Cloud Watching

Godric Kingston

Anarchist / Anti-Ministry / Debatable
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Sturdy Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
There was nothing here that Godric Kingston did not want to do. This was something that he was interested in. His feet stopped as grass at the entrance of the Quidditch Pitch. He did not know where the school brooms are, otherwise he would be practicing. Godric made his way t the middle of the pitch, and looked around at how massive the field was, and how tall the goals were. This was one incredible place to be. He wanted to be a Quidditch player when he could. He wanted to be one. The Gryffindor took off his robes, where the school uniform was underneath. He set the robes on the ground and sat down indian style to look up before he laid down in the middle of the pitch, using his robes as a pillow. He stared at the clouds, which was definitely something he could make a full day out of. The boy was just too much when it came down to the simple things. Godric was trying to figure out what the clouds were. Sometimes, he tried to figure out what he could. 'I wonder if I can find players in the clouds,' thought Godric. First years were not allowed brooms so he did not know if he could be on the team. He had not looked at the roster for the team yet. Godric would have but he did not want to invest in a lot of time in a sport for fun. Even though his heart yearned for it.
"I did it I did it I did it I did it!"

Zara laughed to herself as she zipped around the air, feeling the wind in her hair as she had let it loose- a tangled mess by all means, but the young brunette couldn't find herself to care. She was just a mix of emotions right now, a result of finding out she had made it to the house Quidditch team. Pretty much, anyway; alternate chaser was as close as she could hope to get considering the open positions. So of course Zar was happy, and if Luke had gotten on the team she would've been even happier. But alas, as her finger scanned through the list for her friend's name it had not reached a destination and helplessly arrived at the bottom of the list. It was a bummer, and Zara felt conflicted at feeling so happy. So she tried to clear her head. Usually that meant an intense practice session on the violin, but with the way her own individual practice sessions were going, she knew it would only make her more stressed. Flying was the second best thing, even if it was at the cause of her "problems".

The only thing that could've made this better was company. Zara was a people-person and thrived off of human contact much of the time. She would've asked Luke to come out but... Yeah, so not the best option. As she soared high in the sky, Zar let her eyes roam the fields trying to spot a familiar face. And though she wasn't able to spot a friend, she was able to spot a classmate and housemate. And they were basically synonymous with friends, right? Godric, if she remembered correctly-- see, she knew his name and everything! Gliding down, Zar didn't seem to realize her arrival as a disruption as she hovered above the boy who looked to be cloud-gazing, swinging her body and hooking her legs with the broom so that she hung upside down, a trick that worked about half the time and only if she was feeling completely balanced. Luckily for Godric's face, she was. So upside down she was, dangling so that she was closer to the boy without having to get off her broom entirely. "Godric! Whatcha doing? Cloud watching? Clouds sure are pretty, aren't they? The Pitch is also really pretty too, I think. You know what's even better? Flying. And the violin. But flying's very fun and hey, mind if I join you?" As always, the zealous 11-year-old spoke in a flurry, speech patterns and topics all over the place. No one (important) had corrected her yet, so she had been accustomed to thinking it was alright. Which it was, duh.

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