Cliche? Fine With Me.

Margarette Woodlock

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Knotted 8 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Margarette Woodlock had been really torn about this, but she had convinced herself that this really didn't happen often. Besides, she and her husband had not been on a vacation of sorts ever since their daughter had arrived in the world. Both of them had been preoccupied by their little angel until she had reached a year of age. By then, the former model had managed to convince her husband to return to the job that he so loved. Teaching. James loved teaching Herbology in Hogwarts after all and while she would admit to being lonely within the house, Olivia had been more than enough company for her whenever her father was buried in work. Of course, the man also never failed to come home to them whenever he can, and Margarette loved him all the more for it. And so, perhaps, she was a little on the selfish side for wanting him all to herself for a few days, even if it was their honeymoon.

It had been a good thing that their parents had actually agreed to watching their younger daughter till the end of the week for she didn't think that she'd be able to handle leaving her baby to someone she didn't fully trust, and while she did have problems with her family at some point, she still trusted them with her family. And so, packing had been done early on for her daughter and she had just finished her own, although she had opted to not bring much for this trip, considering that she usually does pack light. She had an inkling as to where they were gonna go but then again, she had seen a lot of places in the world thanks to her modelling career, but this would be different. James was going to be with her and that would make the experience all the more worthwhile and memorable.
James couldn't believe how fast time had flown. It had already been a year since he went back to teaching and he was back home spending time with his wife. They had talked about the possibility of going away on honeymoon but they never got the chance, they had the baby for as long as they had been married so their chances of alone time were slim to none and it got even worse when James went back to teaching. Margarette's parents had been gracious enough to take Olivia for a couple of weeks which meant that James could finally take his wife away on the honeymoon she deserved. He had neglected to tell Margarette where they were going because he wanted to surprise her, he just told her to pack for all occasions. The two of them had travelled a lot and had probably covered the whole world between them so it had been difficult to pick somewhere they hadn't been either before or too often. James was confident that his wife would be happy, although something told him that their destination wouldn't matter too much, more what their hotel room was like.

Margarette was always one to pack light but James was the complete opposite, he didn't like being in a position where he had to where something because it was what he had left, for that reason he liked to keep his options open and pack as much as he could fit in his bags. James had his bags waiting in the living room of their flat, he expected Margarette to come out with a singular bag or small suitcase and he would be baffled how she could pack so little but still look amazing every day. After the nightmare of flying to see her parents not too long ago, James was looking forward to travelling the way Merlin intended, using magic.
It had been the night before when the couple had dropped off their small daughter in the hands of Margarette's father and his wife. She really was torn about leaving their toddler but perhaps, she and James did need the time off. So after a lot of assurances from her stepmother and father that they could handle little Olivia for the week, Terra finally relented to not worry and just have fun with her husband as it wasn't exactly a regular occasion. Even more so since it was rare for her husband to actually spend time with her considering his line of work. Besides, she was wondering about the possibility of going back to her own job as well. After all, her manager had been contacting her about job offers that didn't recede, so she planned on talking to him about it as well.

It had taken Margarette a short time to pack her suitcase. James had only told her to pack for any occasion possible, and she did. A bathing suit, a couple of dresses, a few shirts, and a pair or two of shorts and jeans. Aside from that, she only brought four kinds of footwear and a few trinkets and make-up. With all of it neatly shoved into her suitcase, she pulled it out of their shared bedroom, though she had to actually take a moment to stare at her husband's luggage. "Really babe? Are you sure we'll only be gone for a week?" she chuckled as she approached him and held his hand with her free one, lacing her fingers with his. "Thanks for doing this," she said with a smile as she looked at him with love. If she were to be asked, she was fine with them staying at home like they frequently did, but again, he went through such lengths and she loved him all the more.
James smiled as his wife pointed out his excessive luggage which made him realise that this was the first time they were going away together. For all the time they had been together and all the time they knew each other this was the first time Margarette saw just how much James over packed when he went on holiday. He shrugged his shoulders at her, "What can I say? I like to be prepared and we can't all look as stunning as you in what ever we throw on," He grinned as she locked her fingers with his, he lifted her arm and kissed the back of her hand and gazed at his wife and found himself thinking what he always thought when he looked at his wife. How did I get so lucky?

