Closed Clumsy

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
Lily was on her way back from her last class of the day. Lessons had been intriguing, of course. She shuffled her notes around as she walked back to the common room. She was moving rather quickly. She wanted to get down to the Great Hall to see her brother and ask him how his day had been. She rounded the corner into the hall. She should have been paying more attention, for the next thing she knew, Lily had tripped over something- or perhaps nothing and fell face first to the stone floor. Her papers flew up into the air. It took her a moment to process it had happened. "Ow," She rubbed her nose as she sat up. That was embarrassing. Hopefully, no one had seen her blunder.
Mihail Styx finished up visiting with one of his cousins, Theodore. Theodore didn't really talk much, not like Mihail did. He was rushing back toward the common room to get started on some reading, that is, until he saw one of his peers trip and fall. He figured her name... Lily? Yeah, when roll was called in class, he managed to remember some of his peers' names. Her papers were everywhere. Mihail shook his head and rushed toward her to help her up. He held out his hand and flashed a smile, "You okay?" Mihail wondered if she was hurt, and if she needed to go to the hospital wing. He hoped not.
Lily had just gathered the last of her papers to her chest when she heard someone speak. She glanced up to see one of her classmates standing there. A deep crimson-colored her cheeks. Not only had he seen her fall, but now he was offering to help her up. It surprised her for a second that she noticed, but she couldn't help but think of how cute and sweet the boy was. Swallowing nervously, she hesitantly reached out and took his hand. "T-thank you," She stammered. She used his hand for support and stood, smiling shyly at him. "Um, y-yes, I'm, um, I'm okay," She stuttered a bit. She kicked herself. What a first impression. She took her hand from his and held her papers to her chest with both arms. "I'm Lily," She managed softly. "Um, M-Mihail?" She offered uncertainly. They shared a house and several classes, but she couldn't be sure of his name.
His fingers wrapped around her hand as Mihail helped the other Hufflepuff onto her feet. She seemed rather shy, which was definitely nothing like Mihail. Mihail was confident, content and cool. Also, very sweet and caring. Mihail smiled, "No problem at all. I wanted to make sure you were okay, and nothing was scrapped or bleeding. It looks like you are okay, so, that's good." He was glad that he remembered her name. Sometimes, it was hard to remember names all the time, but this one worked. He nodded in confirmation over her uncertainty. "What did you trip over, by the way? Or did someone cast that trip jinx on you?"
Lily tucked her hair behind her ear. "Oh, I-I just tripped," she smiled softly. "It, um, would've been more dignified if someone had, um, had jinxed me," she joked lightly. "But, ah," she looked down before glancing back up at him from under her lashes. "I'm just clumsy." She spoke softly before biting her lip. "T-thank you for, ah, for helping me, Mihail." She tilted her head a little and smiled brightly at him.
Mihail couldn’t help but chuckle at her announcing her clumsiness. Perhaps it would have been better to say that someone tripped her. That was another trait that he did not have within his body. He nodded when she thanked him. It was the least he could do, but he couldn’t help but notice just how cute she looked. Clumsy or not, the looks kind of countered that. “Which way are you heading? Perhaps I should accompany you so that this doesn’t happen again. Unless you don’t want me to.”
Lily felt her heart skip a beat as Mihail offered to accompany her. What was this feeling? She ducked her head, smiling a little too hard and hoping he didn't see. "O-oh, it's, ah, it's alright with me," She stuttered softly. "I-I was just going to, ah, going to drop off my things i-in my, um, my room before going down to dinner." She let out a soft breath before looking up at him from under her lashes. "M-maybe we could, ah, could eat together?" She blushed harder, looking away as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "O-only if you w-want to, I mean," She stammered quickly. What was wrong with her?

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