Come on Let's Play

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Prunella Jones

Active Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Sexual Orientation
Hey everyone. Say hello to my little cryptid Prunella Jones. She is a highly energetic girl with a curiosity that more often than not gets in trouble for knowing things she probably shouldn't. She likes to learn and listen but she has a bit of an active streak too, liking to go exploring with only a map, compass and binoculars to guide her. That being said she's kind, always willing to help out a friend in trouble whether they need advice or just a listening ear.

I'm going to start an open thread in the Hogwarts Express where those interested in just milling around can post but if anyone wants to do something before that just post below and we can work something out from there. I'm looking for friends mostly but if anyone wants to clash with her right way we can do that too.

Hey Ana,
it is great to see you again. I have willow here who may get on quite well with Prunella. she has been brought up with a lot of exposure to the great outdoors. in fact, her mum has made her spend a year learning to survive outside in europe :tut: thanks mum :tut: although she is less intense about her need to be outside than her mum she does enjoy it. though she also enjoyed sitting in her room practising the guitar.
I will post on the express tomorrow unless you want a different plot elsewhere

I can see them going through a "haunted" mansion when they're older. For now, Willow better get ready for a million and one questions and raving about how her hair is awesome.
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