Coming out...Well sort of. In need of assistance

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Sam Devlin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sir Luis

Okay guys. you can call me OOC: Luis :) but on the real point.

I'm working on this plot and I'm going to need some help here. Our little Sam here is a 1st yr Ravenclaw. He isn't Mr. Popularity but neither is he Mr. lonely. What I have planed so far for him is this:
1. He'll find out possibly in his 2nd or 3rd year that he is gay. He'll be denying it for now and most of the time won't think of it. The thought will come from time to time but he'll push it off.
2. His parents aren't fond of this when he finally comes out to them. They'll be fighting a lot and think that their parenting might of gone wrong somewhere. But they won't go as far as breaking up. Biggest thing they'll do is probably take time away from each other.
3. He'll of course need friends to help him build up his spirit and not worry about what others think. As along as he's happy being himself thats all matters.
4. -=insert things that happen during the rest of the school year. any inputs here would be helpful and thank you=-
5. When Sam graduates, he'll hopefully obtain a job in the Ministry being an auror. Possibly his loved one (if he finds him) is sort of going behind Sam's back and turns out to be the bad guy. Maybe even to go as far as having to kill his loved one and lots of emotions become spilled and yea.

there you have it people. if you have anything you want to add, either comment it here or you may pm me. Which ever is easier/more convenient. Hope to hear something soon. :)
Ooh! Emma and Sam would be great together (as friends). Emma has some struggles with sexuality/gender identity ahead too, and I think they'd be good for each other. She's not going to be the nicest person for awhile, but I think she'd be different with Sam because she could relate to him in ways she can't relate to the rest of her classmates.
Oooh I would love to be part of this plot but I would like to add a bit of a twist. :3 I think he and Amberly could be good friends and stuff ^_^ but my idea is if he comes out to Amberly, she would be a bit uncomfortable with it since she comes from a semi-strict family so she was brought up differently. Her not being okay with it would obviously cause a rift between them, but as Sam tries to get her to realize it's okay to be gay, it'll help him come to terms with it and that'll give him confidence to officially come out and stuff?

Idk just an idea that you totally don't have to accept. :lol:
i like the ideas :) keep a few more coming and I am considering you guys who posted :)
I have Tally here. She is very supportive and willing to listen so she could be the friend who helps him deal with all the drama? Just an idea.
Hello. I have Danielle Warbeck here. She could be a great friend. She accepts everyone and is very supportive. She could help Sam as he struggles, and maybe set him on some dates :shifty:
It's not a bad idea. ;)
I offer Amberlin McCoy

She could help bring him out more by Flirting with him, i mean Cleo likes to flirt with alot of people (obviously boys)
so she see's someone she can flirt with she'll try.
To bring him out of his shell a bit more
I can off James Killian though he does not go to hoggie at the moment he is two years older and he too may eventual be gay though I find myself going back and forth with the idea. They could be friends and it would give you at least one male friend who you can talk with XD
I have Jordan Trace Vanderhol fist year puff I'm not sure if I'm going to have him go guy or not but he'd be there for Sam either year he maybe bi-curious about the time Sam comes to terms with himself being gay so maybe something can happen between them
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