Clara Schwarz

Clara Schwarz

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hemlock Wand 13 1/3", Essence of Niffler Fur
The Basics
Character's Name: Clara Franziska Schwarz.
Clara: Clear, bright, famous.
Franziska: After her great-aunt, Franziska Schwarz, who unfortunately passed away at the age of eighteen.
Schwarz: German for 'Black'.
Character's Birthdate: 13th May, 2001
Blood Status: Pureblood. (Approved)
Wand: Hemlock Wand 13 1/3", Essence of Niffler Fur.
Hemlock: "In ancient Greece, poison was brewed from the Hemlock and therefore this makes a wonderful wood for those who are a fan of potion making or even those involved in the dark arts."
Niffler Fir: "Attracted to all things shiny this core reflects the vanity of the owner and is helpful in attaining wealth and power."
(Source for all of the above)
Educated At: Durmstrang Academy.
Occupation: Death Eater, potioneer.
Country of Origin: Germany.
Currently Located: New Zealand. Often travels home to maintain the family manor, however.
Hair: Blonde, comes to about midway down her back. Usually falls with a slight wave.
Eyes: Pale blue, almost a grey-blue, really.
Height: 5'8". Clara always laments the fact that she is short. Technically, she's not extremely short, but she's not particuarly tall either. Her brother is 6'3", and her elder sister is 5'11", so Clara is the short one in the family. Which she hates, because Clara hates to be looked down upon.
Style: Clara likes to look as elegant as possible. She usually wears nice dresses or skirts and tops that accentuate her nice figure. She also chooses to wear heels, which, while painful (though cushioning charms do help), add a little bit of height. She usually dresses in neutral or dark colours, although she is known to paint her nails red, and she likes to make sure she always looks her best, as she takes great pride in her appearance.
Other Distinguishing Features: She has a scar on her knee from when she fell off a swing when she was three, but it's barely noticible and she likes to cover it up. She doesn't have the Dark Mark yet, but she will get it soon. Naturally, she will always keep that covered up.
A Little Deeper
Personality:(Psychoanalyze your character. How do they act? Why do they act that way?)
Special Talents/Abilities: (Does your character have an approved special ability/condition/race? Do they have a unique talent or extraordinary skill? Explain it all here.)
History:(A history of your character's life. Growing up, schooling, loves, hatreds, everything and anything leading up to their present-day 'self')
Family:(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings, children etc.] and some on them [A mini bio, if you will {Age, occupation, blood status, a little history}])

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