Closed Constants

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
In the midst of feeling a bit lost about what he should do in regards to his classes and schooling, and all the changes at home and the realization he was now a big brother, one thing that hadn't changed in Miro's life was eagerness and enthusiasm for flying. In fact his eagerness to fly had even grown tenfold, if such a thing were possible. This was all because he was finally an official beater on the Gryffindor quidditch team, no longer just an alternate but a starting beater that the team officially relied on. It was a welcomed role and one Miro sought to fill, making an effort to constantly impress the captain and of course practicing often to hone his skills and show he was worthy of the appointment. Miro as a result was spending as much time as he realistically could on the quidditch pitch, choosing to simply fly around if he couldn't get his hands on the beater gear he needed to practice, thinking any time flying would be worth the effort and pay off in Gryffindor's next practices and quidditch games.

Miro touched down to the pitch after flying around for an afternoon, feeling out of breath and needing a break as he headed to his backpack. He searched through it to find his bottle of water and drank as much as he could, trying to catch his breath between gulps. Wanting at least a short break so he could recuperate some of his energy, Miro moved to sit gently on the grass next to his backpack and began to absentmindedly stretch his arms as he watched the other students flying around above him. He felt tired, but relaxed, and his mind was away from his other worries as he focused on flying. It was a welcomed feeling with only flying and quidditch to focus on instead of everything else, flying and quidditch being two of the few things he actually cared about at Hogwarts.​

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