Comfort Food

Cecily Kiernan

Well-Known Member
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Cecily wandered through the halls in a detached state, letting her small feet lead her where they may. For the first time in her life, the young girl was feeling truly alone and homesick. She missed her big brother more than anything. She soon found herself in the kitchens and decided to let herself indulge in a moment of weakness. She quitely asked a house elf for some chocolate ship cookies and sat down at a table, digging in as soon as the little creature set the plate in front of her and just letting her mind wander.
Eden danced down the hallway she had her headphones back in her ears, singing along sweetly with the song. "I want your loving and I want your revenge. You and me could write a bad romance." Coming into the kitchen, Eden climbed up on a chair and pulled down a jar of Jelly Slugs that the house elfs always kept up there for her. Jumping down Eden went into the next song. "The boy is a monster." Doing a bit of a funny dance somwhere between a moonwalk and the chicken dance. Stopping Eden pulled out her headphones and took a bow. "Thank you, thank you. Your to much." Turning around and noticed the girl just sitting there, Eden took a seat and put her hand out in the air. "Im Eden Koshiba who might you be?"
Cecily smiled, slightly cheered by the other girls antics as she let out a slight chuckle. She grabbed the other girls hand, assuming she wanted her to shake it while replying, "Cecily Kiernan. I liked your performance by the way, what was that you where singing?" She waited for Edens answer in expectant silence while nibbling away at another cookie.
"Well Cecily I seem to remember you from try-outs did you make the squad? And I was singing bad romance and monster by lady gaga. Shes a muggle singer that my little sister got me hooked on so I tend to listen to her alot. Normally I come down here and do this for the house elfs and eat there jelly slugs which are really good would you like some?" Eden tossed a few in her mouth. It seemed she was a bit all over the place lately.
Cecily nodded her head with a smile on her face, "Yeah, I made it. I'm pretty excited. Did you?" she replied, taking a second to consider the rest of what the other girl had said. "Oh, I think I heard of her. My best friend told me she was really a man or something.... but then again, I'm pretty sure my friend is a compulsive liar." she said with a slight giggle. "Sure, why not. Never tried Jelly Slugs before. Help yourself to some cookies if you'd like" she added, enjoying finally having some company.
"No thanks. Im not a big cookie fan. Lady GaGa a man? Thats silly your friend is mental." Taking a few more jelly slugs to eat Eden set up higher in her seat. "Yea I made it not that many girls tried out of Slytherin so I got a spot Im going to make my sister tryout next yr if she likes it or not shes a bit of a loner if you see her give her a swift kick for me." Eden winked at the girl to let on she was jokeing. "So whats a firsty like yourself doing all alone I thought you all traveled in packs or something."
"Nah, not me. I've grown up hanging out with my brother, so I'm used to all my friends being about sixteen. I don't really fit in all that much with the other first years." she replied, more honest than she had been in awhile. With a sort of half smirk she said, "Yeah, well, we're all a bit mental aren't we? I mean, you don't like cookies. What kind of weirdo doesn't like cookies?"
"Im not mental. I just dont like the way cookies feel in my mouth I would reather eat jelly slugs. Im the oldest and my sis is always tagging behind me it gets on my nerves sometimes when Im trying to get some me time." Looking behind her to an house elf she pointed at it snaped her fingers and held up two and right away they brought Eden two cold butterbeers pushing one in front on the girl Eden opened hers and took a drink.
"I was joking, I don't really think you're crazy for not liking cookies." She responded. For a while, Cecily thought about Eden's comment on her sister, carefully constructing her response so as not to put a damper on anyones mood. "I think it used to annoy Jake when we were younger, but we're really close. Best friends even. Life kind of forced us together, really bonded us through.... certain circumstances and stuff. Besides, we have all the same friends. I hang with them even when big bro isn't around. It's weird, but it works for us." She finished her reply before gratefully taking the butterbeer with a "Thanks"
"No problem. The house elfs and I have a special bond. They bring me treats and when I come down I give them shows." Thinking back to what the girl had said. "You most likely right but I dont think Lil and I will ever like one another. If I'm hot she's cold. If she wants to go outside I want to stay in. The only thing me agree on is that where sisters. I wish I could feed her to a plant in the greenhouse at times.
Cecily laughed at Eden's comment. "I think we'd all like to off our siblings at some point, but I understand what you mean. Some people just don't mesh, even if you're related to them. So how do I get a sweet deal going with the house elves here? I'd love to have goodies at my beck and call." she said with a grin
((Sorry bout that just got back home and had to do stuff))

