. Skipping along, literally, she hummed a song that she was not sure what the name was called. Probably one of the songs that Skye had created but it didn't matter. It kept the mind of this Hufflepuff in check until she found something more interesting. This something just happened to be a someone.

A small girl was only a few feet in front of her sitting on the ground looking up at Madison. A huge smile spread across the face of this first year hufflepuff "Heya" She said in a slightly over the top fashion giving an exergerated wave in the girl's direction. "I'm Madison" Madison said taking a seat next to the girl waiting for an introduction.
Megan bit her lip in confusion as a nlonde girl waved at her in an over the top manner. She wasn't sure what to do next until the girl introduced herself.
"Megan." She tried to get her voice the way it was when she was talking to Andrew or her mum but it didn't quite make it, instead she sounded a bit to quiet and a bit to high. The girl frowned and spoke again, this time managing the voice she was aiming for. "Megan."

Megan waited for a secnd, seeing what the girl would say to her. She decided that, instead of letting Madison lead the conversation, she would try asking the questions. Managing to keep her voice steady, if a bit quieter, Megan asked; "What house are you in?"
Madison could see the look of confusion in the young girl's face. Not that this was new to Madison at all. She got loads of looks that were just as interesting as the next. Most looks were those of converstion then there were the ones of bother and angry and finally the ones of laughter not the good laughter either. None of that bothered Madison one bit though. Even living in a world in which looks mattered and appearance was everything, she learned somewhere along the lines that you should be who you were no matter what, an orignal. And there was no debating that Madison was an orignal.

"Nice to meet you Megan" Madison said trying to match the soft tone that the girl used in the first mentioning of her own name. Of course Madison was way off and ended up sounding like a little child who didn't try get the concept of whispering. Shrugging her shoulders slightly at her own attempt she listened to the girl ask a simple question. Millions of questions buzzing through this own Hufflepuff's head. One major one being was how anyone could ever be shy. This was something that Madison never understood. Even as a baby and toddler and now child, Madison wasn't shy. She doubted that even when she picked up speed and ran through her teenage years there wouldn't be an ounce of shyness in her body. Others are just different she thought still smiling at the girl.

Houses of course Madison thought not sure why people mentioned Houses so much. It wasn't like they were awfully important. "I'm in Hufflepuff" She said. Hufflepuff was always the house of choice for this young girl and that was just how it worked out. "And you are in?" She asked guessing Ravenclaw but Madison didn't want to say that aloud in case for some odd and unknown reason the girl was offended by said statement.
Megan smiled ever so slightly at Madisons' voice as she replied to her introduction, she sounded almost like a small child. "I am Ravenclaw." Her voice continued in the slightly too quiet tone that was actually a big step for her.
The ravenclaw girl quickly thought back to the many films she had watched during evenings with her mother and remembered what people and their friends did, she remembered sleepovers but that seemed pointless to mention, she thought of makeovers but she didn't like make-up. The only thing that made any sense to Megan was nicknames, they showed that they were good friends by personalising the other persons name.

"Do you have a nickname?"
Madison wanted to scream yes at the top of her lungs for she had guessed the girl named Megan's house. Though when she thought about it Madison realized it probably wouldn't be the best situation. Which was odd because Madison usually never thought about her actions. Was it a sign of aging? No just luck. Forgetting the house right away well at least putting it out of mind, Madison continued with the conversation glad that she had meet someone outside. She had been the Hufflepuff hermit the last semester it seemed.

"A nickname?" Madison said more to herself as she tried to think about it. "Some people call me Maddie but other than that no" Madison said with a small smile. "What about you? Any nicknames? What about Meg?" she asked thinking that Meg was a good name for a girl named Megan. Though she brought her gaze away from the girl to the lake in front of her.

"So what brings you out to the lake today?" Madison finally asked wondering if this girl had a certain purpose for venturing out and if Madison seemed to be bothering the process. Twisting a strand of her hair that had fallen to it's straight self, Madison's gaze didn't turn from the lake.
Megan nodded at the name maddie and was going to answer her question when she asked two more. "Umm, No I never had one, Meg is," Megan had to think this over, would Meg fit. Eventually she finished her sentance. "Okay."
At Madisons other question Megan answered truthfully, then she wondered if it was the right thing to say. "I was thinking of ways to make me more normal."
Madison wasn't sure if the girl liked the nickname Meg. It was almost like Megan was thinking about it too hard for this Hufflepuff to be sure. "If you don't like Meg I can call you Megan. I mean two letters won't kill me" Madison said with a small laugh at the statement. Though she listened to Megan answer her question.

"Why try to be normal?" Madison said not sure if she actually meant the question or if it was just one of those questions that were said aloud but not meant to be answered. This Hufflepuff never understood the need to fit in. Surely she never would and didn't care much to. In a crowd of millions, Madison would love to be the one that stands out like a sore thumb. "So going to the lakefront will make you more normal?" Madison asked looking over the girl who didn't look completely out there. In the eyes of Madison the girl seemed normal enough, shy but normal.
Negan shook her head to both questions. "The lake helps me think. I am trying to be better at being me. That makes no sense." Megs tried to think of a way to explain it without sounding like a doofus.
When she thought she had it, Megan tried to explain it again. "My friend Andrew is helping me be better at being normal. Like, more confidant and more friendly. Also, I'm trying to drop some habits I don't like at the same time." She hoped that would explain it well enough.
Madison nodded her head as the girl named Megan explained. The lake was peaceful though this only made Madison want to get up and jump in or at least throw a rock into it making a ripple effect. There was just something about the silence unmoving lake that made this Hufflepuff want to make it a bit more interesting, less dead in a way. Though she completely understood why some others would find this nice. Not this Hufflepuff at least not at this time.

"That makes sense. You seem friendly enough though" Madison said shrugging. "But if you ever need help with 'being normal' than you can look me up" Madison considered meaning not normal at all but more confident. or maybe she could help drop some bad habits not like Madison knew anything about Megan's bad habits.

"And who's Andrew. More than a friend" Madison asked nudging Megan playfully as she let out a small laugh.
Megan nodded as Madison offered to help her aswell. "Thank you." Megan wasn't sure what to say next when Madison asked about Andrew. Megan giggled at the question, she had never managed to get rid of the childish views about boys and girls. "No, He's a friend I met in the library,Also, he's quite alot older than me."

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