
Derrik Agile

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

Derrik was up in his dorm room. It had been sometime since he had gone by the lake. With the cloths he had on, he headed outside. He took a seat about 10 feet away from the water. He could hear the water hit the shore line. This was so soothing to him. Things somewhat have been changing a little too fast again but Derrik was trying to get a hold of things.

As he sat, he stared out into the open water and saw the reflection of the sun and clouds. With a big sigh, he sulked his head in his knees.
Brodie had been up in his room since he had found out about his mothers death. She had died thinking her only son hated her and Brodie hated him self for making her think that. He just wanted to die, to kill himself so he could be with her, and maybe she could forgive him. Brodie made his way drunkedly to the lake he could barley hold him self up. Once he was there he threw himself into the lake and holding his breath and keeping his face down.

Derrik heard some of the grass ruffling. He assumed it was someone just passing by but it was different. Splash!

Quickly, Derrik looked up and saw a body that was no taller than he was. Without thinking, Derrik ran after the body and dragged it to the shore. Behold, in front of Derrik was the person he's last expect to see, Brodie.

"Brodie! Are you alright?"
Brodie was just about to pass out he could feel it the black spots were over whelming him. He wanted to feel the cool release of death, it was peaceful. But then he felt someone pulling him out of the water. He glared at the guy who pulled him out, Derrik of course, this guy was always getting in his way. "No, dumb ass I'm not alright, you just ruined my suicide attempt, now if you don't mind, I'd like to go finish" Brodie snarled before standing up and making his way bacl to the lake.

Derrik listened to Brodie as he seriously wanted to commit suicide. How could one think of such thing? Before Brodie could go back out to finish off his job Derrik grabbed him and threw him to the ground away from the lake.

"How could you even think of such a thing!?"
Brodie felt his body smash to the ground this time he didn't even bother to get up, he just wanted to lay there, "easy! life sucks!" Brodie yelled at Derrik. He turned around to face him, "I figured you'd be happy, we hate each other don't we" Brodie added with a glare. Water was driping down from his long brown hair. He hadn't bothered to cut it in a while and he had grown taller also. He was much less chubby from lack of eating. Most people would think Brodie looked much better. Only the ones who really knew him could see the pain hiding behind his eyes.

Derrik stood and listened to Brodie's explanation.

"So what?! If it sucks you toughen up and continue on! And who says I'd be happy if you're gone? Doesn't matter whether I hate you or not or vise versa! Who would I have left to torment me like you do? It wouldn't be the same. Besides...what would your mother think if she saw you at this very moment trying to do this."

Derrik thought he might of gone too far with that last statement.
Brodie rolled his eyes as Derrik talked but when Derrik asked him what would his mom think if she saw him like that his breath caught in his throat. Brodie stood up and took a step closer to Derrik, "don't you ever talk about my mother again you filthy mud blood" Brodie whispered in an angry voice before punching Derrik in the face. "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HER AGAIN!" he yelled. Brodie knew Derrik was right though, he knew that his mother would be heart broken if she saw him like this.

Yup that was it. Derrik crossed the line. Before Brodie punched Derrik, he quickly moved his hands to cover his nose so his hands took the blow. He stumbled back a bit.

"I'm sorry but that is the cause of all this sadness and anger! Even in death you know that she can still hear you! Just because she's gone doesn't mean she's not around you!"
"why would she want to be around me! I hated her remember! I told her she was filth that didn't desreve to live" Brodie tried to yell this but it only came out in dispare. "Theres no way she gives a damn about what I do now" he added in the same tone. Brodie could feel tears forming in his eyes, but he quickly got control of himself.

Derrik was shocked. But he couldn't blame Brodie for the way he was brought up.

"Brodie you and I both know that's not true! Even in death she cares about you! She forgives you because she knows the truth... Derrik was trying to get the biggest point across. No matter what Brodie had a mother that cared for him. Even though he portrayed that he hated her, She knew that deep down he didn't and that he loved her.
Brodie felt tears form in his eyes again, this time he didn't control them and they came out freely, "I spit in her face and cursed her daughter and my baby sister" Brodie whispered before falling to the ground. His face was becoming sticky with salty water but he didn't care. He didn't give a damn about anything any more.

Derrik couldn't believe his ears. It hurt to hear it.

"Well you knew that she was hated through out the family right? So in a way you did her a favor right?" Derrik risked moving closer to Brodie and sit somewhat next to him.

"No matter what, she still loves you. So what about all the dumb and stupid things you've done or said."
"she can't love me shes dead" Brodie mumbled in a dead tone voice. "theres no such thing as heaven, or hell, were all just worm food in the end" he added. Brodie was now lieing on the ground shivering because he was soaking wet and it was getting cold out. He wished Derrik had just let him drown, he wouldn't have to deal with this. Brodie couldn't believe he was about to say this to a mudblood but, "Derrik, thanks for trying to make me feel better and stuff, but can you please just leave me alone, please" Brodie said in the same tone as before but there was a slight begging edge to his voice this time.

Derrik heard his words. He was shocked. It was words that he'd never hear him say.

"Alright. I'll do as you wish..." Derrik moved closer the one person he somewhat hated the most. He turned Brodie's face to meet eye to eye. And slowly but quickly, Derrik gave Brodie a quick peck on the lips. Once he was done, Derrik got up and put a hand on Brodie's shoulder.

"Feel better soon..." And Derrik began to walk away slowly thinking...about what just happened.
Brodie froze, did Derrik just do what Brodie thought he did? and did Brodie like it!?!? Brodie sat there on the ground feeling a tingeling on his lips and a funny feeling inside. The same he got when ever he saw Aleyha. "what just happened?" he asked him self in a scared tone. Did he like Derrik? No, he couldn't he wouldn't allow him self. Brodie stood up, disgusted with him self before storming back off to the castle.

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