Closed consequences

Mikael Nightray

challenger • outwit, outmaneuver, outlast • shrewd
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gryffindor Headache
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Mikael had never really been one to get along with his brothers. Both of them. Tiziano was eight years older than him and Jai by another two years. He'd only been a toddler when both of them had started attending school, and they had already graduated before he even begun. It didn't help that all three of them were at odds when it came to the heirship. Mikael had never made it a secret that he desired to follow in their father's footsteps. Jai was always the biggest obstacle he needed to overcome, and Tiziano was an enigma he would never understand. He did trust them both with one thing, however. The welfare of their sisters. It grated that Eurydice had gone to Tiziano about what was happening in the school, especially when Tiziano lived in another country. While Primrose Kaster had come to him about her suspicions, he had been looking into whoever had been interacting with his sister. It hadn't been anyone in her year, he'd concluded, but looking at every other year above her was taking time. He'd just ruled out his year, Elio's year, and the year above Eurydice when Tiziano had found out. It was annoying to know that Tiziano knew something he didn't, and he didn't even trust Mikael to deal with it since he was here at the school. And even when they were both here, Eurydice was obviously still being targeted if her reaction during her duel was anything to go by. If she wasn't sleeping off after taking potions, he would be asking her to tell him the truth if it was Ayre who had been targeting her. She had been doing well in her duel until Ayre's cheer. "Are you going to tell me what you know or are you going to continue keeping it to yourself," he told his older brother, sitting across the bed where Eury was currently sleeping.
Tizi leaned back in his chair, for the moment ignoring his brother mostly because he could and it was funny. But no that wasn’t actually what he was doing, he was watching to see if that Morrie girl decided to drop by, because if she did show up, she wouldn’t have been there for long. He had his eyes closed and leaned back as Mikael finally said what he had expected him to say. “I could tell you what I know… but where would be the fun in that? It’s fun to know I was able to do something you weren’t,” he might have been an adult, and had been for a while now, but that didn’t mean he and his brother got on. He and Jai were great friends, and he loved Eury - he loved Mikael too, but that didn’t mean he liked him, or really even trusted him for that matter. “You’ll f#ck it up by doing something stupid.”
Insufferable. If people thought that Mikael was the most insufferable out of his brothers, they've clearly never met Tiziano. He was a wildcard who did what he wanted when he wanted with little regard for the consequences around him. Perhaps it was why he and Mikael didn't get along. Mikael calculated while Tiziano bulldozed. Then again, as the oldest male among the heirs, he had less reason to tiptoe as much as Mikael had to to get this far. "Work as a librarian," he deadpanned. Because really, the only thing that Tiziano had managed to do so far was work in the school. Sure Tiziano could act as a bodyguard now, but what if he wasn't around? What about if he gets fired because he's too busy playing bodyguard to do his actual job? Tiziano may be at the school but until Eury's attacker made a move in front of him, he won't be able to do a d@mn thing. Something had to be done about the attacker so they wouldn't dare come near Eury again, with or without any of them around. And as a student, Mikael would be more... available. "Just because you do stupid things up doesn't mean we all do."
If Tizi could read Mikael’s thoughts, he might have snorted at the description of him, apt as it might have been, because there was more reasons than that for why Tizi and Mikael didn’t get along, some of it was a choice on Tizi’s part, since Mikael had so much of what Tizi wanted, and always had, and even though his mother had told him he could have taken the Nightray name if he wanted, honestly it was too little too late by then. It should have been given to him years ago if Dad had actually wanted him in the family, and even though Jai had chosen to take it years later, no one had ever lied to Jai like they’d lied to Tizi and they all seemed to want Tizi just to forget about all of that. Mikael was the oldest boy, even if Liam had raised boy Jai and Tizi, Mikael was his flesh and blood and that meant something to the rest of the Nightrays, especially a family that held blood so highly like the Nightrays once did. Mikael might not have been a pureblood, but he was still a Nightray. Tizi would never be one. Not really. But there was more than just that too. “It’s quiet and I don’t have to deal with spoiled brats,” he said as an answer to why he might be working in a library. There was nothing wrong with libraries. “So you don’t want me to tell you then?” he asked, examining his wand as he sat back. Mikael was really do nothing to make Tizi want to tell him anything.​
It was annoying. That Tiziano was willing to withhold information just to spite Mikael. It wasn't even information that was beneficial to Mikael. And that was why the Slytherin was starting to doubt that Tiziano was really here to stop what was happening to Eurydice. He stared at his brother, wondering if this was him making a move to take out the competition. The whole circumstance was obviously taking a toll on their sister and Tiziano obviously knew something Mikael didn't. If he had to guess, Eurydice had given Tiziano the whole story. Has his brother done anything about it? Aside from parking himself in the Library, Mikael didn't think he had. He didn't want to think that Tiziano would be capitalizing on the situation against Eurydice - in Mikael's mind, their sisters were off-limits, but he was never sure how Jai or Tiziano operated. "Does it matter what I want," he shot back because it didn't actually seem to matter to his brother that Mikael wanted whoever was bullying their sister gone.

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