Eden shifted her eyes and raised her eyebrows. Montioning for Cecily to come closer. Eden said in a loud whisper. "Just come and vist them and drop little gifts like papers with drawings and such. And treat them like they have feelings and they love to dance so if you come down here dancing and singing they like watching and a few brave ones will join in." Bring her finger to her lips Eden made a shhhh sound to let her know to keep it a secret.
Cecily smiled and nodded at the older girl, "Don't worry Eden, your secrets safe with me. I'll have to keep all that in mind. I'd love to see a little house elf dancing almost as much as I's like the goodie hook ups."she whispered, thanks showing in her wide blue eyes. "On a completely unrelated note, do you have any idea when cheerleading starts? I'm so lost on that, just know that I'm in."
"I have not a clue we will be informed when but other than that Im just as in the dark as you." Eating the last of her jelly slugs Eden tossed the bag in a can that was close and leaned back in her chair Eden thought about random things as they came across her mind.
Normally, silence would have freaked Cecily out. She usually tended to try and fill it with the incessent babble that often ran through her mind. Tonight however, she found the silence comfortable, almost friendly. She admired this older girl in a way, her personality was just.... fun. Finally, one thought nagged at Cecily until she decided she just had to ask. "So tell me Eden, what the heck do people do for fun around here? I've been bored to death since I arrived"

((Its lame, sorry))
Eden almost fall out of her seat at the mention of fun. "Well...." Eden said thinking for a moment. "There's the lake and they errr um...." Really thinking about it Eden was unsure of what there was to do for fun. Since she was always studying or up until a few days ago with Tohoru all the time she was unsure. "We have cheerleading and such. Truth be told I spend so much time with my nose stuck in a book I think I may have all but forgot what there really is to do for fun around this castle other than dance around and be silly." Wow you really sound lame Eden thought to herself after she realized what she had just said.
Cecily stared at the other girl in shock for a moment, her eyes clearly showing the dissappointment she felt. However, Cecily being cecily, she soon felt a mischevious grin spread over her face, her eyes gleaming in the dim light. "Well then, I suppose all thats left to do is pranking. Childish, I know, but its fun to do and takes a certain amount of skill. Seems like its all we have in a place like this" Her eyes shifted around the room playfully as if looking for someone who may have heard and she whispered, "You won't tell anyone, will you?"
Thinking back on a time when she did not have to worry about a million things at once Eden smiled. "I know pranking alot better than you. Just last year Hoshi and Tohoru and I where the ruling monarchs or pranking but we have since than gone on to doing other things...." Thinking about how she and Tohoru have broken up for the time being and how her and Hoshi where to busy plotting the 'accident' that Lilith would be having shortly. It made Eden wish for time to stop and start rewinding if only for a day.
"Hmmm, I'm not so sure. I've been in on pranks since I was eight years old, and my brother is something of a legend at Durmmies for the stunts he pulls" She said with a find smile and a glint of mischief. "However, if you ever have the time, I'd love a mentor." her grin was silly, knowing that this other girl was probably far too busy to be hanging arount with first years.
"Sweetheart I have all the time in the world for pranks just let me know when its a good time for you. At the moment I take at least twenty mintues out of my time everyday to walk along the fourth floor to wait for first years to help them with the school bags.... Those things are heavy you know."
Cecily laughed with a wicked gleam in her eye, thinking she got what the other girl was getting at. "Wicked. Just.... don't help me with my bag or anything. I want you as an ally, not an enemy." chewing toughtfully on the last bits of a cookie she added, "You should meet my brother, you two would get along. Except right now he's all mixed up with some goody goody Ravenclaw. Do you know Kasey Carla?"
"Brother? Is he cute? and what does this Ravenclaw look like? I dont know the name or maybe I do.... I just cant place it." Biting her lower lip Eden thought about it. "Don't worry about me helping you with your bag your not a Hufflepuff."
Cecily's face took on a thoughtful look as she did just that... thought. "Well, he's my brother, so I can't really say, but he certaintly has enough girls chasin after him, so he must be." she said with a laugh. "Kasey is.... Well, she's pretty I guess, dark hair, dark eyes, looks kinda young for a sixth year. I think she's a prefect or something"
Eden thought about it for a second. Wondering if stealing a boy from a prefect was what she really wanted to do. "So what house is he in? And a prefect huh? Hmm this could be fun...." Eden knew she should not be thinking about any guy right now right after breaking up with Tohoru and such.
A look of dissappointment quickly flashed over Cecily face, stemming from the rgret that her big brother and best friend was so far away. "He goes to Durmstrang actually. He met Kasey last Brightstone weekend I suppose" she replied thoughtfully

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