Clara Schwarz

Clara Schwarz

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hemlock Wand 13 1/3", Essence of Niffler Fur
Full Name:
- Clara Franziska Schwarz

Date of Birth:
- 13th May, 2001

Current Age:
- Twenty-three, nearly twenty-four.

Basic Appearance:
- Clara is tallish, about 5'8" (which is very short compared to her brother), with icy blue eyes, blonde-ish hair, she is rather slender and looks rather classy, considering how she dresses and her stature and way of standing. She generally likes to wear black, paints her fingernails and lips the same colour (dark red), often has her hair curled rather messily thanks to steam from her potions, is relatively pale with basically flawless skin, for she spends a lot of time trying to make herself look beautiful. She gives off something of an 'untouchable' vibe - but that doesn't stop men from trying (and occaisionally getting severely, even fatally injured in the process).

- Clara is icy, b!tchy, and generally evil. Underneath all that, however, she's completely insecure and desperate for someone to love her, but she has her ideals and agendas. She loves to torture, especially with potions ("I love to watch men gasp, desperate for air, in their last struggles of life", she has said), and she loves control. She's been brought up to believe in pureblood supremacy, and she looks up to her older brother a lot, though she doesn't usually let that show. Just like her brother, she joined the Death Eaters a couple of years after graduation, after taking some time to explore the world. She is something of a tease, and she loves to trick and play with emotions, but she hates to have the same thing done back to her. She is easy to rile up and fluster (as certain people know), but she only gives people she deems worthy her time.

- There are only three living direct Schwarz decendants alive - Clara, Mark, and their sister Gretchen, who they have essentially disowned now she is married (to a muggleborn, no less). The three of them were born to Franz Schwarz, a German, and his Belgian wife, Claudia de Backer. The Schwarz family is an old German pureblood family, who most notably married in to the Engel family, another German pureblood family (however Ava Engel, Clara's grandmother, was the last to make such an advantageous match - see Johannes Engel, product of a marriage to a muggleborn).
The de Backer family is an old Belgian family, and the parents of both Franz and Claudia, who didn't care much for pureblood supremacy and didn't like the idea of warfare, threw the two together, and fortunately for them, they fell in love. However, they passed away in a horrifying accident when Clara was only two, leaving the three children to be raised by their paternal grandmother, Ava.
The Schwarz family mansion still stands, just outside Berlin, but it is mostly unoccupied. Clara and Mark use it at their will whenever they are in Germany, (Clara more than Mark), but considering the two of them mostly reside in New Zealand, the place gathers dust most of the time. Clara, however, makes occaisional trips back home, in order to check up on the house and the family possessions.

- Clara has a white Burmese cat, named Amadeus (as in Mozart), which she usually calls 'Schatzi' (as in 'sweetheart'). Amadeus is her main confidante, and perhaps the only being she openly shows any sort of affection towards.

Area of Residence:
- Born in Berlin, Germany, now resides primarily in New Zealand.

Blood Status:
- Pureblood (pending).

- Clara was born in Berlin, and after her mother and father passed away, Clara, Mark and Gretchen returned to their family home, the Schwarz Manor, with their paternal grandmother, Ava. They grew up quite comfortably, and were taught the values of pureblood supremacy and hatred of muggles. Gretchen, being rather soft-hearted like her parents, refused to subscribe to those beliefs, but Mark and especially Clara followed them rigidly. Mark was sent to Durmstrang, as with all the family, followed by Gretchen two years later, and Clara three years after that. While she was an annoyance to her brother for a lot of the time, she grew in to herself more and became a formidible student, becoming Head Girl in her final year (and lording over the place with her good friends Adrianne Sedgewick and Sophora Knox). Since then, she has been doing what she does best - flirting, charming, torturing, and brewing potions.

Special Abilities:
- None.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Aside from torturing and killing (lovely), Clara likes to brew potions, flirt (just to keep in practice), as well as read and dance. The last one is something of a secret, only her schatzi Amadeus knows, actually. She also likes to bake and do other rather feminine and embarassing things, but to others she appears tough and more like a monster than a human being. Except to those who get under her skin, of course.

Additional Skills:
- Potion brewing, of course, and she can hold her own quite well in a duel.

