Cold Water

Sara Benivieni

class of 2050 • wizarding examinations authority
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
8/2032 (18)
The first couple of weeks of her Hogwarts life had come and gone much too quickly for Sara, who was loving every minute here more than she liked home - not that she was exaggerating but home was boring compared to this. The school, the people, everything was simply different and she had yet to think of ways to annoy her brothers while she was at it. Her sister wasn't as much fun to irritate, though she would roll her eyes and tell her to go play or something, however it never went further than that so the girl's enjoyment didn't last long. All fun and games aside, she hoped she found enough time to meet up with one of her siblings. It had been a while since she last saw any of them and no matter the fact that they only had another week until semester break she still missed them, kind of. Sometimes she was glad to have been sorted into a house where she wouldn't be checked up on twenty four seven because that would take the fun out of...well, everything.

The first year wandered through the grounds, getting closer to the lake. Only when her eyes gazed on the water of the lake did she realise how hot the weather was and how her neck was basically burning from the sun. Sara got closer to the water and plopped down, going for a single splash on her face but instead that never happened. What did occur was her foot slipping and she tried to grab something, a branch, anything to keep her from sliding down into the icy water but nothing helped. The Slytherin sucked in her breath as she felt the cool temperature make contact with her skin. She resurfaced, not wanting to look up in case someone had witnessed her most embarrassing moment of the semester yet. If that were the case she'd try to shrug it off and forget about it. The more she stayed there, floating so that only her head could be seen above water and closing her eyes to soak in the nice feeling of cold water, the more she relaxed. Mistakes did happen for a reason. And her falling inside the lake had been a mistake. At this point it did not even matter anymore that she was fully clothed, all that she did care about was to enjoy the moment.
Leif had been loving Hogwarts and everything it had to offer more than he could have ever imagined he would. Being homeschooled had almost never bothered him because he was allowed to go out and practice ice hockey, but he couldn't even imagine going back to spending most of his time at home. His sister had been telling him stories since the first time she came back home for the holidays and from that moment on the boy had felt like he couldn't wait to attend the school himself, even if at that time he still had to wait a couple of years.

The young Puff made his way out of the castle, feeling that today would be a good day to spend some time outside. He figured that he would come across some of his friends whilst wandering the grounds. There were plenty of students outside, but after a couple of minutes the boy still hadn't seen any of his friends. Knowing some of them loved the lake Leif decided to make his way over and if his friends weren't around he'd think of something else to do. Once he reached the lake the boy walked along the water, looking around in case he'd see his friends. He didn't. What he did see, however, was a girl in the water, fully dressed. Finding it strange that anyone would go into the lake like that he made his way over, smiling once he had reached the spot and looking down at the girl. "You okay there?"​

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