🌹 Rose Giving class together

Jonah Edogawa

chaser • tiny steps everyday • struggling • 2nd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Jonah wondered if asking Sayuri or Lumos to hand a rose to a fellow Slytherin counted as him delivering the rose. He figured it didn't. But he and Ruth hadn't really spoken to each other. He just sort of knew she existed, though he wasn't sure if the same applied in reverse. He supposed that giving the rose in the classroom was the least awkward way he could do it, so he decided to come up to her while they all waited for the scary professor to come in. He figured it was early enough, and they had the time, probably. "Anoo, you have a rose," he said as he held out a yellow rose to her.

@Ruth Thorne
Ruth had half considered signing up to deliver roses, as it seemed in line with general brightening of days that went with the pep squad. By the same token, however, it was a lot of work and Ruth was far too lazy to take it on. And if she did, there'd be extra expectation for her to do more, and Ruth did not want to deal with that. So she was just going about her day as usual when Jonah approached her just before class. All those people who were somehow interrelated seemed to just hang with each other, but Ruth didn't really have any problems with any of them. It was in her best interests to be pleasant with everyone. She twirled a strand of hair around her finger and smiled at him. "Oh, hey Jonah, you're delivering roses? That's, like, soooo nice of you."

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