- She's good at what she does, and she's tenacious. She takes pride in her appearance and she is rather clever, albeit prejudiced and snobbish. She does have love to give, believe it or not, but she doesn't let herself love easily, nor does she really know how to do it properly.

- Ooh, where to begin? She's too sensitive, she lets people get under her skin way too easily. She cares far too much about what other people think, she's got too much pride, she's too prejudiced...Clara is inherantly flawed, basically.

Describe your character in three words:
- Snobbish, stylish, and sensitive.

Favourite place to be:
- The Schwarz Manor, or anywhere where she can do what she does best and brew potions.

- She keeps some contact with her old school friends, Adrianne and Sophora, but because of her attitude, she doesn't exactly have thousands of friends. She has a vague love-hate (mostly hate) relationship with Joseph Adler, and spends the most time with her brother, Mark.

Best school subjects:
- Potions, Herbology, Arithmancy, and Dark Arts.

Worst school subjects:
- History of Magic. It just didn't appeal much to Clara. It was interesting enough, but not really her scene, as she put it.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Quidditch, but she wasn't a brilliant flier by any stretch. She also played wizarding chess.

- Clara graduated, as Head Girl of Durmstrang, in 2019 (???)

Current Job:
- Works as a freelance potioneer, mostly living off inheritance/selling her potions. She's also a Death Eater, which is more an occupation than a job.

Plans for your future:
- Perhaps a proper job? Though being conventional would hardly suit Clara. Perhaps finding someone to marry? Maybe. They'd have to be a very special person, however.

Your Patronus:
- a thestral. It suits her morbid nature, really. And she's a highly misunderstood creature.

Your Patronus memory:
- The day she was named Head Girl of Durmstrang. It was so pleasing to Clara to be the most successful child in the family, to surpass both her brother and sister and be the most successful. And the power wasn't too bad, either.

Your Boggart:
- Acid. Well, specifically, acid (amongst other things) used to disfigure her and render her hideous. She's seen the damage she can do with poisons, she doesn't want the same done to her. She doesn't want to lose her looks, or worse, be killed.

Your Animagus:
- none. Though if she were one, she would turn in to a feline animal of some description.

Mirror of Erised:
- Clara would see herself, beautiful, successful, perhaps married to a perfect pureblood man (who may or may not take the shape of Joseph Adler, she'd never tell), formidable, and happy.

A page from your diary:
Age Six said:
Hallo! Schatzi, I am so mad! Mark, mein bruder ist is gone to Durmstrang, and I am at home with Grandmother (I think that's the right word) and Gretchen. Das ist verruckt! I am smarter than him. I don't care if he is old enough for school. I want to go too!
You see I am writing in Englisch English. Johannes told me I should try learn it because I am very smart and would be good at it. I am going to be so much betterer than him when he come back for the holiday. It took me a long time to look up all the words for this, but I will keep practice!
Love, Clara

Age Eleven said:
Well, Schatzi. Now I am going to Durmstrang too. I am scared, but I wouldn't ever tell anyone. Because I know I'm going to do wonderfully, but what if I do something wrong? What if I'm not good enough? What if I'm not the smartest or the prettiest in my grade. I'll be very sad, Schatzi. But when Mark asks if I am excited, I always smile and say "yes, but it is going to be very easy". He always laughs, and I laugh too - because I am relieved. Fooling people is not easy.
Mark is going to be a fifth year. He says he won't see me very often but I think I will see him a lot. He has such cool friends - he has a friend called Joseph who is mean to me but I think he likes me because we are like each other. And Johannes is a friend too, though he is not as superior. He is nice but he always seems to know everything. I don't think he believes that I am not scared. He just smiles and nods, and says my English is much better and that I will do very well.
Oh, Schatzi. I leave tomorrow. Should I say I'm terribly ill and not ready to go?
Oh no, I couldn't do that. I would not be happy if I didn't go. I guess I'll just have to not be scared. Or play pretend and say I'm not.
I need sleep.
Love, Clara.

Age Fourteen said:
Schatzi, I think I'm in love.
This is so stupid! Gott verdammt, he is not worth my time! But why can't I stop thinking about him? I'm glad he'll be gone from the school, soon. I will miss Mark but it will be good to be away from him. Joseph Adler. That smug...idiotic...handsome...perfect man! I find it very hard to concentrate.
Ugh, I hate him so much! He's always mean to me, always teases me... why do I want him to kiss me so badly?