James remained silent as she thanked him he simply kissed her forehead and took her in his arms. For a brief moment he wanted to forget the trip, lock the door and spend the week shut up in the bedroom like they had when they first got together. That would certainly be a holiday to remember and one they wouldn't tell stories about.
Margarette still couldn't help the gentle smile that grazed her features as James brought er hand up to his lips and placed a feather-light kiss upon the back of her hand. In was the softest of touches that left her wanting more and he knew just what effect he had on her. "I'm the one with no clue of exactly what to bring since you've been so adamant on wanting to keep it a secret," she said with a small pout. After all, he had not let up a single clue for their destination and she would have assumed that he had at least narrowed down what exactly to bring for the week. But then again, it seemed that it wasn't happening anytime soon. The former model stepped closer to her husband as she gazed at his orbs wondering how she had managed to make him hers. "Besides, you look stunning no matter what you wear, or lack thereof," she said with a small giggle though her cheeks still flushed red.

As soon as James had landed a kiss on her forehead and encased her petite figure on his muscular one, she couldn't help but indulge herself in this close proximity they shared. In fact, she found herself hugging him closer to her and nuzzling her face into his chest. "I've missed you a lot," she whispered before pulling away slowly and smiling at him, the corners of her lips seemingly reaching her ears. "If we continue this, we'll never get out of the house," she chuckled as she settled for standing on her tiptoes and giving him a small peck on the cheek. "We should go if we really want to get out of town."
There was something about Margarette that drove James' imagination wild, among other parts of him. The mere mention of him without his clothes made him picture his wife without hers and that was very distracting. He needed to shake the image from his head and focus on their trip but having her in such close proximity made him want to forget about the trip and just lock the door. He leaned gently against her head when she nuzzled into his chest, she had a strange affect on James, whenever they were alone together James could think of nothing or no one else and he wouldn't have it any other way. "Well, you don't look too bad without your clothes either," He said as he gently rocked his wife back and forth as he held her in his arms, he wasn't sure why he was doing it, it had just become a habit. "I've missed you too, but you're right we need to make a move as much as I really don't want to go anywhere," In fact, if anything he wanted to go in the opposite to the door, which happened to be the bedroom. James closed his eyes as Margarette reach up and kissed his cheek, he exhaled slowly, he wanted much more but it would have to wait until they got to their destination. "You're right we need to go or we'll miss our flight, and yes I said flight, muggle transport it growing on me," He said with a smirk as he picked up his bags.
Margarette could never really help the effect that her husband had on her. It was like being a teen all over again, and honestly it was a little weird considering they had been together for more than two years now. They had a daughter and they were married. And she was pretty sure that he had told her naughtier things than what he said a few seconds previous. But still, her cheeks didn't fail in darkening into a vaguely noticeable shade of red. The woman couldn't help the laugh that escaped past her lips at James' words. At the very least, she now knew that she wasn't the only one who had been thinking of just wanting to stay home and have their own version of a getaway. But then again, it couldn't be denied that a change of scenery would do them wonders as well. "Did you seriously book a flight? That must have cost a lot James!" she asked quite surprised although not really knowing about their destination. It could be in Australia for all she knew but if it was on the other side of the world, she was pretty sure it would have been pretty expensive! She should know, and although the both of them were financially stable between his job and their shop, she still wondered how large his expenses were for this little outing they were having. "We could have apparated silly, but if you really want to get on the flying contraption then fine," she said with a small giggle as she tugged her suitcase behind her, following her husband out of the house and to wherever he planned to take her.
The moment James and Margarette broke apart so Mrs Woodlock could grab her luggage was agonizing for James. In truth James hated every moment he didn't have his wife in his arms, which was unusual among couples who had been together for two years and already had a baby but there was something about Margarette that he found simply irresistible. James smiled at how surprised his wife looked when he told her he booked a flight, it was almost cruel to break the illusion. "No I didn't book a flight, you'd have to tie me up in devils snare to get me another one of those flying tin cans, though if your lucky I might let you tie me up with something else," James smiled and winked at his wife as he grabbed his luggage, James lifted his arm to allow Margarette to grab hold of him. "Of course we're apparating, that's the beauty of not having to worry about the baby," He chuckled though the mere mention of Olivia reminded him of how much he missed his little girl and how guilty he felt for spending even more time away from his daughter. James loved that he could spend some alone time with his beautiful wife but after months away from Olivia he felt awful about handing her off to her grandfather while he went swanning off with Margarette only to leave her again soon after he got back.
Margarette should have really known that her husband was playing a trick on her. She had seriously believed him for a minute that they were going to board that flying contraption. Now, it wasn't that she was not used to riding the thing. But it was more like, she was already sick of it. And it might take them hours to wherever he planned on taking them compared to the short seconds that it would take them both to apparate. She could honestly say that he wasn't the only one who preferred the wizarding way of travel. The former model had to roll her eyes at her husband's innuendos. It was no secret between them what each other liked behind closed doors, but really, he was being mean by baiting her while they were outdoors. And it surely did cause a flush on her neck and face and a spark of desire to ignite slightly within her. "Keep that up, James. And we're seriously never getting out of here," she said with a small chuckle as she grab onto her husband's arm. It wasn't like she could apparate separately from him. After all, he was the only one who knew where they were going so all she has to do was hold on to him for the rest of the ride. "She's two now. We could probably start at least using a portkey when we go on vacations with her," she said with a small smile when she noticed the slight change in demeanor. The former Ravenclaw knew how he felt, especially since he wasn't always at home, but even her father had noticed that they both needed this vacation and so, it was probably a silent promise that they would take their little one on vacation soon enough.
Part of James didn't want to go but the plans had been made, the hotel had been booked. He had even go ahead earlier and checked them in so they would be expected to start appearing around the hotel. James noticed the colour of his wife's cheeks and it amazed him that she coukd still blush after some of the nights, weekends, even week long shut ins they had experienced together. It still made him smile that he could have such an affect on a woman who knew every part of him. "Maybe we just shouldn't go," James teased kissing the tip of her nose before shaking his head.

