Closed Common Enemy

Caleb Thorne

broomsticks server | duelist | reckless | '60 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
06/2042 (20)
Caleb was not pleased with his start to the semester and it seemed to keep getting worse. It was bad enough that Louis had gotten a prefect's badge over the break but Celia too. He knew she wouldn't hesitate to target him specifically just because she didn't like him. But he guessed it made sense that she would get a badge that basically turned you into a tattletale, which is what she had been all along. He still couldn't believe there was a time he thought she might have been cool. It was almost embarrassing how wrong he had been. He had been on his way to the great hall when he spotted the badge on here robes and he nearly screamed in the middle of the common room. Thankfully he kept it together but his resolve was quickly crumbling. "Celia of all people." he grumbled as he nearly threw his bag on the table the books inside creating a loud thump. But he didn't care as he sat down and hoped some breakfast might lift his mood even slightly.
Ivelisse hadn't been surprised to have received a prefect's badge in the mail and yet she had been relieved. Part of her had been scared that if professor Castillo was looking for a boy and a girl it was a race she would lose. To Celia of all people. That was not something she wished to live with. She didn't want to be overly confident in it either, knowing there was still a good chance they were tied. Professor Castillo could very well have chosen two girls after all. And yet she secretely hoped he hadn't. That she had won. Needless to say she had been utterly disappointed when she had noticed the new badge shining on Celia's clothes. Ive had been staring at the table in front of her for a little while, abruptly ripped away from her thoughts when someone carelessly threw something on the table. She was about to scowl before she noticed it was Caleb. "Hmpf, tell me about it." She replied, sounding just as displeased as he seemed to be about the news.
Caleb's mood did lift when he heard someone agree with him. He knew Celia wasn't the most popular person, unsurprisingly, but he was emboldened slightly to hear he wasn't alone. He glanced over and grinned when it was Ivelisse, someone he liked much better than their current topic of conversation. But his smile turned wary when he noticed the prefect badge pinned on her chest. "You too?!" he asked hotly and sighed. "You're not going to dock me points for being rude or whatever?" he asked, needed to know he was safe to really speak his mind. Ivelisse might not like Celia either but he wasn't about to get in trouble for having loose lips.
Ive squinted at Caleb's reaction to noticing her badge. She wasn't entirely sure why but she had at least hoped most people's reaction to her badge would be better than their reaction to Celia's badge. If only because she knew she wasn't the only person to dislike her. "Excuse me? Unlike Celia I actually deserve this." She stated calmly, still wondering what had even possessed professor Castillo for him to ship a badge off to Celia. "Are you kidding me? I'd give you points for sharing your opinion on Celia if I was allowed to." Ive added with a small shrug. There were few given things in this world but one that was for certain was that she instantly liked people better if it turned out they had a common enemy. If enemy was even the right word. A thorn in her foot was more like it. Annoying and painful, but nothing more than small and useless once you got it out.
Caleb looked at Ivelisse warily and wasn't about to let his guard down quite yet. But he chuckled when she said she actually deserved it and he was willing to believe her. He hardly paid attention in lessons to know who was a better student but he knew if he had to go to anyone he would pick Ivelisse a hundred times over. "I feel like it's hard someone to deserve it less than her." he grumbled before laughing again when she mentioned giving him points. "If that were the case, I would single handedly secure another house cup win." he sighed. "You won't have to do patrols with her will you?" Caleb wrinkled his nose at the thought.

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