Age Nineteen said:
I did it, Schatzi, I finished school. I graduated as Head Girl of Durmstrang, with top marks in Potions and excellent marks all around. what do I do?
Gretchen is getting married in a few weeks, foolish girl. How dare she marry mudblood filth? Has she no shame?
And Mark...Mark is moving to New Zealand, of all places. He has joined the league of our bretheren. I want to join, too. Maybe I should. First, I should travel the world. Or something. Oh, Schatzi, I don't know!
I don't know what else to say, either. I suppose I will write again when I have a hold on my life.
Just some questions for Clara.
Answer them IC or OOC, however you see fit!

Judging by Clara's personality and appearance, she seems to like to wear the shoes in a relationship (most situations). Is this due to a past incident where she was ruled over? Is it just in her way's of being brought up?

Clara seems to like to dance in her free time. Has she had any professional lessons prior, or does she just like to bounce around and have a good time?

If Clara was to be an Animagi, it say's that she would be some sort of feline animal. Why is this?

Clara states that she spends most of her time with Mark (Brother). Are the two of them close, do they get along all the time or do they often bicker between one another?

Does Clara Franziska Schwarz have any meaning? Did you look into the name (s) meanings or was it simply a assortment of names that came to your head?

Why did Clara moved to New Zealand?
Ooh, thank you for the questions! ^_^

Judging by Clara's personality and appearance, she seems to like to wear the shoes in a relationship (most situations). Is this due to a past incident where she was ruled over? Is it just in her way's of being brought up?
I'd say it's mostly due to how she was brought up. As the youngest, she was always treated as the baby, and she grew to hate that very quickly. Also as the youngest, she had to live up to the achievements of her brother and sister (mostly her brother), and so she had to build herself up to be as strong and as dominant as possible. She grew to love the feeling of being in control, too, and as such is hardly inclined to let that go for anyone.

Clara seems to like to dance in her free time. Has she had any professional lessons prior, or does she just like to bounce around and have a good time?
Before she left Germany, she had some dance lessons - so she can ballroom dance. Of course, that's a big secret and she'd hate for that to get out. But also, she likes to generally relax, move about, and enjoy herself. Again, not that she'd let anyone know that. It's the good thing about having the empty manor in Germany. Lots of space to unwind and be the self that she is but doesn't want people to know.

If Clara was to be an Animagi, it say's that she would be some sort of feline animal. Why is this?
Cats are very solitary creatures, and Clara, despite her attachment to a couple of people, considers herself to be quite solitary and able to take care of herself. They're also quite coy and sly, which suits her perfectly. Larger felines, such as leopards and tigers, would also suit her considering they're similar but stronger and more ferocious. And Clara, despite her sensitivity, is not without ferocity.

Clara states that she spends most of her time with Mark (Brother). Are the two of them close, do they get along all the time or do they often bicker between one another?
They are very close, Clara sees Mark as something of a role model - though she doesn't like him to think that, naturally. He knows he is a role model to her, however she knows she has great influence and persuasion over her brother. Despite all this, they get along famously. There has been some incidents where they have had falling outs, but they always mend it quickly. With only the two of them left as close family (they ignore their sister, considering her blood betrayal), it falls to them to be there for each other. Especially considering their line of work.

Does Clara Franziska Schwarz have any meaning? Did you look into the name (s) meanings or was it simply a assortment of names that came to your head?
Schwarz is German for Black, and as the family has long been supporting/practicing the Dark Arts, this name is perfectly suited to the family. Clara is a common name in Germany, meaning "clear/bright/famous" Bright and famous certainly suit her - she is quite intelligent, and strives for greatness, for fame. As for Franziska, that name comes from her great-aunt, Franziska, who showed much promise (just like Clara), but unfortunately was killed at the age of 18.
no I totally didn't take Franziska from Franziska von Karma from Ace Attorney what are you talking about

Why did Clara move to New Zealand?
Basically, there was nothing left for her in Germany. All the family were gone (Gretchen had moved to Sweden with her "mudblood" husband, Mark had moved to New Zealand for a fresh start), and Clara didn't want to be living in the Schwarz Manor all alone, not when she wasn't even twenty and hardly old enough to be the mistress of the family. As she'd always been close with her brother, she felt it only logical to join him, work for a few years, and then maybe consider going home when she felt ready.

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