"No, we're going we need a change of scenery, besides i suspect our activities will be the same whether we're here or there," James grinned knowing his words would make her blush and maybe even twinge with desire. He certainly wanted to get there as fast as possible. When Margarette took hold of him he wasted no time in apparating to their destination. As planned when they arrived in their hotel room the curtains were drawn to add to the suspense. James released his wife and placed his luggage by the wardrobe and walked over to the windows. "Should i open them? Or should we cut to the chase? He grinned teasing her.
Margarette would seriously not have minded if they were to stay within the confines of their home till the end of the week. After all, even if they did not leave the house, it was still time spent with James without hindrance and that had been a rare thing for the couple nowadays between his job and their daughter. Though she would not let him leave his job for them nor would she ever regret having their daughter. Olivia Jane Woodlock was probably one of the best things that happened to her and her husband. The former model couldn't help but giggle a bit at her husband's teasing. He never really did change and t was a fascinating thing.

Margarette had to bite her lip to suppress a small moan that would have otherwise escaped her lips at unexpected words her husband had uttered. Instead, she settled for an involuntary shiver that went up her spine as desire started to emerge within her being. She was just about to complain about his teasing when he had suddenly apparated them to their destination that she had to suck in her breath. She chanced a look around and grinned at what she saw, it was a pretty spacious room with one bed and a couple of furniture and decor that somehow made the room look elegant. And yet, the curtains were drawn, preventing her from having an inkling as to where they were. They could still be in New Zealand for all she knew after all. Pouting at her husband, she walked towards him slowly and smiled. "Surprise me," she said with a small wink. If he was this excited, then perhaps their other less innocent activities could wait.
James stood in front of the curtains of the hotel room, tempted to leave them shut and sweep his wife into his arms and drop her onto the bed. Despite this, he had brought her all this way so he should at least show her where he had brought them. Then their carnal activities could resume. It would take some miracle to get them out of the hotel room during the next week, and James was hoping that miracle wouldn't come. After some consideration James relented and drew back the curtains by hand to show the Paris skyline. As a former model James had no doubt that Margarette had seen plenty of Paris and James himself had spent sometime in the city during his travels but it was somewhere he had always wanted to bring Margarette back with him.

James turned back away from the window and walked back over to his wife. "Welcome to Paris my dear, would you like to hit the shops, grab some coffee or did you have other plans for us?" He asked as he brushed some of her hair over her shoulder and gently kissed her neck and cheek.
Margarette stood in anticipation as she waited for her husband to show her their whereabouts. With the hotel room he had gotten them, it was obvious that they were in a pretty high-end place. She was sure he went all out with this planned late honeymoon of theirs and she was all too excited for it. Whether it be the sightseeing or the part where they would just spend time within their room and coop up just like what they had done a few years ago that had been the cause for Olivia Jane's birth. For now though, she was quite focused on er husband who was all too excited and was grinning like the idiot he sometimes was. But he was her idiot and there was no denying that. She probably shouldn't tell him that though, and she inwardly chuckled at the thought.

