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Siobhan McGowan

Quidditch League Head | Mum | Irish ☘️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Kahurangi)
Willow, Leprechaun Hair, 10 inches
4/2013 (48)
Siobhan McGowan (<<read her bio; I know, it needs work) is a third year Gryffindor and is in kinda of a dire need of friends. I just got back onto HNZ a few weeks ago, so I need to start some relationships.

What I'm Looking For:

A best friend: She's never really had one. She was home-schooled, so she always spent time with her younger twin siblings. I want this best friend to be a girl, someone in her year, but not necessarily her house, I suppose. She needs this girl to help her through growing up. Siobhan is wanting so hard to become more girly and more, on her terms, 'accepted' at Hogwarts, even though she's rather friendly to everyone.

A best guy friend: I need one willing to stick around. He needs to be able to show Siobhan that she can still keep her fun side once she attempts to become girly... If he's her age or a year older, that'd be great :D

A guy crush?: I know, I know... I don't want it to be her guy best friend, though. Just someone, doesn't matter.. can be any age.. but not a first year. I feel it's too young. Just someone willing to put up with her dumbness and klutziness.

Any takers? :erm:
Gabrielle could be her bestfriend ^_^
Sorry i never got to start that other topic though :D
I have a third year Ravenclaw who could be her best guy friend if you like.
Okieee :) If you could set up a thread, that'd be great, but if not, just let me know.
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