Margarette had been distracted by her thoughts and so when the curtains were all too suddenly drawn back and sunlight flooded their dim room, she had to shield her eyes for a moment before she was actually able to see the view that stood in front of her. But then again, more than look, she actually stared and gaped like a fish at the view in front of her. Being a former model, she knew all too well where they currently were, and yet, it didn't fail to steal her breath away. It wasn't so much as she was still surprised what Paris actually held, but it was more of the fact that James had thought to bring her here. One of the most romantic spots in the world and she had always wanted to share it with someone she loved. With him. She was about to speak, to squeal in joy and hug him for this gift he had decided to give her, but he had once again sent her mind into a frenzy as his lips landed upon her neck. He knew her weak spots and she nearly cursed him for distracting and teasing her yet again. But all she could do was grabbed him and kiss him with scorching passion. "Stop teasing. We could do all those later," she whined and mumbled in between their passionate kisses. She wanted him and she was sure she would go insane if he teased her one more time. James was sure to be the death of her.
James could never keep his head straight when he was this close to Margarette, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to be married to someone who had so much power over his mental state James had yet to decide. With all the views of the most beautiful city in the world behind him, James only wanted to look at his wife, and in moments like this one when he was looking at Margarette he was mentally undressing her and he would never be ashamed to admit that. Especially not to her. He knew that his wife would want to go out into Paris and see and explore as a tourist, something she probably wouldn't have got to do when she had been to the city for work in the past but he couldn't get his mind out their room. For as long as they had been married, and as long as they had Olivia, and all the time he spend apart from her, his desire for Margarette had not dwindled one bit since the day she walked back into his life.

As his lips found her neck she had initially surrendered to his touch as she always did. He knew his wife's weaknesses all too well. Soon she began to protest though once their lips met she never really broke the kiss, She just said what she could between breaths. He caught some bits here and there, something about doing this later? Not not on his watch. James wouldn't be able to think straight for the rest of the day if they stopped now and although her words said one thing, the passion and the fury behind her kiss said another. His wife could be a very confusing woman most of the time, but he loved her all the more for it. "We could stop, we could go sightseeing, but do you want to? Now?" He asked between kisses his arms sliding round her waist holding his wife against him. "Besides, there's only one sight I want to see right now," He added cheekily. James hoped that she would not be able to resist him. But if she really wanted to get out onto the city streets, she would be out the door before James could catch his breath.
Margarette had mixed feelings whenever James would target her weak spots and send pleasure tingling through her system. She loved the power he held over her but at the same time she hated that he could distract her from anything. As he returned the passion of her kisses, he had been coaxing her to skip the sightseeing for later. And really, who was she to deny him of that. He had brought her all the way here for a vacation. They had time. And when he would be teasing her like this, well, they both knew they wouldn't be able to focus on the sights anyway. It was probably for the best that they stayed in their room for a while. Well, it was that and he had already gotten her hooked and reeled. "Just shut up and kiss me," she said with a roll of her eyes at his cheekiness before she crashed her lips against hers once again.

This time though, they did not stop there and it was safe to say that they ended up on the bed, a mess of tangled limbs and clothes strewn on the floor.

Margarette lay under the sheets, catching her breath, her husband right beside her. From the bed, she could see the lights of Paris outside the window. It was beautiful as it mingled with the sight of the night sky. She scooted closer to her husband and couldn't help but snuggle with him. "Thanks for bringing me here James. It's absolutely wonderful," she said as she rolled to her stomach and raised herself a little, using her elbows support before smiling up at her husband and giving him a small chaste kiss before pulling away and just looking at him in awe. She really loved this man and he was making her fall for him harder everyday, even after their marriage.

Clearly Paris had been a good choice and his wife was clesrly very grateful. She liked to tease him because she knew that once she did he was hooked and he couldn't resist her even if he wanted to. What followed was amazing, clothes were thrown to all corners of the rooms, limbs tangled with each other and time stood still as James savoured every moment he spent with Margarette, especially a naked Margarette. Everytime it seemed like they might stopped James kept them going, she was right about him he was insatiable but he didn't hear any complaints.

James lay in bed with his arms wrapped round his wife. He looked down at her and just listened as she tried to catch her breath. It was moments like this when he felt like pinching himself because he couldn't believe that he was so lucky as to call this woman his wife. She thanked him again and he smiled at her, "If that was my reward for bringing you can we move here?" He grinned at her planted a quick kiss on her lips before she rolled onto her stomach and lifted herself up on her arms. She seemed to be doing what he had just been, marvelling at him. He cupped her cheel and gently kissed her. "Remind me, how did I get so lucky?"

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